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The following article treats about the problem of renewable energy sources in Baltic states in the context of Russian Federation European interests. To be more precise, it raises the topic of energy domination policy, which is an integral part of Russian geostrategy. Author makes an attempt to take a look at the influence of renewable energy sources on the Russian-Baltic affairs, whereas Baltic states are importers of widely understood energy – electricity, natural gas, petroleum etc. This article has its theoretical basis on the complex interdependence theory by Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye. Main hypothesis to verify states that the intensification of renewable energy exploitation brings a positive impact on the Baltic states position in negotiations with Russia. The interdependence model of those countries to Kremlin should move from “vulnerability” towards “sensitivity”, which is relative better. Main point of this article is denying the geopolitical determinism and a simplified, static view on international affairs, which is actually popular in Polish public debate. Poles have great faith in the theses of classic realists, just like Hans Morgenthau or Kenneth Waltz, leading to the conclusion that the negotiating position of the state is given once for all, and is inseparably connected to geography. This point of view did not defend itself from criticism in modern times. In author’s opinion, todays geopolitical reality should be studied from many perspectives, never excluding economy. Polish public debate needs revision of many popular theses and myths, especially about the absolute superpower of Russian empire in every single aspect, resulting from its military power.
Research background: Since the introduction of the concept in 1972 Autopoiesis has enjoyed great popularity among academicians representing various fields of science. However, the number of studies devoted to the investigation of factors that have an impact on the formation of autopoietic economic structures is quite limited. This paper addresses the gap in scientific research on autopoiesis of economic structures in small open markets, specifically in the Baltic States. Purpose of the article: The paper aims to identify and evaluate factors that turn on self-organization mechanisms of autopoietic economic structures in the Baltic States, in particular in Latvia. Methods: Expert survey was used to identify the most important factors affecting the for-mation of meso-economic entities in the Baltic States. The factors’ assessments provided by seven experts were analyzed. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with fuzzy numbers was employed to process the data. Two different scales of evaluation (inverse linear and balanced) were used. Findings & Value added: The factors influencing the process of formation of business groups were evaluated by experts. Research results allow for making conclusions regarding the causes of the business integration, and impact of diversified integrated business structures on the country's business system in Central Europe.
The main objective of this paper is to identify how small powers can make a difference by taking up a role at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) as non-permanent members. This research takes a closer look at the Baltic states, Lithuania and Estonia, and gives a perspective for Latvia too. This paper examines whether these states use strategies that have made other small powers successful at the Security Council. Most of the materials used were documents from foreign services and the UNSC, and the methods employed were qualitative document analysis and interview. Lithuania was successful at making resolutions and highlighted topics, such as small arms and protection of journalists, whereas Estonia was successful at agenda setting and highlighted cyber security and environment security. Small powers can successfully work at the UNSC by setting the agenda and working on resolutions. However, their time as part of the UNSC is limited and their abilities to solve military conflicts depend on the support of the great powers. The Baltic states used some strategies that other small powers have successfully used, although they lacked influence for mediation and coalition building.
Outsourcing polega na zamianie współpracy poziomej (koopetycji) między przedsiębiorstwami współpracą pionową. Oznacza to, że podmiot, który do tej pory mógł być uważany przez dane przedsiębiorstwo za bankruta, staje się jego dostawcą. Warto zaznaczyć, że dostawcą może być podmiot już istniejący lub stworzony od nowa. Artykuł zawiera empiryczną analizę zależności pomiędzy outsourcingiem i aktywnością innowacyjną przedsiębiorstw, prowadzoną przy użyciu modeli probitowych. Podstawą analizy były dane empiryczne pochodzące z dużej grupy przedsiębiorstw z wybranych krajów nadbałtyckich (Estonia, Litwa, Łotwa, Polska i Rosja). Uzyskane wyniki pokazują, że stosowanie outsourcingu wpływa stymulująco na aktywność innowacyjną przedsiębiorstw zarówno w aspekcie inwestycyjnym, jak i implementacyjnym. Widoczna jest również zależność odwrotna, tzn. aktywność innowacyjna sprzyja stosowaniu outsourcingu. Świadczy to o występowaniu sprzężenia zwrotnego pomiędzy tymi procesami. Jednak prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia aktywności innowacyjnej w grupie przedsiębiorstw korzystających z outsourcingu jest wyższe aniżeli prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia outsourcingu w grupie przedsiębiorstw aktywnych innowacyjnie. Oznacza to, że wpływ outsourcingu na aktywność innowacyjną jest silniejszy niż wpływ aktywności innowacyjnej na outsourcing.
