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Content available Stanisław Staszic. Między Bogiem a naturą
From a very young age till the last days of his life, Stanisław Staszic was occupied by the question of the relationship between God and Nature. In particular, the Polish thinker was interested in the vision of the world in which human life and Nature were seen in unison, in accordance with laws of reason and the outcomes of scientific investigations. His deliberations on Nature validated his monistic worldview, encompassed within a deistic general framework. Staszic pointed out many times that natural order is the creation of God, however, earthly issues are in the hands of humans. In the last years of his life he withdrew from God. He did not accept the Church’s hierarchy, while his approach to the Creator was ambivalent.
Religious policy during the Maoist period could be divided into the long-term policy, the aim of which is the decline of religion, and the short-term policy which is valid till the disappearance of religion. According to the Marxist theory, religion stems from the class struggle and is a tool for using masses, weakening their revolutionary enthusiasm, and a product of class society and social inequality. The oppressed people saw in religion the only hope for better life after death. The Chinese communists were of the opinion that after reaching the ideal of classless society, without exploiters and the oppressed, religion should naturally disappear because there will not be any demand for its compensation function. Till the moment of reaching this ideal, the short-term policy the aim of which is taking control over religion and using it for building the new China, shall still be effective. The pursuit of localizing religion, grounding the religious issues on socalled three autonomies, linking religion with patriotism and anti-imperialism as well as establishing state institutions controlling the religious practices, define the short-term religious policy of the Maoist period. This period is characterized both by the liberal and repressive approach (repressive especially during the Cultural Revolution) towards religion. It was the Deng Xiaoping's rule when the liberalization of the immediate religious policy together with maintaining its theoretical basis and long-term goals was initiated.
In 1888, possession of the Białowieża Forest passe into the hands of the tsarist rogal family. The Forest was frequently visited by the Romanovs and thus became an important place on the map of the Russian Empire, retaining at the same time it a specific quality as an wrea where two cultures and Christian denominations merge with each other. Raised from as early as 1889 onwards, the palace and Russian Orthodox church were to prove the exterior expressions of this human feature. This text concerns the history of the church of St. Teresa of Jesus the Christchild at Białowieża and the ideological reasoning behind its construction. The main building had gone up by 1931. Ceremonial consecration was carried out on 16th October 1935 by archbishop Romuald Jałbrzykowski.
This study aims to provide a comprehensive examination of the phenomenon of samizdat periodicals in Slovakia. It provides a definition of the term and presents the history of samizdat with a focus on social and historical context. As part of a detailed examination of samizdat publications, the paper deals with topics such as circulation, authorship, audience, as well as technical issues related to production – from the acquisition of paper, printing technologies or forms of distribution, circulation or periodicity, to editing and content. The study also examines the attitudes on samizdat of the official Catholic Church structures, i.e. the Vatican, as well as local government authorities.
Defining euthanasia and aggressive treatment is of crucial importance from a researcher’s point of view as any problems concerning the ethical consideration of the two issues stem from their faulty or ambiguous definitions. The Decalogue, with its fifth commandment: "you shall not kill" is the foundation of the Catholic ethics. It prohibits any form of euthanasia as it infringes upon God's power and is an act of usurping God’s right to decide on life and death. The authors present an overview of numerous documents on the value of life by the Catholic Hierarchy to point to the sources of euthanasia prohibition among the followers of this faith and their consent to the use of aggressive treatment.
This article will present two media incidents that occurred in April 2019 in two dioceses of the Catholic Church in Poland. These events share several features, one of which – the burning of objects (which I described as modern autodafe) – is an important connecting factor. The purpose of the article will be cultural, media and religious studies analysis of these events.
In our world today, afflicted by wars between States, by conflict between groups within States, and by the scourge of terrorism, civilians constitute the ‘vast majority of casualties in situations of armed conflict’ (UN Security Council, Resolution 1894, 2009). Civilian victims of documented and un-documented armed conflicts and their destructive consequences run in the millions. An overwhelming majority of the dead, injured, disabled are civilians and damages caused by armed conflicts primarily affect the civilian infrastructure and the basic resources of subsistence of entire populations. Civilians today are in the line of fire not only as a side effect of war. Increasingly, they are becoming the prime and intentional targets of combatants and armed elements. ‘Political and military designs supersede basic respect for the dignity and rights of persons and communities’ (Migliore 2009) and civilians are becoming deliberate targets and means for achieving political or military gains. They are even being used as a human shield for armed advancement. The menace of civilian deaths in the line of fire is of utmost concern for all humanity, for all religions, and for Christianity. Among the foundational teachings on which the Catholic perspective to this important issue of placing civilians in the line of fire is based, we can identify three core beliefs: a) all human beings are equal in dignity and their life is sacred; b) the right and duty to defend the life and common good from unjust aggressors; c) the permanent validity of the moral law forbidding murder even in the context of armed conflicts. After considering these the paper studies some of the ways in which the Catholic Church responds to the situation of civilians caught in the line of fire.
