The ongoing financial crisis started in 2008 resulting in an increase in the unemployment rate was an impulse for the development in 2010, by the European Commission of the Strategy 2020. One of the aims of the European Commission was to raise the employment rate to 75%. Particular attention should be paid to those who have been unemployed for longer than 12 months (LTU — long-term unemployment). People who have been unemployed for a long time are discouraged, which makes it even harder for them to find a job. This causes the social and economic costs to society. In the struggle against long-term unemployment the Beveridge curve can be helpful, since itallows to diagnose whether the unemployment (LTU) is influenced by the business cycle or is a result of the structural problems on the labour market.
Relacja pomiędzy liczbą wakatów a bezrobociem, przedstawiona na podstawie krzywej Beveridge'a, wykazała, iż na unijnym rynku pracy nastąpił wzrost nieefektywności funk- cjonowania mechanizmu dopasowań w porównaniu z okresem sprzed kryzysu. Krzywa Beveridge'a przesunęła się w prawo, co oznacza, że mógł się ukształtować nowy krótko- okresowy punkt równowagi rynkowej, charakterystyczny dla okresu spowolnienia gospo- darczego, determinowany w znacznej mierze przez czynniki realne o charakterze niecy- klicznym. Przyczynami występującego niedopasowania na rynku pracy UE są głównie niewłaściwe przygotowanie zawodowe pracowników, stosunkowo sztywne ramy prawne regulujące funkcjonowanie polityki rynku pracy, a także niska mobilność wewnątrzunijna mieszkańców. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The relationships between the number of vacancies and unemployment expressed on the basis of the Beveridge curve showed that inefficiency of the mechanism of matches in the EU labor market has increased compared with the period before the crisis. The Beveridge curve was shifted to the right, which means that it could set a new short-term market equilibrium characteristic for a period of economic slowdown largely determined by real non-cyclical factors. The reasons for the mismatch in the EU labour market are mainly described by inadequate professional training of employees, relatively rigid legal framework for labour market policy and the low mobility of intra-EU residents. (original abstract)
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The author addresses the problem of potential fluctuations in the matching process efficiency in Poland in the time span of 2003-2008. This period reflects a systematic upward movement along a Beveridge curve, so we can expect minor (if any) reallocation and efficiency changes. However, knowing that the trade process is time- and resource-consuming and that on average it depends on the number of agents in the labour market and other variables, the author expresses doubt if it is homogenous even along the UV curve. The author uses aggregate time series and estimates various matching functions models handling econometrically for temporal aggregation bias in the data, and employs the concept of augmented matching function. At the disaggregated level the assumption of agents homogeneity is tested and the values of several mismatch indices in occupational and regional perspectives are computed. The aggregate matching function models estimates are in line with theoretical indications and prove no changes in the efficiency of the labour market matching process. It is hard, however, to confirm the assumption of agents homogeneity. In general, the analysed time span is characterized by an increase of labour market tightness indices, a decrease of unemployment rates and, in fact, minor mismatch changes (a slight increasing tendency with negligible value changes). This set indicates a lower aggregate disequilibrium.(original abstract)
Na początku artykułu krótko omówiono wyniki badania aktywności ekonomicznej ludności przeprowadzonego przez GUS. Przedstawiono symptomy wskazujące na brak elastyczności rynku pracy oraz opisano pomiar elastyczności rynku pracy w Polsce.
