In 2022-2023 specimens of A. fallax are recorded for the first time in approximately 17 years in Szczecin Lagoon. We collected 11 specimens of juveniles, 9 premature and mature females, and 9 premature and mature males (20.3-40.7 cm of total length, aged from 1+ to 4+). The 2+ aged fish was slightly dominated (34.5% of the whole sample). Females in the Szczecin Lagoon were ready to spawn in the age of 3+ and 4+ years, while males partly in 2+, and in the age of 3+ and 4+. Fulton’s condition factor of this fish was 0.93±0.14 and Clark’s 0.78±0.14. Analysis of correlations between the total length and individual weight of fish revealed that the growth of A. fallax was allometric (b < 3.0). The range of gonadosomatic index (GSI) was 0.12-26.59%, while the mean of the absolute and relative fecundity was 58,756 eggs per female and 139,650 eggs per kilogram of body weight. The obtained results indicate the occurrence of an anadromous population of Alosa fallax in the studied water areas. However, there is still a need to obtain detailed information on the population status and the biology of A. fallax in these areas in order to designate special conservation areas (SACs) for their protection, especially taking into account spawning habitats.
W pracy przedstawiono analizę litofacjalną współczesnych osadów Morza Bałtyckiego z obszaru południowej części Basenu Bornholmskiego. Na podstawie uziarnienia osadów wyróżniono cztery litofacje: A (żwiry, żwiry piaszczyste, piaski żwirowe, piaski różno-, grubo- i średnioziarniste), B (piaski drobnoziarniste), C (piaski drobnoziarniste i muliste), oraz D (muły piaszczyste, muły, muły ilaste, iły muliste). Przedstawiono ich charakterystykę podając typowe cechy uziarnienia, zawartości minerałów ciężkich, składu mineralno-petrograficznego i obtoczenia ziarn kwarcu. Określono prawidłowości poziomego i pionowego następstwa litofacji na badanym obszarze. Przedstawiono litodynamiczną i genetyczną interpretację cech litofacjalnych oraz podjęto próbę odtworzenia warunków ich powstawania, w powiązaniu ze współczesnymi warunkami hydrodynamicznymi południowego Bałtyku.
This work presents the lithofacial analyses of the recent Baltic Sea sediments from area of the southern part of Bornholm Basin. On the base of grain size distribution the four lithofacies are distinguished: A (gravels, sandy gravels, gravely sands and vary, coarse and medium grained sands), B (fine sands), C (silty sands), D (sandy silts, silts, clayey silts and silty clays). Each lithofacies is characterized by typical features of grain size distribution, heavy minerals contents, mineral-petrographic composition and roundnes of quartz grains. The horizontal and vertical sequences of lithofacies are analysed and model sequences are presented. Dynamic and origin of sediments is interpreted on the base of lithofacial features. There is also presented an attempt of correlation of sedimentary processes with the hydrodynamical conditions and model of lithosoms development.
The first baroclinic Rossby radius of deformation (R1) is a fundamental horizontal scale of mesoscale processes. This scale is important for planning both numerical modelling and study areas. R1 was computed on the basis of an 11-year series of high resolution CTD measurements collected during r/v ‘Oceania’ cruises. The data set covered the three main basins of the Baltic Proper: the Bornholm Basin (BB), the Słupsk Furrow (SF) and the Gdańsk Basin (GB). The smallest mean value of R1 was found in the Gdańsk Basin (5.2 km), the largest one in the Bornholm Deep (7.3 km). The seasonal variability of R1 is lower in the western basin than in the eastern one. The seasonal cycle of R1 may be broken by extreme events, e.g. main Baltic inflows (MBI) of saline water. The inflowing water rebuilds the vertical stratification in the southern Baltic Sea and dramatically changes the R1 values. The difference of R1 between a stagnation period and an inflow situation is shown on the basis of observations made during 2002–2003. The main inflow occurred in winter, after ten years of stagnation, and the very low values of R1 (about 4 km) changed to very high ones (more than 9 km). Analysis of stagnation and saltwater inflow events may throw light on the value of R1 in future climatic scenarios. The potential influence of climate change on Baltic Sea salinity, especially a decrease in MBI activity, may change the baroclinic Rossby radius of deformation and the mesoscale dynamics. Values of R1 are expected to be lower in the future climate than those measured nowadays.