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W artykule autor podejmuje kwestię rozumienia islamu jako religii przez Benedykta XVI. Zauważając, że papież w czasie swego pontyfikatu poświęcił wiele uwagi muzułmanom, analizuje jego wypowiedzi, by odpowiedzieć na pytanie o status islamu jako religii w nauczaniu Kościoła. Za punkt wyjścia autor przyjął rozumienie religii jako związku człowieka z Bogiem, którą konstytuują następujące elementy: doktryna, zasady życia moralnego, kult, organizacja. Autor wykazuje, że trzy pierwsze elementy są wyraźnie obecne w wypowiedziach Ojca Świętego, zwłaszcza zagadnienia związane z zasadami życia moralnego, zaś element organizacyjny jest tylko implikowany. Ponieważ Benedykt XVI mocno akcentuje, że pojęcie religii, w tym także islamu, nie może być łączone z przemocą, autor poświęca temu zagadnieniu osobny punkt. Przedstawia w nim myśl papieża, który odrzuca przemoc jako zafałszowanie i wypaczenie religii. Ostateczniemautor dochodzi do wniosku, że w świetle przemówień Ojca Świętego do muzułmanów, można przyjąć, iż rozumie on islam jako religię w podanym wyżej znaczeniu. Jednak przemówienia papieża są też podstawą do kolejnego wniosku, a mianowicie że nie we wszystkichmwspólnotach muzułmańskich islam jako religia się realizuje.
The article shows the problem of the Islam as it is understood by Pope Benedict XVI. As we can see, the Pope paid a lot of attention to the Moslems during his pontificate. The author analyses his statements concerning the Islam to answer the question about the status of the Islam as religion in the teaching of the Church. The understanding of religion as connection between man and God, was taken by the author as the point of departure for that. The following elements are the essential parts of that concept: the doctrine, principles of moral life, worship and organization. The author indicates that the first three elements are clearly present in the statements of the Holy Father, especially issues connected with the principles of moral life, whereas the organization is merely implied. Because Pope Benedict XVI stresses strongly that the concept of religion as a whole and the Islam as well cannot be connected with violence, the author dedicates a separate point to that issue. He presents in it the idea of the Pope, who rejects violence as a distortion of religion. Ultimately the author draws the conclusion that he himself assumes an attitude towards religion that is similar to that one of the Pope in the light of his statements. It leads, however, to a further thought that the Islam is not realized as religion in all Moslem communities.
Content available Das II. Gebot des Dekalogs
Studia Ełckie
tom 23
nr 3
The purpose of this article is to show the meaning of God’s name mentioned in the second commandment of the Decalogue. It is about God revealing Himself in both the Old and New Testaments. The Author explains whether there is respect for God’s name. In addition, he points to such attitudes that are a failure to respect the second commandment, that is, sins against God’s name.
The book Benedict XVI – messages for the World Communications Day. Editorial techniques (edited by G. Umiński, I. Piątek-Belina, E. Bal and others) is a collection of eight prepared papal messages written between 2006-2013. In the book we can find the word index and subject index. Thanks to this we can find the most important topics and issues in the papal messages.
Studia Ełckie
tom 20
nr 3
Benedict XVI, in encyclic Deus caritas est, showed the ideal of conjugal love. He reminded ancient words: eros, amor, philia, agape, caritas and explained their meaning. He discussed the issue of conjugal love in the context of Christian love, taking into consideration love as a divine gift and its sacramental dimension and reflecting the love of Jesus Christ to the Church. He himself makes a perfect sacrifice, dies for his Church. So also, the spouses make a sacrifice for the other, beloved person. The Christian approach to love, with its moral aspects, presents it as a way to holiness, taking into account the sinfulness of human nature. The anthropological dimension of conjugal love is sanctified when the spouses renounce their „I” direct themselves to „you”, and transform into „we” by the grace and blessing received from God. The Eucharist is the source of conjugal love. An important aspect of marriage is social reference, understood as caritas.
Catechesis oriented towards christocentrism belongs to the basic and most crucial tasks of the Church. Its aim is not only transfering knowledge about Christ and his salvation but also supporting believers in establishing connection with Christ. It requires christocentric orientation in catechesis. The aim of this article is an attempt to reread the principle of christocentrism in catechesis in the light of of Benedist’s XVI reflections gathered in Ist and IInd volume of his book Jesus from Nazareth. Firstly, the essential principle of christocentrism in catechesis will be shown. Next, the main issues connected with understanding of christocentrism in the above mentioned parts of the book Jesus from Nazareth by The Pope Benedict XVI and their usefulness will be described.
