The Polish version of the article was published in Roczniki Humanistyczne vol. 65, issue 4 (2017). Painting of the Cuzco school developed in the city proper and in the Cuzco region in the 17th and 18th centuries. Its influence was not limited to this area; information about the presence of paintings from Cuzco in distant regions of the Viceroyalty of Peru can be found in numerous sources. The tradition which acknowledged Cuzco painting to be a manifestation of cultural mestization is extremely strong. We can easily point at Spanish (colonial) as well as native (Indian) features in both formal and semantic aspects of representations. However, Cuzco painting is not a matter of the past; nowadays there are still studies which produce neo-Baroque pictures, stylistically imitating old paintings. I would like to present neo-Baroque canvas and subsequent stages of work on them, using field research from 2013 and photographs taken in Galería de Artesanía “Fenix” in Cuzco, run by Luis Alfredo Pacheco Venero. What is important in the summary is reflections on cusqueñismo, a phenomenon typical of the city since the 1920s and wondering whether within its scope there is a place not only for the Inca tradition but also for colonial art. Modern search for regional identity is not limited to the pre-Columbian era, but more and more often highly assesses the colonial legacy.
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The initial part of the paper deals with the situation of the knowing person in the context of the limits of knowledge. It focuses primarily on Pascal’s interpretation of the exhortation to know oneself, which will subsequently become the unifying motif of the entire text presented here. Although only Thoughts is discussed here, there presently follows a passage focusing on the broader context of this topic within the framework of the entirety of Pascal’s life and work. Following this part comes the primary analysis of the paper, which is dedicated to the question of how Blaise Pascal takes perspective into account in the context of knowledge. The given problem is first introduced by an excursion into Pascal’s reflections on two types of thinking (l’esprit de géométrie and l’esprit de finesse) and the ways of knowledge. The primary part of the analysis is focused especially on Pascal’s “observing,” where observation is focused above all on fragments in which the French philosopher takes into account the inconstancy of the human in the partiality of the point-of-view, emphasizes the instability of knowledge and its methods, uses the metaphor of painterly perspective and reflects on the (im)possibility of having truth. At the same time, Pascal’s reflections are supported by the approaches of some later thinkers – Friedrich Nietzsche and José Ortega y Gasset. Taking into account the promising nature of knowledge, and coming to terms with it, is identified as an expression of Pascal’s intellectual unpretentiousness and humility.
Úvodní část příspěvku se věnuje situaci poznávajícího člověka v kontextu mezí poznání. Pascalova interpretace výzvy Poznej sebe sama je následně spojujícím motivem celého předkládaného textu. Ačkoli jsou zde probírány pouze Myšlenky, následuje pasáž zaměřená na širší souvislosti tohoto tématu v rámci Pascalova díla a života. Na tuto část navazuje ústřední analýza příspěvku, která je věnována otázce, jak Blaise Pascal zohledňuje perspektivnost v poznání. Danou problematiku nejprve uvozuje exkurz do Pascalových úvah o dvojím typu myšlení (l’esprit de géométrie a l’esprit de finesse) a o některých poznávacích schopnostech. Hlavní část analýzy je zaměřena na Pascalova „pozorování“ a věnuje se zejména těm fragmentům, v nichž francouzský filosof zohledňuje nestálost člověka v zaujetí hlediska, zdůrazňuje nestálost poznání a jeho způsobů, používá metaforu malířské perspektivy a reflektuje (ne)možnost mít pravdu. Zároveň jsou v této souvislosti Pascalovy úvahy podpořeny i přístupy pozdějších myslitelů – Friedricha Nietzscheho a Josého Ortegy y Gasseta. Zohledňování perspektivnosti poznání a vyrovnávání se s ní je identifikováno jako výraz Pascalovy myslitelské skromnosti a pokory.
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