The subject of this text is the problem of general evaluation of the pontificate of Benedict XVI. The author discusses what criteria should guide the researcher who wants to make an objective evaluation of the pontificate of this Pope. He also wants to propose a set of guidelines, on the basis of which one could attempt to evaluate other, past and future papal pontificates. In his considerations, the author refers to the concept of megatrends of civilization and culture, proposing to adopt it as a general set of guidelines, in reference to which one can formulate research questions helpful in the evaluation of the papal pontificate.
Polska Kronika Filmowa Kościół katolicki Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa
During the establishment of the new regime in Poland after the war for Communists it was important to maintain harmonious relationship with most circles and maintain a semblance of religious tolerance. Information presented in Polish Newsreels faithfully and objectively presented religious events taking place in the country. The situation changed at the beginning of 1948, when Polish Newsreels had become an active co-creator of anti-clerical propaganda campaigns. Commonly discussed topics included political show trials of the clergy, manipulated reports about public support for Government anti-Church activities, promotion of the attitudes displayed by the Patriot Priests Movement, as well as reports of the oath of allegiance and loyalty to Polish People’s Republic made by members of the clergy. Analysis of various editions of The Newsreel presents the rhetoric used for this purpose and reconstructs film composition and editing techniques employed in some of the editions.
The paper aims to depict State-Catholic Church relations within the framework of the discourse of the „Gość Niedzielny” weekly. Since the relations between the State and the Church are very complex the paper focuses on one, controversial topic, namely public education (religious education and sexual education in particular). Research findings suggest that the journalists of „Gość Niedzielny” expected the State to fulfill the demands proposed by them, as they represent the Catholic majority.
Artykuł jest próbą spojrzenia na relacje państwo – kościół katolicki poprzez pryzmat dyskursu „Gościa Niedzielnego”. Z uwagi na ich złożony charakter, w centrum zainteresowania znalazł się jeden, konfliktogenny obszar: edukacja publiczna, a dokładniej lekcje religii oraz edukacja seksualna. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań sugerują, że na łamach „Gościa” oczekiwano, iż państwo spełni formułowane przez redakcję postulaty, z uwagi na fakt, że reprezentują one katolicką większość.
Jednym z głównych problemów wewnętrznych o charakterze społecznym, z którym przez okres dwóch ostatnich pontyfikatów zmaga się instytucja Kościoła katolickiego jest występowanie w jego szeregach procederu pedofilii. Artkuł stanowi analizę różnicy w podejściu do problemu na przestrzeni dwóch ostatnich pontyfikatów, a badana skala zjawiska oraz zasięg terytorialny pozwala bez wątpienia nadać temu procederowi charakter globalny. W oparciu o analizy pontyfikatów wyraźnie zarysowuje się obraz problemu pedofilii w Kościele jako spuścizny po wieloletniej polityce tuszowania tego typu nadużyć seksualnych przez zwierzchników Kościoła. Ujawnienie przypadków nadużyć seksualnych, których dopuszczali się duchowni względem nieletnich w poszczególnych krajach, były bezpośrednią przyczyną kryzysu tamtejszych Kościołów powszechnych przypadających na okres pontyfikatu Benedykta XVI i papieża Franciszka.
One of the main internal social problems with which the institution of the Catholic Church struggles over the last two pontificates is the occurrence of pedophilia in its ranks. The article analyzes the difference in the approach to the problem over the last two pontificates, and the studied scale of the phenomenon and the territorial scope allow undoubtedly giving this practice a global character. Based on the analyzes of pontificates, the picture of the problem of pedophilia in the Church clearly emerges as a legacy after many years of policy of covering this type of sexual abuse by church leaders. The disclosure of cases of sexual abuse committed by ministers in individual countries was the direct cause of the crisis of the local universal Churches during the pontificate of Benedict XVI and Pope Francis.