This article using the simple method of Robert Solow, which let us measure the flexibility on the labour market. According to Robert Solow the possition of Beveridge curve is a good index of flexibility on the labour market. This curve has the negative slant and shows the relation between the the rate of vacant workplacess and the rate of unemployment. This article is trying to prove that the high level of unemployment in Poland isn't the result of increasing flexibility on the labour market. (original abstract)
Paper describes matching on Polish labour market comparing simultaneously the process mechanism - random versus stock - flow one. This aims at determining the role of stock and flow variables in generating outflows from unemployment. Analysed period, 1999-2010, reflects relatively consequent behaviour of the Beveridge curve. There are presented estimates of the matching function, also handling the bias resulting from data temporal aggregation. Such problem arises when discrete time data is used to describe the continuous-time process. Elements of the Markov transition matrix are exploited to approximate the magnitude of the effects corresponding to basic flows on the labour market influencing the matching process: on-the-job search, out-of- -labour force search and discouraged workers. (original abstract)
Celem artykułu jest analiza typów bezrobocia występującego w Polsce w latach 1992-2008 na podstawie krzywej Beveridge'a i zmodyfikowanej krzywej, uwzględniającej zależność między liczbą wolnych miejsc pracy a liczbą zatrudnionych, która umożliwia uwzględnienie dezaktywizacji zawodowej w ograniczeniu bezrobocia w Polsce. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Unemployment in Poland varied in the period of 1992-2008. The theory enables to identify the types of unemployment. One of them is the Beveridge curve, which represents the relationship between the job vacancy and employment. If there is an increase in unemployment and a reduction in the number of vacancies at the same time, unemployment is cyclical. However, if most people seeking a job are accompanied by greater number of vacancies then the base of unemployment is structural mismatch. An economic recovery in the years 1995-1997 was characterized by structural changes. Unemployment decline rate was accompanied by reduction in the number of vacancies. An increase in the unemployment in the period of 1990-1993 as well as 1998-2001 was caused by a demand shock. Unemployment was growing and the number of available jobs lowered. (original abstract)
Omówiono zależność pomiędzy liczba bezrobotnych a liczbą wolnych miejsc pracy. Przedstawiono istotę krzywej Beveridge'a (założenia, konstrukcję, matematyczne rozwinięcie oraz czynniki determinujące jej położenie i nachylenie) i podano przykłady wykorzystania koncepcji tej krzywej w analizie rynku pracy.
This article presents a conception of the Beveridge curve. The Beveridge curve depicts a negative relationship between unemployed workers and job vacancies. The position of the economy on the curve gives an idea as to the state of the labour market. The modern underlying theory is the search and matching model. The Beveridge curve is the one of method which show a mismatch. Mismath is a very serious problem, which it is nesesery to defined. (original abstract)
Objective: The objective of the article is the identification and assessment of labour market operation efficiency and stability of matching mechanisms from the microstructure perspective of labour market dynamics via the relationship between distortions in the level and slope of the Beveridge curve. We studied the US labour market dynamics and identified potential structural changes in the job matching mechanisms. The long-term relationship between the level and slope of the Beveridge curve suggested that the underlying level of unemployment matched the labour market's elasticity in response to changes in job vacancies. Research Design & Methods: The main design of our article was a quantitative analysis of the Beveridge curve shifts. We used a data set consisting of monthly information on job vacancies and the unemployment rate of the US labour market from 2000 to 2022. Using a dynamic rolling scheme with a fixed window size, we extracted time series parameters of the Beveridge curve. We then proceed to apply the VECM(1) model to establish the relationship between these parameters. Findings: We have found the stability of the matching mechanism in the long term and the relatively weaker or instantaneous adjustment mechanisms in the short term. We also addressed the absence of evidence regarding Granger causality and its implications. Implications & Recommendations: The identification of elasticity of the Beveridge curve should guide policymakers towards integrated and adaptive strategies that address both structural and dynamic aspects of the labour market. Regular monitoring and evaluation will be crucial to ensuring that policies remain effective in the evolving economic landscape. Contribution & Value Added: Unlike previous literature on the subject, which primarily relied on static analyses and limited time frames, we took a pioneering step by incorporating monthly data on job vacancies and unemployment rate spanning over two decades, from 2000 to 2022. This inclusion allowed us to encompass the period of the COVID-19 outbreak, providing a comprehensive understanding of the matching mechanism's behaviour as a cornerstone for entrepreneurship during times of extraordinary economic stress. (original abstract)
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