Outsourcing is a change from the horizontal cooperation (coopetition) between enterprises to a vertical one. That is, the company, which up to now could be considered a competitor, changes into a supplier. It is worth remembering that the company that is to become a supplier can be either created anew or be an already existing one. This article presents an empirical analysis of the relation between outsourcing and innovative activity of enterprises, using probit models. Empirical data come from a large sample of companies from the selected Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Russia). The results presented here imply that outsourcing has a stimulating effect on innovative activity of a company, both in terms of investment and implementation. There is also an inverse dependence, i.e., innovative activity positively influences the occurrence of outsourcing. This confirms the existence of a feedback between these processes. It is worth noting however that the probability of innovative activity among the companies using outsourcing is higher than the probability of outsourcing among the companies that are innovatively active. It seems therefore that the influence of outsourcing on innovative activity is stronger than the influence of innovative activity on outsourcing.
Аутсорсинг состоит в замене горизонтального сотрудничества (сoopetition) между предприятиями вертикальным сотрудничеством. Это означает, что субъект, который до сих пор мог считаться данным предприятием в качестве банкрота, становится его поставщиком. Следует отметить, что поставщиком может быть субъект уже существующий или созданный заново. Статья содержит эмпирический анализ зависимости между аутсорсингом и инновационной активностью предприятий, проводимый с использованием пробитовых моделей. Основой анализа были эмпирические данные, исходящие от большой группы предприятий из избранных прибалтийских стран (Эстония, Литва, Латвия и Россия). Полученные результаты показывают, что применение аутсорсинга стимулирующим образом влияет на инновационную активность предприятий, как в инвестиционном плане, так и в плане внедрений. Видна также обратная зависимость, то есть инновационная активность благоприятствует применению аутсорсинга. Это свидетельствует о наличии обратной связи между этими процессами. Однако вероятность наличия инновационной активности в группе предприятий, пользующихся аутсорсинга выше, чем вероятность наличия аутсорсинга в группе инновационно активных предприятий. Это означает, что влияние аутсорсинга на инновационную активность сильнее, чем влияние инновационной активности на аутсорсинг.
The main aim of the article is to considers whether China may poses non-military threat to Balitc states in terms of Belt and Road Initiative. In the face of growing presence of China in Europe, special services have recently noted that huge array of investment, being a part of Belt and Road Initiatve may leverage on national security of Baltic states.
During the Munich Security Conference 2017, US Secretary of Defence Jim Mattis confirmed US commitment to European security, being an important factor for stability of the continent. Especially for Baltic States as those after gaining NATO and EU membership believed that it resolved their security concerns. However, Russian occupation of Crimea caused real security concerns and Baltic countries invested into conventional capabilities and territorial defence forces. The paper argues that, given the complex and dynamic security situation, it is insufficient if European countries focus exclusively on territorial defence and deterrence. Therefore, a case study, where attention is drawn to the Baltic States, where the challenges from Russia have led into the dilemma of reconciling alliance defence requirements and national defence requirements, is discussed leading to conclusions and recommendations.