This scientific article basically consists of two autonomous parts; a short introduction and an ending. The first part begins with an explanation of the prevailing realities between the Catholic Church and the Polish state in the 1970s. The first part of this chapter is devoted to a detailed discussion of the parishes in Nowa Huta which existed in that period, together with the actual state of the clergy and male and female religious orders located there. The second part of the work, however, contains a detailed description of the expansion, renovation and construction of sacred buildings in the area of individual parishes in Nowa Huta in the context of official atheisation of public space carried out by the communist authorities. The description of the struggle of the clergy and the faithful with local administrative authorities for the possibility of building new churches, as well as catechetical points, is shown by selected examples from the parishes of Bieńczyce, Pleszów, Mistrzejowice, Mogiła and Czyżyna.
Artykuł naukowy składa się zasadniczo z dwóch autonomicznych części oraz krótkiego wstępu i zakończenia. Pierwsza część rozpoczyna się od wyjaśnienia rzeczywistych realcji panujących na linii Kościół katolicki – państwo polskie w latach 70. XX wieku. Dalsza część tego rozdziału  została poświęcona na szczegółowe omówienie istniejących w rzeczonym okresie na obszarze nowohuckiego dekanatu parafii wraz ze stanem faktycznym kadry duchownych oraz znajdujących się tam wówczas zakonów męskich i żeńskich. Część druga pracy zawiera natomiast drobiazgowy opis rozbudowy, remontów i budowy obiektów sakralnych na terenie poszczególnych parafii w Nowej Hucie w kontekście prowadzonej przez władze komunistyczne urzędowej ateizacji przestrzeni publicznej. Opis zmagań duchowieństwa i wiernych z lokalnymi władzami administracyjnymi o możliwość budowy nowych kościołów, a także punktów katechetycznych, ukazano na wybranych przykładach z terenu parafii Bieńczyce, Pleszów, Mistrzejowice, Mogiła oraz Czyżyny.
Theatrum virtutum Divi Stanislai Hosii (Rome, 1588), an emblematic work by Tomasz Treter, is the subject of analysis aiming at diagnostic indication of its two dimensions, namely those related to emblems and panegyrics. Comparing apologias of one of the most significant persons in the Catholic church and merely moderate results of Hosius’ combats against evangelists in his diocese (first in the Bishopric of Culm, then diocese of Warmia) allows to call the inhibition of Counter-Reformation in Warmia only a limited success at the very most. The discrepancies between the contents of poems and chalcographies by Treter and their historical veracity reflect the scheme of allegory, which allowed even contradiction of signs and their meanings, and panegyric, with its truth about the past versus lie being fabrication or fiction.
The aim of the article is to present preliminary empirical research on the presence of parishes in contemporary virtual space. Technological development, the visual estimation of which is the social dimension of the Internet, has changed the perception and modified the rituals of everyday life. Technological determinism, defined today as a significant impact of technology and technological development on social development, is in some scientific circles considered the dominant instruction explaining the digital revolution and the relatively quick absorption of new media by wide social masses. In addition, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic since 2020 has further emphasized the need to use media and technology in the daily life of parish communities. The article presents research carried out on a group of 214 respondents, covering the issues of the functioning of parish communities in the virtual space and the assessment of activities by respondents. 
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja wstępnych badań empirycznych dotyczących obecności parafii we współczesnej przestrzeni wirtualnej. Rozwój technologiczny, którego naoczną egzemplifikacją jest społeczny wymiar Internetu, zmienił postrzeganie i zmodyfikował rytuały codzienności. Determinizm technologiczny, definiowany współcześnie jako znaczący wpływ technologii i rozwoju technologicznego na rozwój społeczny, jest w niektórych kręgach naukowych uznawany za dominującą instrukcję wyjaśniającą rewolucję cyfrową i relatywnie szybką absorpcję nowych mediów przez szerokie masy społeczne. Dodatkowo trwającaod 2020 roku pandemia wirusa SARS-CoV-2 jeszcze mocniej zaakcentowała potrzebę wykorzystywania mediów i technologii w codziennym życiu wspólnot parafialnych. W artykule zaprezentowano badania przeprowadzone na grupie 214 respondentów obejmujące problematykę funkcjonowania wspólnot parafialnych w przestrzeni wirtualnej i oceny działań przez respondentów.
