Referat zawiera opis eksperymentu pomiarowego, mającego dać odpowiedź na pytanie o możliwość oceny sytuacji statku stojącego na kotwicy w oparciu o wskazania sytemu AIS przez służby kontroli ruchu statków.
This paper describes an experiment leading to solve the problem of proper evaluation of anchored vessel’s situation. In this case the evaluation would be based on information received from AIS (Automatic Identification System) and performed by VTS (Vessel Traffic Service) operator.
Automatic Identification System (AIS) data is used for monitoring the movements of vessels live movements through instant transmission of vessel information while, at the same time, historical AIS data is used for marine traffic analysis by researchers. There are several methods and computer programs developed for the analysis of marine traffic by the use of AIS data. Combining the intersection algorithm proposed by Antonio (1992) and distance calculation method, this study develops a method to analyse vessel distribution on a selected cross sectional line (SCS) in the Northern Aegean Sea. As a complementary to the new methods proposed, a desktop application is developed in C# programming language to visualize the vessel distribution on the SCS line. SQL server is used for AIS data storage and analysis. The study is conducted over 7-day AIS data, specifically 2.382.469 rows and 42.884.442 data in total, belonging to the Northern Aegean Sea marine traffic. As a result, the mapping of the movements of different types of vessels in the Northern Aegean Sea is effectively performed and Frequency-Distance, Draught-Distance, SOG-Distance, SOG-COG distributions on the SCS line are successfully analysed by the new method introduced.
The use of the Automatic Identification System (AIS) devices for ensuring the safety of navigation and the errors occurring when using AIS equipment have been the focus of a number of research studies. The users of AIS equipment installed onboard sea-going vessels are required to familiar with the proper use of the devices and potential errors that may occur. A significant problem revealed in this study is the lack of understanding of potential error sources and the necessity to eliminate such errors prior to transmission of the AIS data message reading of the errors and failure to update the data processed by the AIS system. This results in a hypothesis on the insufficient training of seafarers and their familiarisation with the AIS devices and errors. This research is aimed at increasing the safety of navigation in the Adriatic Sea, as well as other seas, i.e. better accident prevention and protection of human life and material property at sea. The results produced by the research are used as an input for creating a model for enhancing the safety of navigation when using the AIS, through additional training of the seafarers.
High level solution S4 of the IMO E-navigation Strategy Implementation Plan provides integration and presentation of available information in graphical displays received via communication equipment. At the same time, the problem of the correct application of digital selective calling (DSC) operational procedures in navigation practice has existed since the introduction of the GMDSS and requires a solution. This problem may be resolved on the base of integration maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment. The article proposes approach for practical realization of this integration by implementing a SMART (specific, measurable, assignable, realistic, and timely) DSC interface within S4. Using this approach the practical realisation integration of AIS – DSC – Information display was implemented. It makes possible implementation of user-friendly human-machine interface (HMI) for navigator. An experimental prototype of communication graphical interface is designed, which allows effective decision-making on radio communication control/monitoring. The use IEC 61162-1/2 (Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment – Digital interfaces) data transfer provides standard inter-module connections and eliminates the negative impact of the equipment diversity from different manufacturers by means uniform HMI implementation.
This research features an overview of the available PLB technologies, their advantages, shortcomings and areas of their optimum application. A test of the locator transmitter emitting both 406 MHz AIS and 121.5 MHz signals was performed with a focus on tracking the homing 121.5 MHz signal. The efficiency of the homing signal was examined by using two separate radio locating systems. One of them comprised multi-purpose and widely available components and programs, while the other was a specialised radio beacon system with dedicated components. In addition to the results, their analysis and evaluation of efficiency, the paper discusses the applicability of the available PLB technologies and provides guidelines for adequate selection of the PLB devices and position indicating radio equipment.
Bridge passing and passing waterway locks are two of the most challenging phases for inland vessel navigation. In order to be able to automate these critical phases very precise and reliable position, navigation and timing (PNT) information are required. Here, the application of code-based positioning using signals of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) is not sufficient anymore and phase-based positioning needs to be applied. Due to the larger coverage area and the reduction of the amount of correction data Precise Point Positioning (PPP) has significant advantages compared to the established Real Time Kinematic (RTK) positioning. PPP is seen as the key enabler for highly automatic driving for both road and inland waterway transport. This paper gives an overview of the current status of the developments of the PPP algorithm, which should finally be applied in advanced driver assistant functions. For the final application State Space Representation (SSR) correction data from SAPOS (Satellitenpositionierungsdienst der deutschen Landesvermessung) will be used, which will be transmitted over VDES (VHF Data Exchange System), the next generation AIS.