Content available remote Między Rygą a Moskwą. Stosunki łotewsko-radzieckie w latach 1939-1940
From the Russian perspective, the signing of the peace treaty with Latvia in Riga, was a sign of weakness of the Soviet Union at that time. Moscow, however, never accepted the concept of the loss of the Baltic states „forever”. In the 20s and 30s of 20th century Russia attempted to recover territories losing by signing the Treaty of Versailles. In the third decade the Russians through its embassy in Riga had tried to outlet a kindle the flame of the Bolshevik Revolution, but the effects of this activity were far below for expectations. In the rural districts the party has acted rapidly to promote radical agrarian land reform, and the cities have seen a growing influence of social democracy. The 30s were a dramatic decline in popularity of Russian communist movement in Latvia, but also the rise of the meaning Soviet Union in the international arena. Stalin’s policies had led to the isolation of Latvia, which alone had to find common leaks with Moscow (among pact of non-aggression signed in 1932). German-Russian agreement of August 1939 facilitated the occupation and annexation of Latvia by Russia in August 1940.
Kwestia międzynarodowej konkurencyjności gospodarki jest jednym z priorytetów w ramach współczesnej polityki gospodarczej. Dyskusje naukowców na temat konkurencyjności gospodarek oraz czynników, które przyczyniają się do budowania lub osłabienia ich międzynarodowej pozycji, doprowadziły do powstania rankingów konkurencyjności publikowanych przez instytuty naukowe. Wspomniane rankingi nie tylko wskazują pozycję konkurencyjną krajów w skali globalnej, ale pozwalają również określić czynniki wspierające konkurencyjność danego kraju, jak też jej destymulanty. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja wyników analizy porównawczej zmian międzynarodowej konkurencyjności krajów bałtyckich w okresie ostatnich 10 lat. W tym celu zostanie wykorzystany schemat analityczny stosowany w raportach World Economic Forum.
The issue of international competitiveness of the economy is one of the priorities in the context of contemporary economic policy. Scientific discussions on the subject of competitiveness of economies and the factors that contribute to strengthening or weakening their international position led to the emergence of competitiveness rankings published by the scientific institutes. Not only do these rankings indicate the competitive position of countries on a global scale, but they also allow of determining the factors supporting the competitiveness of the country, as well as its depressants. The purpose of this article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the changes in the international competitiveness of the Baltic Countries during the last 10 years. In order to achieve the purpose analytical scheme used in the reports of the World Economic Forum will be used.
Content available National minorities integration in the Baltic States
Integracja mniejszości narodowych w Krajach Bałtyckich
Security threats related to Russia’s revisionism in the Baltic region have been observed since the Russia-Georgia war (2008), but the Baltic states have experienced significant challenges as a result of the aggressive policy of Russia in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea in 2014. Russia is seen as the most influential actor who influences the security in the region. While security challenges in the Baltic states are primarily seen through the prism of the military threat, the Baltic states perceive themselves as being under the pressure Russia is exerting on their political systems, economic, social and cultural cohesion as well as national identities. The objective of the study is to answer the question of how the ‘Ukrainian crisis’ affects security discourse in the Baltic states and how they are adapting to new security challenges on the national and regional levels. Additionally, the relation (hierarchy) between the regional and national security interests of the Baltic states will be analyzed.
Obawy o rewizjonistyczną politykę Rosji w regionie bałtyckim wzrosły w 2008 r. po konflikcie rosyjsko-gruzińskim. Jednak to aneksja Krymu i wojna we wschodniej Ukrainie spowodowała znaczący spadek poczucia bezpieczeństwa w regionie. Rosja postrzegana jest jako największe zagrożenie w regionie. Podczas gdy środki militarne budzą największy niepokój w państwach bałtyckich, Litwa, Łotwa i Estonia obawiają się także rosyjskiej presji na ich system polityczny, gospodarkę, kulturę, życie społeczne oraz tożsamość narodową. Poniższa praca będzie miała na celu wskazanie dynamiki dyskursu bezpieczeństwa w państwach bałtyckich w związku z wydarzeniami we wschodniej Ukrainie. Analiza będzie dotyczyła w szczególności odpowiedzi na pytania, w jaki sposób „kryzys ukraiński” wpłynął na postrzeganie bezpieczeństwa w państwach bałtyckich oraz jakie działania zostały podjęte na poziomie narodowym i regionalnym. Dodatkowo, zbadana zostanie relacja pomiędzy narodowymi a regionalnymi interesami w sferze bezpieczeństwa w państwach bałtyckich.