In recent years, record books have been the subject of research not only for scientists but also for unprofessional genealogists. The Archive of the Koszalin-Kolobrzeg (Kołobrzeg) Diocese was established in 2003. The task of the staff was to take over from the parish archives the documentation created before 1945. The collection of 215 items of Catholic record books was extracted from the archives. They come from 39 Catholic parishes. After proper protection and development, they are now available in digital form to interested researchers. The catalog presented in the article contains the state of preservation and the enormous cognitive value of Catholic record books collected in the Koszalin archive.
Archiwum Diecezji Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskiej powstało w 2003 roku. Zadaniem pracowników tej instytucji było przejęcie z archiwów parafialnych dokumentacji wytworzonej przed 1945 roku. Spośród archiwaliów wyodrębniono liczący 215 pozycji zbiór katolickich ksiąg metrykalnych. Pochodzą one z 39 katolickich parafii. Po odpowiednim zabezpieczeniu i opracowaniu są udostępniane w formie cyfrowej zainteresowanym badaczom. Przedstawiony w artykule katalog przedstawia stan zachowania i ogromny walor poznawczy katolickich ksiąg metrykalnych zgromadzonych w koszalińskim archiwum.
After the initial destabilization of the Church’s charitable actions in the Tarnów diocese (subsidies from the curia, personal donations by priests and the faithful from the parish) to Caritas (mainly its headquarters), a marked increase in donations to Caritas in Tarnów were observed from 1942. The action of parochial donations (cash, in-kind contributions) for the Caritas headquarters was the largest one. During the years 1942-1944, cash and in-kind contributions were donated by approx. 30 parishes (approx. 30%), which were located in 15 deaneries (52%). In total, PLN 351,445 was donated, mainly from the parishes in the central and western zones of the Tarnów diocese. The generosity of the clergy from their personal income (iura stolae) culminated in 1944, when over 480 priests (compared to 88 in 1940) transferred over PLN 320,000 to Caritas. Financial and material support, as well as donations from the faithful to parochial Caritas branches, did not acquire a universal character, with just isolated cases being recorded in the Tarnów diocese. Locally, however, these funds were the basis of the Caritas’ branches’ budgets, sometimes even accounting for ¾ of their income. The subsidies from the Tarnów curia, thanks to the financial policy of Bishop Komar, constituted the most important item in the Caritas budget. By 1944, the curia had donated PLN 2,472,000. It was almost 60% of the total income of the Association, and more than 78% of all donations from the Church to the Association.
Po początkowej destabilizacji akcji ofiarności Kościoła w diecezji tarnowskiej (subwencje kurii, osobiste datki księży i ofiary wiernych z parafii) na rzecz Caritas (głównie centrali) od 1942 r. obserwuje się wyraźny wzrost datków na tarnowską Caritas. Najszersze rozmiary przybrała akcja ofiar parafialnych (gotówka, naturalia) na centralę Caritas. W latach 1942-1944 na cele społeczne gotówkę i naturalia przekazywało ok. 30 parafii (ok. 30%), które znajdowały się na terenie 15 dekanatów (52%). Ogółem przekazano 351 445 zł, głównie z parafii w środkowym i zachodnim pasie diecezji tarnowskiej. Ofiarność duchownych z osobistych dochodów (iura stolae) kulminację osiągnęła w 1944 r., kiedy to ponad 480 księży (wobec 88 w 1940 r.) przekazało Caritasowi ponad 320 tys. zł. Wsparcie finansowe i rzeczowe, jak i datki wiernych na rzecz oddziałów parafialnych Caritas nie przybrały charakteru powszechnego, obserwowano raczej odosobnione przypadki na terenie diecezji tarnowskiej. Lokalnie jednak środki te były podstawą budżetu oddziałów, stanowiąc niekiedy nawet ¾ jego dochodów. Subwencje kurii tarnowskiej, dzięki polityce finansowej bp Komara, stanowiły najpoważniejszą pozycję w budżecie Caritas. Do 1944 r. kuria przekazała 2 472 000 zł. Było to prawie 60% ogółu przychodów Związku, ponad 78% zaś wszystkich ofiar ze strony Kościoła na stowarzyszenie.
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