Germany’s active involvement in military operations is subject to the Bundestag’s approval. A special Bundestag committee has been put in charge of streamlining the decision-making process. The committee has proposed that annual reports be filed on the Bundeswehr’s capacity to cooperate with allied armed forces and announced that Bundestag’s consent for operations will not be required to authorize the posting of soldiers in multinational command centers and staff of NATO or the EU as long as they are not located in conflict areas.
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The Armed Forces of Germany - Bundeswehr have undergone several reorganisations and restructuring since 1999. The fourth reorganisation reached the largest scale in the post-war history. Two dominant determinants of this long-term process: decreasing the number of personnel and shortening the time of conscription service have consequently contributed to creating three armed forces branches (land forces, air forces, the navy) and changing the organisation of the central health service and its bases working for respected armed forces branches. In practice, this process should be identified with their transformation, whose aim is to reach before 2010 much smaller but more effective Land Forces, the Engineers’ Troops including. Their structure, equipment, armament and system of training presented in this article are to be adequate to the requirements of operations conducted outside the German territory.
Not every national parliament vested with the authority to partake in decisions to deploy armed forces in military operations enjoys identical powers. In essence, democratic decision-making procedures govern collaboration between the executive and legislative branches of government. Having such procedures in place is a test of the democratic nature of a state and a prerequisite for its credibility as an international partner. The quality of collaboration among allies depends on their efficiency in deploying military force. It is therefore vital that each participating country be able to make its decisions effectively. The connection between the principle of parliamentary control over military matters and the need to deliver on alliance obligations is evident in Germany whose procedures on the use of military force envision a strong involvement on the part of legislative authorities. Germany’s active involvement in military operations is subject to the Bundestag’s approval. A special Bundestag committee has been put in charge of streamlining the decision-making process. The committee has proposed that annual reports be filed on the Bundeswehr’s capacity to cooperate with allied armed forces and announced that Bundestag’s consent for operations will not be required to authorize the posting of soldiers in multinational command centers of NATO and crews of AWACS’s as long as they are not located in conflict areas.
Uprawnienia tych parlamentów narodowych, które dysponują możliwościami współdecydowania o udziale sil zbrojnych w operacjach wojskowych nie są identyczne. Istotą procedur decyzyjnych w demokratycznych warunkach ustrojowych jest uregulowane współdziałanie władzy wykonawczej z władzą ustawodawczą. Świadczy to o demokratycznym charakterze państwa i jego wiarygodności jako partnera. Jakość współdziałania sojuszników zależy od sprawnego udostępniania przez nich zdolności militarnych, a zatem także od efektywnego procesu decyzyjnego w poszczególnych krajach. Zależność między zasadą kontroli parlamentu nad sprawami wojskowymi a koniecznością sprostania zobowiązaniom sojuszniczym jest widoczna szczególnie w przypadku Niemiec, dysponujących procedurami decyzyjnymi w zakresie użycia siły militarnej, które cechują silną partycypację władzy ustawodawczej. Aktywne zaangażowanie Niemiec w operacjach militarnych podlega aprobacie Bundestagu. Specjalna komisja Bundestagu odpowiadała za usprawnienie procesu decyzyjnego. Komisja zaproponowała, aby roczny raport dotyczył oceny zdolności Bundeswehry do kooperowania z sojuszniczymi siłami zbrojnymi i zapowiedziała, że zgoda Bundestagu na operacje nie będzie obejmowała konieczności autoryzowania obecności żołnierzy w wielonarodowych centrach dowodzenia/sztabach NATO i samolotach AWACS, o ile nie będą one zlokalizowane na obszarach konfliktu.
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In future the medical care will be realised in medical centres. 8 hospitals and 14 specialised centres subordinated to them will be still held. A close co-operation with civilian health service in the field of specialist care and improvement of military medical personnel education are scheduled. It is assumed that the level of services should be close to the level of civilian medical care. Bundeswehre’s new medical tasks of medical support for crisis management forces were defined in „Guidelines Relating to Medical Care of Soldiers in Foreign Operations” and in „Medical Support Conceptions”. A special stress was put on before clinic medical help conditioned, however, by mutual aid and friends’ help. All the soldiers will have to learn the techniques of cardiac pulmonic resuscitation, to administer pain relievers and, in the navy, to apply anti shock infusion. Medical units structures will be created dependent on real tasks performed by forces.
The principal objective of the paper is to present the outlook of joumalists writing for the socio-political weekly „Rzeczywistość” (such as Hubert Kozłowski, Wacław Piątkowski, Jerzy Pardus, Jan Norski, and Jan Rusinowicz) on the so-called ‘German issue’, which stirred up considerable controversy at the time of the Polish People’s Republic (PRL). In the period 1981-1989, the joumalists of „Rzeczywistość were waming against the German threat, which was in their opinion apparent in many forms. Their articles were supposed to produce the desired response in society, which should conseąuently support the Communist party in their struggle to defend the post-war status quo, deny the claim that there was a German minority in the PRL, and the perceive the strengthening army of the FRG, as well as the activities of German revanchists, as a threat.
Zasadniczym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie poglądów publicystów tygodnika społeczno-politycznego „Rzeczywistość” (, Huberta Kozłowskiego, Wacława Piątkowskiego, Jerzego Pardusa, Jana Norskiego, Jana Rusinowicza) na temat wzbudzający wiele kontrowersji w czasach PRL-u tzw. „kwestia niemiecka”. W latach 1981-1989 publicyści tygodnika społeczno-politycznego „Rzeczywistość” przestrzegali przed zagrożeniem niemieckim objawiającym się ich zdaniem w różnych odsłonach. Ich artykuły miały na celu wywołanie określonego rezonansu wśród społeczeństwa, które miało solidaryzować się z partią w obronie powojennego status quo, negowaniu tezy o istnieniu na terytorium PRL mniejszości niemieckiej oraz upatrywaniu zagrożenia w rosnącej w siłę armii RFN, czy też działaniach ziomkowskich odwetowców.
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