The genetic Variation of Reed Grass Calamagrostis arundinacea (L.) Roth was investigated in 25 populations in various geographic regions of Poland. A total of 907 individuals were sampled for electrophoretic analysis of peroxidase loci (11 allozymes). Populations were characterised by genetic parameters e.g. heterozygosity level, Wright's fixation index (F) and polymorphism coefficient (Pg). Mean values of interpopulation variability level (GST=0.0310), total genetic diversity (HT=0.4102) and gene flow between populations (Nm=7.805) were also examined. All the populations were polymorphic and they remain in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium.
Badania przeprowadzono w Bieszczadach Zachodnich. Oznaczano między innymi zawartość Ca, Mg i K w dominujących gatunkach roślinności połonin: Deschampsia caespitosa, Calamagrostis arundinacea, Vaccinium myrtillus. Roślinność połonin odgrywa szczególną rolę w krążeniu pierwiastków, podobnie powierzchniowe, organiczne, ochronne poziomy gleb. Gospodarcza eksploatacja środowiska połonin mogłaby spowodować jego szybką degradację.
The investigations were carried out in Western Bieszczady mountains. The upper organic horizon of the mountain meadow soils in the Bieszczady plays an important protective, buffer and retension role. The Bieszczady mountain soils and dominating plants: Deschampsia caespitosa, Calamagrostis arundinacea, Vaccinium myrtillus indicate the closing and protection of calcium in the biological cycle. The strict protection of all the mountain meadows within the Bieszczady National Park guarantees the preservation of this unique ecosystem.