The measurements of geometrical distribution of thermal neutron flux in research reactors are often used in the field of reactor operation and reactor physics. Usually such measurements are carried out by using the gold wire activation method. This method has been used for measuring a thermal neutron flux at the location of a Cobalt Irradiation Device (CID) of ETRR-2. A special device was used for locating samples in an irradiation box and the measurements were performed for seventy-two positions. The Monte Carlo MCNP-4B code has been used for the modeling and simulation of ETRR-2 core with structural materials and surrounding beryllium reflectors. The device used in the flux measurement was also simulated in the MCNP-4B model. The thermal flux has been calculated and compared with the experimental one. The results show good agreement between the measured and calculated flux.
The article discusses the historical and literary origin of Cid - a Castilian knight of the times of the re-conquest - who in an oral form through Latin and Arabian chronicles and written in Spain epic poems and lyrical songs entered the world literature to become one of its most vital theme. At the source of Cid's popularity, in Spanish writing, compared only to the figure of don Juan, lies the value of the first literary creation of the protagonist - 13th century 'Song of Cid', as well as the stage version of a young Cid's endeavors by Guillén de Castro. The latter inspired Pierre Corneille to composing the famous drama 'Le Cid', which became the source text of the congenial translation into Polish by Jan Andrzej Morsztyn. A review of the most important literary creation of Cid is here connected with the analyses of its Polish translations.
Fotonowe detektory średniej podczerwieni wymagają chłodzenia celem zredukowania niepożądanych szumów, wśród których główną rolę odgrywają procesy generacyjno-rekombinacyjne (GR) Augera i Shockley-Read-Halla (SRH), jak również efekty tunelowe. Zwiększenie temperatury pracy detektora (warunki pracy HOT – high operating temperature) jest istotnym elementem wytwarzania systemów detekcyjnych spełniających kryteria SWaP (size, weight and power). Początkowe prace nad detektorami HOT skupiły się na wykorzystaniu efektu fotoprzewodnictwa i efektu fotoelektromagnetycznego. W następnej kolejności podjęto próby wykorzystania zjawisk nierównowagowych ograniczających procesy GR Augera, jak również zredukowania objętości detektora, czego ostatnim przykładem są struktury typu PTD (photon trapping detectors). Badane od dwóch dekad unipolarne i komplementarne struktury barierowe, jak również struktury wielokrotne (CID-cascade infrared detectors) zademonstrowały możliwości pracy w warunkach HOT. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia osiągi barierowych detektorów typu nBnnn+ InAsSb; nBnn, nB1nB2 z HgCdTe oraz CID z T2SLs InAs/GaSb oraz ich możliwości w rozwoju wysokotemperaturowych detektorów MWIR na tle innych technologii HOT.
The photon infrared detectors require cryogenic cooling to suppress dark current, which is typically limited by Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) and Auger generation-recombination (GR) processes and tunneling effects. Currently, increasing the operating temperature (HOT-high operating temperature) of the infrared detection systems without sacrificing its performance remains to be a crucial objective as for as SWaP (size, weight and power) is concerned. The preliminary R&D was focused on the photoconductive and photoelectromagnetic effects. The next step was to incorporate non-equilibrium effects to suppress GR Auger process. The idea of PTD (photon trapping detectors) has been used to increase quantum efficiency and limit dark current. Recently, the barrier UBIRD and CBIRD structures (T2SLs InAs/GaSb, InAsSb, HgCdTe) and cascade architectures (CID - cascade infrared detectors) has shown the potential capabilities to operate at HOT conditions. The paper presents the nBnnn+ InAsSb; nBnn, nB1nB2 z HgCdTe barrier structures’ performance and T2SLs InAs/GaSb CID detectors and their potential capabilities in HOT detectors’ development in MWIR range.
Nowatorski system tandemowej spektrometrii mas tandemowej spektrometrii mas (PTM Discovery System), oferuje użytkownikowi możliwość zastosowania dwóch różnych metod fragmentacji MS: CID (ang. – collision induced dissociation) oraz ETD (ang. – electron transfer dissociation), których wyniki doskonale się uzupełniają. Informacje uzyskane przy pomocy obu technik idealnie nadają się do analizy modyfikacji posttranslacyjnych (PTM) białek, np. fosforyzacji. Fragmentacja oparta na metodzie ETD, podobnie jak powszechnie znana metoda CID, pozwala na szybką identyfikację peptydów w połączeniu z technikami rozdziału online.
A novel tandem mass spectrometry instrument (PTM Discovery System) offers the application of two different MS fragmentation techniques (i.e. collision induced dissociation, CID, and electron transfer dissociation, ETD) showing highly complementary fragmentation results. The information obtained from both techniques is ideally suited for the characterization of post translational modification (PTM), such as phosphorylation. ETD based fragmentation shows a similar short duty cycle as common CID, allowing fast peptide identification and characterization in combination with online separation techniques.
Fraudulent financial reporting practices can have significant consequences for organizations and all stakeholders, as well as, for public confidence in the capital and security markets. In fact, comprehensive, accurate and reliable financial reporting is the bedrock upon which our markets are based. Keen to project a rosy picture of the Satyam to investors, employees and analysts, Mr. Raju (CEO and Chairman) fudged the account books so that it appeared to be a far bigger enterprise, with high profits and fast growth rate, than it actually was. The Satyam fraud has shattered the dreams of different categories of investors, shocked the government and regulators alike, and led to questioning of the accounting practices of statutory auditors and corporate governance norms in India. This is an exploratory study based on secondary sources of information. An attempt has been made to provide an explanation for various intriguing questions about Satyam scam. After thorough investigations by the CBI and SEBI, they have unveiled the methodology by which Satyam fraud was engineered. Finally, we recommend “Fraudulent reporting practices should be considered as a serious crime, and accounting bodies, courts and other regulatory authorities in India need to adopt very strict punitive measures to stop such unethical practices”.
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