Studia Ełckie
tom 20
nr 4
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, at beginning of his academic work and on up to his election to the Holy See, was vividly interested in the interpretation of the Holy Scripture. In his theological works on the Divine Filiation, essence of the Church, credibility of Christianity and the primacy of God he often referred to biblical texts. The German theologian is not afraid to identify perilous tendencies in the interpretation of the Holy Scripture which have emerged in the modern thought and could be seen in the three stages of his search for historical Jesus. J. Ratzinger/Benedict XVI notices positive elements of exegesis based on the historical-critical method, but resolutely outlines its boundaries. Consequently, to address this issue the German theologian applies the canonical method. According to the Church Fathers, the Bible should be interpreted through the mutual reference of the Old and New Testaments. In the foreword to the book entitled Jesus of Nazareth, Benedict XVI gives a methodological justification for this method. It is utterly necessary as it is based on the hermeneutics of faith.
This article explores the causes and shifts of the ever-growing secularization in the modern world. It also examins and the idea that Christ can be discovered without the Church as well as, how the faith of the Church can be explored, experienced, and understood in relation to God.
The aim of this article is to show the Christological - Sacramental bases of the «mysticism» of Eucharist in encyclical Deus caritas est by Benedict XVI. Three connected with oneself questions were undertaken within our considerations closely. The analyses of the foundation of Eucharistic «mysticism» were executed of in first place what there is the secret of God’s Son incarnation. Reports setting between Last Supper, death and Resurrection the Christ and Eucharist were considered then. The essence of the eucharistic «mysticism» which consists in the man timehononoured unification with God and the influence of Eucharist on being shaping the Communion Ecclesiological was introduced on the last stage.
Teologia w Polsce
tom 13
nr 2
Ecumenical activity is a very important aspect of life in the Catholic Church. The author of the article looked at this ecumenical activity in the perspective of Joseph Ratzinger’s – Benedict XVI’s teaching. According to pope emeritus nowadays relativism is the most dangerous for ecumenism in the Catholic Church after Vaticanum II. A special document promulgated by pope Benedict XVI entitled Anglicanorum coetibus was a magnificent example of ecumenical activity in the Catholic and conciliar spirit. The article shows ecumenism also in the perspective of conciliar Decree on ecumenism and liturgical vision of unity of the Church.
On April 19th, 2009 Pope Benedict XVI erected the Pontifical University. The next vital step was to introduce the university, that is, both the fact of its existence and its activity, into Polish law.The required procedure was held in both chambers of the Polish Parliament in cooperation with the Polish Government. The special financial law was enacted by the Sejm (380 members of the chamber were in favor, 412 were voting), and by the Senat (86 members of the chamber were in favor, 87 were voting).The law in question recognized the decision of the Pope and introduced the name of the academic institution, which is the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, into Polish law system and granted the university funds from the public finance according to the same rules, which apply to the public universities in Poland.
The study presents three images of St. Joseph included in selected writings of the last three popes: John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis. It notes that despite the same data from Scripture, the analysed images are different. Their diversity results from different sources used in theological reflection as well as from different methods of interpretation. John Paul II interprets the figure of the Guardian of the Redeemer in the light of God revealing Himself, carrying out His eternal plan. The emphasis was placed on God’s eternal plan that was actualized in earthly history and in human events. This made it possible to show both the realization of the divine plan in concrete terms, as well as the cooperation, faith and obedience of the carpenters of Nazareth in this work. In turn, Cardinal Ratzinger shows the figure of Joseph based on the message contained in a Baroque relief of a Portuguese altar. The symbolic language of the anonymous sculptor and the message contained in the Baroque relief allowed the theologian to draw attention to certain aspects that are difficult to see in the Gospels of Childhood. On the other hand, the image of Joseph presented by Pope Francis emphasizes the paternity of the Patriarch, expressing a certain analogy to the paternity of God towards Israel and the paternity of God to His Son. From this perspective, Joseph’s paternity appears to be a shadow of God’s paternity. This term refers to the title of a novel by Jan Dobraczyński, the message of which influenced the content of the theological icon in the document of Pope Francis. This study found that, despite the limited data on Joseph in Scripture, thanks to the theological sources used and the new interpretative methods used, it was possible to show new, original images of the Guardian of the Redeemer, which allow future generations of Christians to better understand the role and place of St. Joseph in the history of salvation and in the life of the Church.
