Business English can be viewed as a core cross-cultural competence in today's globalized village. It is also an intellectual bridge for better understanding. This paper is based on my own teaching and education management experience of more than fifteen years in the United States, Canada and Poland where I have taught Business English and management. Instructors of Business English as a second language (ESL) and management sciences could greatly enhance their students' learning by employing the case-study method and e-learning in tandem. I outline the characteristics of what I call the syncretic case study method which is a blend of two case study approaches, the Western Ontario University and Harvard methods. Business English as a central component of curriculum must take into act the interconnected and multicultural world.
Business English może być postrzegany jako kluczowa kompetencja w globalnej wiosce. Jest on również intelektualnym pomostem lepszej komunikacji w biznesie. Poniższy artykuł jest podsumowaniem mojego ponad 15-letniego doświadczenia w nauczaniu i zarządzaniu edukacją w Kanadzie, USA i Polsce. Artykuł przedstawia zalety zastosowanie metody synkretycznej, będącej wypadkową metod nauczania za pomocą case studies przez uniwersytety Harvarda i Western Ontario. Business English jako centralna część programu komunikacji w organizacji musi brać pod uwagę powiązany i multikulturowy świat.
The paper is motivated by the widely held view that LSP pedagogy should aim to develop students' dual competence, encompassing − on the one hand − their linguistic knowledge and skills, and − on the other − their professional competence including (elements of) specialist content knowledge and the skills necessary to effectively communicate in specific purpose settings. Consequently, assessment in LSP pedagogy should take into account not only students' linguistic competence, but also measure their ability to effectively and professionally perform communicative tasks typical of the target settings. The study examines how pre-experience undergraduate students at the University of Economics in Katowice perceive assessment of their professional communicative competence, including elements of specific purpose knowledge, by a Business English teacher. The findings suggest that the degree of acceptance for the assessment of dual competence in a university Business English course is very high; importantly, it increases with students' growing business awareness and content knowledge.
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Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie teoretycznych i praktycznych podstaw metodologii nauczania języków obcych w celach specjalistycznych, z uwzględnieniem nauczania języka biznesu. Omówię specyficzne cele kursów języka obcego dla biznesu oraz wynikające z tego implikacje metodologiczne dla nauczycieli. (fragment tekstu)
In the age of rapidly developing international scientific co-operation and trade, courses of foreign language for specialist purposes are becoming more and more popular. These courses are conducted on the basis of the approach called English for Specific Purposes (ESP). This approach assumes that lan-guage teaching should be adjusted to specific linguistic and communicative needs of particular learners with special attention to sociocultural context in which they use or will use English language. In order to tailor the course to the learners' professional needs, the ESP course should be preceded by the analysis of the learners' needs related to their future professional work and plans for the future, the target situation analysis, which means identifying the features of a particular situation in which the students will use a foreign language and discourse analysis, that is, the analysis of the language used in these situations. The source of information on the students' needs are students themselves, the academic teachers and the employers. Methods of collecting the information include questionnaires, interviews and talks. All these procedures aim at maximization of the efficacy of the teaching process. Teaching English for Business Purposes (EBP) aims at preparing present and future businessmen to use a foreign language at their work. Therefore, in teaching EBP the greatest attention should be focused on acquiring communicative skills indispensable for conducting business negotiations, presentations, participation in meetings, talking to clients, writing letters and reports. Courses of this type should take into consideration cross-cultural aspect. The teaching methods include problem-solving, simulations, role-play, case-study and discourse analysis. (original abstract)
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Celami tego artykułu są: omówienie roli nauczyciela w nauczaniu języków specjalistycznych (autorka przyjmuje w dalszej części artykułu skrót ESP - English for special purposes - w odniesieniu do pojęcia "język specjalistyczny"), wskazanie, czym różni się jego praca od pracy nauczyciela języka ogólnego i z jakimi problemami mogą borykać się nauczyciele ESP. Najpierw zaprezentowane zostaną podstawowe pojęcia związane z ESP, następnie omówiona zostanie rola nauczyciela i różne jej aspekty. Wreszcie autorka przedstawi kwestie, które mogą utrudniać pracę każdego nauczyciela ESP. (fragment tekstu)
This paper aims to discuss the role of the ESP (English for Special Purposes) teacher - how it is different from teaching general English and what problems ESP teachers may encounter at their work. Firstly some basic concepts of ESP like its development and definition are presented, then different roles of the teacher in ESP classes are explored further. Finally, the author deals with some issues hindering the ESP teacher's work. i.e. lack of tradition, lack of specialist knowledge or lack of teaching materials. (original abstract)
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