In the given work as settlement way attempt to estimate influence of various factors on temperature-humidity and is stress-deformed a condition of the chosen three-layer protecting design maintained in climatic conditions of city of Brest is made.
Forts XIX-XX c. in region Brest (Belarus) have historical and cultural value, cultural and tourist potential. Now this is forts destruction and use ineffective. The revitalization of historic forts including: principles of restoration and adaptation to cultural and tourist use, the suggestions about architectural and town-planning organization of the cultural and tourist objects (the determination of composition, capacity and location of services, the organization of transport and pedestrian movement and tourists’ routes, the rehabilitation and renovation of green plantations), the suggestions about the composition and contents of design work have been worked out. The methods used in the research are as follows: genetic analysis, graphical and analytical analysis, SWOT-analysis, correlation analysis, observation. Preconditions of modern use fortifications constructions in tourism system on an example of the architectural project revitalization fortification constructions in area Kozlovichi in Brest are developed.
The introduction presents the next stage in the research on the Brest Bible. It is the result of the conference organized in Brest in 2015, which was a continuation of a symposium that was also held in Brest to commemorate the 450th anniversary of the Radziwiłł Bible. The author presented main avenues of research on the Brest treasure and surveyed the themes of papers delivered by the participants. Their articles are included in the present volume of “Tematy i Konteksty”
Artykuł poświęcony jest nazwom ulic upamiętniających bohaterów zasłużonych w walkach podczas Wielkiej Wojny Ojczyźnianej w Brześciu i okolicach. Wśród nich znalazły się nazwiska: żołnierzy, którzy brali udział w obronie Twierdzy Brzeskiej przed Niemcami w 1941 roku (А. Ф. Наганов, В. В. Шабловский, И. Н. Зубачёв, Е. М. Фомин, А. М. Кижеватов, И. Ф. Акимочкин, П. М. Гаврилов), przywódców ruchu partyzanckiego w Brześciu i w regionie (И. И. Бобров, С. И. Сикорский, Л. А Базанова, З. Ф. Поплавский, Г. А. Аржанова, В. З. Хоружа, Н. Н. Дворников) oraz żołnierzy sowieckich, którzy brali udział w wyzwalaniu Brześcia spod okupacji niemieckiej podczas II wojny światowej (Д. М. Карбышев, И. П. Гуров, Г. И. Скрипников, В. И. Загороднев, П. А. Белов, А. М. Карасёв, В. С. Попов, П. С. Рябцев, С. М. Кривошеин).
This article presents street names commemorating people for their heroic fights during Great Patriotic War in Brest town and the region. These include soldiers who defended the Brest Fortress against the Nazis in June 1941 (А. Ф. Наганов, В. В. Шабловский, И. Н. Зубачёв, Е. М. Фомин, А. М. Кижеватов, И. Ф. Акимочкин, П. М. Гаврилов), the leadership of the partisan movement in the city of Brest and the district of Brest (И. И. Бобров, С. И. Сикорский, Л. А Базанова, З. Ф. Поплавский, Г. А. Аржанова, В. З. Хоружа, Н. Н. Дворников) and Soviet troops who took part in the liberation of the city of Brest from German occupation during Word War II (Д. М. Карбышев, И. П. Гуров, Г. И. Скрипников, В. И. Загороднев, П. А. Белов, А. М. Карасёв, В. С. Попов, П. С. Рябцев, С. М. Кривошеин).
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