W opracowaniu przedstawiono trzy nowe spojrzenia na postać św. Józefa, które odnajdujemy w wybranych pismach ostatnich papieży: Jana Pawła II, Benedykta XVI i Franciszka. Zwrócono uwagę, że w Piśmie św. na temat św. Józefa mamy niewiele informacji, są one niezmienne i utrwalone, natomiast analizowane obrazy się różnią. Ich odmienność wynika z wykorzystanych źródeł w teologicznej refleksji, jak i z właściwych danemu autorowi metod interpretacji. Jan Paweł II interpretuje postać Opiekuna Odkupiciela w świetle objawiającego się Boga, realizującego swój odwieczny plan. Akcent kładzie na odwieczny Boży plan aktualizujący się w ziemskiej historii, w ludzkich wydarzeniach. Pozwoliło to ukazać zarówno realizację boskiego zamysłu w konkrecie, jak i współpracę, wiarę i posłuszeństwo cieśli z Nazaretu w tym dziele. Benedykt XVI ukazuje postać Józefa, opierając się na przesłaniu zawartym w barokowym reliefie ołtarza. Symboliczny język anonimowego rzeźbiarza oraz przesłanie emanujące z płaskorzeźby pozwoliło teologowi zwrócić uwagę na pewne aspekty, które trudno dostrzec w Ewangeliach Dzieciństwa. Natomiast obraz Józefa przedstawiony przez papieża Franciszka akcentuje ojcostwo Patriarchy, wyrażające pewną analogię do ojcostwa Boga wobec Izraela oraz ojcostwa Boga wobec swego Syna. W tej perspektywie ojcostwo Józefa jawi się jako cień ojcostwa Boga. Określenie to nawiązuje do tytułu powieści Jana Dobraczyńskiego, której przesłanie wpłynęło na treść teologicznej ikony zawartej w dokumencie papieża Franciszka. Przedstawienie i analiza w niniejszym artykule obrazów postaci św. Józefa z perspektywy wizji trzech teologów pozwoliły ustalić, że – mimo powściągliwych danych na temat tego Świętego w Piśmie św. – dzięki wykorzystanym źródłom teologicznym oraz zastosowanym nowym metodom interpretacyjnym, możliwe było ukazanie nowych, oryginalnych obrazów Opiekuna Odkupiciela, które kolejnym pokoleniom chrześcijan pozwolą lepiej zrozumieć rolę i miejsce św. Józefa w historii zbawienia oraz w życiu Kościoła.
Whether the teaching on religious liberty of the Second Vatican Council contradicts the early Magisterium of the Catholic Church is a matter of contention among Catholics and a crucial issue in the controversy with the ‘traditionalist’ movement of the late Archbishop Lefebvre. Benedict XVI’s strategy has been to promote a paradigm of “reform within continuity”, admitting that Vatican II has introduced elements of reform and even discontinuity, but within a fundamental continuity and without ‘ruptures’
The article points out that each Christian might be given to the world as a symbol of hope. This attempt is not going to be successfully carried out without the essential source of divine and humanity – the eternal Word. Focusing on the social teaching of Benedict XVI, we may claim that the virtue of hope connected with love and faith provides unique and inspiring horizons, the intimate resource of which is the divine promise already fulfilled in Christ. The Christian lofty vocation radiates goodness and cordiality and helps us understand God’s grace. In this sense, we are able to spread peace, joy and mercy; knowing that, we discharge our responsibility to the contemporary world. Our hope cannot be seen outside the current history, for we trust in God who is present in the midst of human lives and guides them to their fulfilment.
Since the Second Vatican Council, Catholic teaching has placed great emphasis on in interreligious dialogue as an integral aspect of the Church’s mission. However there remains a tension between interreligious dialogue and the church’s duty of proclaiming the gospel that constantly calls for clarification. By articulating the ecclesiological foundations of interreligious dialogue, Benedict XVI has significantly contributed to clarify the Catholic understanding of its nature and characteristics, and also suggested concrete ways in which Christians and the followers of other religions are called to engage in constructive dialogue for the good of the whole of humanity.
