Riverbed depth is the main and essential data to conduct hydrodynamic modeling research. Typically, riverbed topography data is collected directly from cross-sections arranged along the river at relatively distant intervals. This paper presents the results of applying Google Earth Engine technology and high-resolution Sentinel 2 remote sensing images combined with digital elevation model data and field-measured cross-sections to supplement the cross-sections of the downstream Ba River. The reliability of the cross-sections obtained using this technology has been verified against actual measurements at several locations on the mainstream of the Ba River. The research results indicate that most of the interpolated cross-sections are consistent with the actual measured data.
Głównymi i niezbędnymi danymi do prowadzenia badań modelowania hydrodynamicznego jest głębokość koryta rzeki. Zazwyczaj dane o topografii koryta zbierane są bezpośrednio z przekrojów rozmieszczonych wzdłuż rzeki w stosunkowo odległych odstępach. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki zastosowania technologii Google Earth Engine i wysokiej rozdzielczości obrazów teledetekcyjnych Sentinel 2 w połączeniu z danymi cyfrowego modelu wysokości i przekrojami pomierzonymi w terenie w celu uzupełnienia przekrojów poprzecznych dolnego biegu rzeki Ba. Wiarygodność przekrojów uzyskanych tą technologią została zweryfikowana w oparciu o rzeczywiste pomiary w kilku miejscach głównego nurtu rzeki Ba. Wyniki badań wskazują, że większość interpolowanych przekrojów jest zgodna z rzeczywistymi danymi pomiarowymi.
Water is a boon for all living beings over the world and groundwater is considered one of the indispensable natural sources of potable water. It is necessary to assess and predict the groundwater potential to provide insights for decision-makers for proper planning and management of groundwater. The occurrence of groundwater depends on hydrological, ecological, climate, geological, and physiographical criteria. The purpose of the present study is to choose and attribute scores to all various factors that affected groundwater prospects in the Ba river basin. Firstly, the Delphi method was applied in the expert-based survey to choose six parameters that are considered as influencing factors, namely, lineament density, rainfall, slope, land cover, drainage density, and geology. Then, the weights for the various factors were generated using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach which allows the pairwise comparison of criteria influencing the potential areas. The consistency analyses show that the findings were consistent with a previous study. The consistency and sensitivity analyses showed that the obtained results were coherent, providing the weight vector of the achievable criteria that affect the groundwater prospect in the study area. The study reveals that lineament density and slope are criteria affecting the most prominent groundwater occurrence with 35.1% and 20.1%, respectively. However, the influence of other factors (rainfall, land cover, drainage density, and geology) is not visible. These criteria are assigned to the small weights and do not have a significant influence on the groundwater potential. The study results provide baseline information, which needs to be taken into account to control and manage groundwater potentiality.
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