Content available remote Rail Baltica : międzynarodowy korytarz kolejowy
Historia szlaku kolejowego, który połączy Berlin i Warszawę z państwami bałtyckimi i pośrednio z Helsinkami sięga 2005 r., kiedy rozpoczęły się prace nad studium wykonalności. Budowa rozpoczęła się w 2010 r., a pierwszy odcinek oddano do użytku na Litwie w 2015 r.
The main aim of the article is to analyze the security environment of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The author presents the security dilemmas of the Baltic States before their accession to NATO in 2004 (based on the example of the Republic of Estonia). Subsequently, the author shows the changes that have occurred in the security systems of the Baltic states since the beginning of the hybrid war in Ukraine in 2014. The author also draws attention to key security problems and points to Polish experiences that could be successfully adopted by Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
This article provides an assessment of the defense efforts undertaken by Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania since 2014. This analysis is focused on national efforts in the field of military defense and societal resilience. The assessment of defense efforts undertaken by the Baltic states has been based on their pragmatic perception of threats, development of military capabilities, and preparations in the field of civil resilience. The research references publicly available governmental documents of the Baltic states, such as security and defense strategies and concepts, defense plans, and budgets. It discusses recent research and analytical works in the field of and defense of the Baltic states. The research suggests that despite national modalities, all of the Baltic states are implementing core elements of the comprehensive defense. Although there is solid progress in implementing comprehensive defense in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, there are still many challenges ahead.
Three Northern European countries over the last century have had similar political experiences, in 1990–1991 they have re-established independence and developed an individual political and administrative system. From 2004, when all Baltic countries became members of the European Union, the land use and spatial planning systems were developed with many similarities, as well as differences. The topic of this study is a survey of the national land policies and spatial planning systems in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia in the context of sustainable development, needs of society and depopulation. The aim of the article is to examine the problems, needs of society and tendencies in land usage, as well as systemic features of spatial planning in the Baltic countries. It is very important to analyse how countries realize the implementation of sustainable development strategies In land use planning and in the context of depopulation. It was found that the Baltic countries are facing similar problems in land use and spatial planning documents but there are also differences regarding planning procedures of documents, their hierarchy and types of planned measures. The study has shown that people in these countries want more natura environment and eco-industrial development. Also, it was approved as necessary to createan index (engineering method) of sustainability in spatial planning.
The article offers a discussion of the origins, current state, and the future of air defence for the Baltic states. It relates developments in the field of air defense to changes in the security environment and the defence policies of the Baltic states. The article starts with a retrospective on the origins and development of air defence in the Baltic states before they joined NATO. Then, it focuses on the early years of integration with NATO Integrated Air Defense System and implications for air defence related to changes in the security of the Euro-Atlantic region stemming from aggressive Russian actions. An assessment of the current posture of air defence in the Baltic states serves as a starting point for a discussion on requirements for future developments and predicting possible outcomes. The research uses unclassified, publicly available documents and analytical reports to provide background information for a discussion on the future of air defense for the Baltic states. The Baltic states are aware of the limitations of their air defense and try to develop this capability within available resources. Changes to security environment after 2014 gave a new impetus to develop the air defense of the Baltic states, both through efforts undertaken by NATO and for national capability development.