The present article is concerned with a multi-dimensional analysis of the problems of friendship, which was conducted by Pope Benedict XVI at the initial stage of his papal teaching. Pope Ratzinger made numerous references to the ancient writer Sallust’s famous adage „Idem velle atque idem nolle”. The Pope bases his vision of amor amicitiae on the foundation of God (Christ), which leads to friendship with everyone loved by God. The paragon of friendship is the Good Samaritan from the Gospel.
The subject of this text is the problem of general evaluation of the pontificate of Benedict XVI. The author discusses what criteria should guide the researcher who wants to make an objective evaluation of the pontificate of this Pope. He also wants to propose a set of guidelines, on the basis of which one could attempt to evaluate other, past and future papal pontificates. In his considerations, the author refers to the concept of megatrends of civilization and culture, proposing to adopt it as a general set of guidelines, in reference to which one can formulate research questions helpful in the evaluation of the papal pontificate.
Studia Ełckie
tom 23
nr 1
Social issues have played an important role in the overall teaching of Pope Benedict XVI. Being aware of the existence of many disturbing threats to social life in all its dimensions, the Pope tried to indicate the direction of the solutions to some growing dilemmas. Trying to remedy evil, he pointed to Christ, who strengthens human hearts to overcome threats, inspired by the action of an evil spirit. In his teachings, the Pope raised awareness that a man following Christ is a hope for solving urgent social problems. His goal was not to consider the problems theoretically, but to shape the moral consciousness of a man and constantly appeal to his conscience. In this way, the teaching of Benedict XVI is an expression of the prophetic mission of the Church; is a call to repair the social life.
Artykuł przedstawia inicjatywy na rzecz pokoju Benedykta XVI, który nie tylko jawi się jako kontynuator zamierzeń Jana Pawła II, lecz również jako ten, który wprowadził pewne nowe elementy. Papież w swoim nauczaniu nie tylko zwrócił uwagę na warunki służące budowaniu prawdziwego pokoju (sprawiedliwość, poszanowanie dobra wspólnego), lecz również wyznaczył Kościołowi zadania, mające służyć tej sprawie. Artykuł prezentuje teologiczną interpretację kwestii pokoju w świetle tajemnicy Chrystusa.
The article consists of two parts. In the first one, the authors pointed out an argument in the social sciences concerning ability to reasonably use the „culture” concept in scientific discourse. In the second one, they analyzed opinions Benedict XVI ( Joseph Ratzinger) expressed about present condition of the Western culture. Views of this figure were selected to study due to recognizing significant influential role the Pope plays in the public sphere. In the opinion of Benedict XVI, today there are two cultures of the West that coexist: rational Christian culture and Enlightenment (neo‑Enlightenment) culture. There is a deep contradiction between them due to acknowledgment or rejection of God as Logos, hence as the source of human intellect and rules shaping interpersonal behaviour. The fundamental danger connected with domination of Enlightenment attitude Benedict XVI sees in relativism and glorification of total freedom which in the Pope’s opinion ultimately leads to treating man solely as an object. In Ratzinger’s opinion, Christian and Enlightenment cultures are in conflict, with the latter playing the role of aggressor from the beginning. However, Benedict XVI hopes that the argument can be appeased by agreement on a set of basic values which, irrespective of attitude towards Logos, could be acknowledged as fundamental for existence of modern civilization. The ground for the agreement should be the acknowledgement of the inviolability of human dignity.
This paper is an attempt to outline the scope and effects of Pope Benedict XVI’s first encyclical Deus Caritas Est more than ten years after its publication in January 2006. It depicts the context of this encyclical within the papal Magisterium since Vatican II and the scope of this document as a call for the Church to readjust Herself according to the hierarchy of truths and to focus on the basic elements of Christian faith in order to renew Herself in Her mission in the service of love. In order to achieve more of the desired effects of both Pope Benedict’s and Pope Francis’ pastoral Magisterium for the renewal of the Church and also of theology, the theological curriculum needs to integrate Caritas Science as a theological discipline which studies this essential dimension of the Church from both theological and interdisciplinary perspectives.
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