A permanent campaign is one of the elements of political communication. It can be observed as a process since at least 2004. The aim of this analysis is the description of the phenomenon of the permanent campaign in Poland in terms of its genesis, elements and importance. The permanent campaign inPoland depends on several factors. First of all, its existence is possible thanks to the development of new media, political advising, and media visibility of politician's activity. The permanent campaign has lasted in Poland since 2004. It is connected with the development of political consulting and the appearance for the first time in Poland of specific media performances, such as inquiry committees. They were a kind of media attraction for viewers. An important element of the permanent campaign is the functioning of a multi-dimensional conflict between the rulers and the opposition. Antagonism is usually based on a different system of values, is difficult to eliminate, is profitable for both sides of the conflict, because it arouses the interest of the media and the audience's attention.(original abstract)
Niniejsza praca stawia sobie za cel analizę relacji między biopolityką a liberalizmem. Autor nawiązując do myśli Michela Foucaulta traktuje obie koncepcje jako przejawy nowoczesnej racjonalności rządzenia. Liberalizm nie jest w ujęciu Foucaulta zwykłą doktryną polityczno-ekonomiczną, lecz kwintesencją współczesnego myślenia o rządzeniu państwem, społeczeństwem, rynkiem i obywatelem. (fragment tekstu)
The article covers the relations between liberalism and bipolitics in the light of Michel Foucault's thought. The French author conceptualises liberalism and biopolitics as strategies of power and governmental rationalities related to population and individuals. Liberalism, using the discourse of freedom, makes freedom a condition for governing "the society of individuals". Biopower with its discourse of security focuses on strengthening the state but also vitality of individuals and the whole population. The text comprises the analysis of three main relations between both governmental rationalities. Firstly, liberal freedoms are possible under the condition of the existence of a stable state with its biopolitical-militaryapparatus of security. Secondly, when there is a conflict between security and freedom (it was presented a brief analysis of media discourse related to the ebola epidemic and the refugee crisis) liberalism becomes a critique of the negative biopolitics by advocating individual rights and "strangers". Thirdly, both biopolitics and (neo)liberalism can be understood as governmental strategies focusing on ruling the society with a view to consolidate a dominant political and economic system. Liberal individualisation of humans turns out to be a modern form of a soft subjugation, whereas biopolitics supports the free market and biocapitalism. (original abstract)
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