Temat artykułu dotyczy przeszłości i przyszłości Sojuszu Północnoatlantyckiego w kontekście coraz bardziej pogarszających się stosunków politycznych i dyplomatycznych między Zachodem a Federacją Rosyjską. Tekst składa się z czterech części. W pierwszej części autor opisuje pokrótce ewolucję NATO koncentrując się na najbardziej charakterystycznych procesach zachodzących w Sojuszu po zakończeniu zimnej wojny. W drugiej części artykułu wymieniono i scharakteryzowano najistotniejsze decyzje i uchwały podjęte na ostatnim szczycie NATO w Newport. Trzecia część tekstu prezentuje problematykę braku bezpieczeństwa państw bałtyckich oraz czynników powodujących ich narażenie na agresję rosyjską. Ostatnia część artykułu przedstawia wnioski i perspektywy wysunięte przez autora w kontekście przyszłej ewolucji NATO. Kwestia napiętych stosunków na linii Rosja-NATO podejmowana jest w różnych aspektach we wszystkich częściach artykułu.
The article raises the subject-matter of the past and future evolution of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the context of increasingly worsening political and diplomatic relations between the West and the Russian Federation. The text consists of four parts. In the first part the author briefly describes the evolution of NATO focusing on the most characteristic processes that have taken place within the alliance after the end of the Cold War. In the second part of the article the most relevant decisions and resolutions taken at the last NATO summit in Newport have been enumerated and described. In the third part of the text an issue of the insecurity of the Baltic states has been presented and reasons why these states are the most vulnerable to potential Russian aggression have been outlined. The last part of the text presents author’s conclusions and prospects of future NATO evolution. The question of tense Russia-NATO relations is present in the whole text.
Content available The Suwalki Gap : NATO's fragile hot spot
The so called Suwalki Gap has been lately among important regional security related topics and it has been linked with its geostrategic location and geographical complexity of the terrain for conducting military operations. The threat toward Baltic states cause it to be discussed widely by civilian and military authorities, especially in the context of destabilising Ukraine and annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation and possible assertive actions. The paper proposes an approach to the Suwalki Gap issue based on its geostrategic location and operational importance. It includes also its geographical characteristic connected with conducting military operations in that specific terrain. It furthers the discussion of tactical aspects of defensive and offensive operations there. The outcome of the NATO Warsaw Summit is also discussed in the context of Suwalki Gap as a land bridge linking Baltic states with the NATO allies.
The article offers a discussion of the origins, current state, and the future of air defence for the Baltic states. It relates developments in the field of air defense to changes in the security environment and the defence policies of the Baltic states. The article starts with a retrospective on the origins and development of air defence in the Baltic states before they joined NATO. Then, it focuses on the early years of integration with NATO Integrated Air Defense System and implications for air defence related to changes in the security of the Euro-Atlantic region stemming from aggressive Russian actions. An assessment of the current posture of air defence in the Baltic states serves as a starting point for a discussion on requirements for future developments and predicting possible outcomes. The research uses unclassified, publicly available documents and analytical reports to provide background information for a discussion on the future of air defense for the Baltic states. The Baltic states are aware of the limitations of their air defense and try to develop this capability within available resources. Changes to security environment after 2014 gave a new impetus to develop the air defense of the Baltic states, both through efforts undertaken by NATO and for national capability development.
The article discusses the issues of employee financial participation in Baltic states which differs and depends on political, legal and economic preconditions. The aim of the research is to analyse employee financial participation as an instrument for collaboration in companies and a new social cooperation model in the Baltic states. The qualitative research was conducted by telephone and e-mail in 2016. The interviews were carried out with the experts (academics, civil servants, lawyers and human resource consultants working in a relevant field) as well some trade union and company representatives. In general, the new policy for supporting employee financial participation has been renewed in Latvia and Lithuania. It started recently with the revision of the legislative framework that was initially established during the privatisation period. The revision of the Law of Companies was driven by the business interest (to have a new effective human resource management tool or to transfer employee share plans from parent companies in Western countries to subsidiaries in the Baltic states) to introduce (or revise, in the case of Lithuania) new employee share ownership (ESO) plans. The research has also proven that there are common similarities in the use of employee financial participation plans despite the existing differences which are based on national features, such as tax and legal regimes, historical development patterns, or economic and structural factors.
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