The paper discusses ships’ routes to Polish ports in the Gulf of Gdańsk determined on the basis of data obtained from the Baltic Ship Monitoring System by means of AIS coast stations and defined by the Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission (BSHC). The measures to regulate maritime traffic implemented by the Polish maritime administration in order to reduce the identified risk of groundings and ship collisions are presented, as well as the author's opinion on their effectiveness.
The maritime sector was one of the first communities that recognized and exploited the opportunities and advantages provided by Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). In fact, GNSS have become the primary means of obtaining Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) information at sea. Most of the ships in the world are equipped with GNSS receivers. GPS provides the fastest and most accurate method for mariners to navigate, measure speed, and determine location. However, its performance can be enhanced by taking advantage of augmentation systems such as differential GNSS or Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS/EGNOS), especially in terms of accuracy. Direct access to EGNOS in vessels can be achieved through EGNOS-enabled navigation receivers and EGNOS-enabled AIS transponders. This paper provides an analysis of the number of onboard devices, mainly devoted to navigation purposes, and AIS transponders which are SBAS compatible. In addition, other equipment using GNSS positioning in the maritime and inland waterways domains are also considered for the analysis of SBAS compatibility, including inland AIS, Portable Pilot Units (PPUs) and Dynamic Positioning (DP) equipment. A first survey was done in 2017 to have an overview of the percentage of SBAS enabled devices available in the maritime market [8]. Since then, the analysis has been yearly updated to understand the market evolution in terms of SBAS compatibility and its main results are summarised in this paper.
Satellite navigation is the backbone of maritime navigation today. However, the technical vulnerability of on-board Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers the satellite system greatly destabilizes maritime security due to the loss of ship’s position and accurate time. This article devoted to study an alternative method for obtaining coordinates and accurate time based on the use of automatic identification system (AIS) radio channels, so-called range mode (R-Mode). We use other AIS ship stations with reliable position data as reference stations and determine time of arrival for received AIS transmissions. To improve the accuracy of measuring signal arrival instance in the time difference of arrival (TDOA), that we utilize for trilateration, it is proposed signal oversampling and applying the fast Fourier transform (FFT) to the product of quadrature components of the baseband Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK) signal in the window of AIS time slot. To take into account the movement of other ships, appropriate coordinate corrections are foreseen, which can be calculated by dead reckoning or by the inertial navigation system of our ship. The proposed method is fully compatible with the existing AIS signals and may be employed in critical situations of locally limited (jamming, spoofing) GNSS abilities. It can be implemented as a separate unit, working for receiving in parallel with the mandatory AIS transponder.
Previous researches on the prediction of fishing activities mainly rely on the speed over ground (SOG) as the referential attribute to determine whether the vessel is navigating or in fishing operation. Since more and more fishing vessels install Automatic Identification System (AIS) either voluntarily or under regulatory requirement, data collected from AIS in real time provide more attributes than SOG which may be utilized to improve the prediction. To be specific, the ships' trajectory patterns and the changes in course become available and should be considered. This paper aims to improve the accuracy in the identification of fishing activities. First, we do feature extraction from the AIS data of coastal waters around Taiwan and build a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model. Then, the activity data of fishing vessels are divided into fishing and non-fishing. Finally, based on the testing by feeding various fishing activity data, we can identify the fishing status automatically.
The origin of technology was has talked over the technology of automatic identification of objects using radio waves. Currently the RFID technology is one of the most dynamically developing methods of automatic object identification. It is replacing or co-existing with the semi-automatic (the so-called human-assisted) identification, realized on the basis of an optical bar code. The structure of system was introduced tags RFID (also called transponders – micro radio transmitters) are small-size communication elements, in which required information may be recorded. Despite a significant decrease in prices of tags, as well as the other components of the RFID infrastructure, the cost of installation of this system is several times higher than that of the implementation of the bar code technology. In Poland the RFID technology was implemented for the first time in the furniture industry in 2008.
W związku z koniecznością zapewnienia nieprzerwanego monitorowania żeglugi morskiej w skali globalnej, również będącej poza zasięgiem lądowych systemów śledzenia i nadzoru ruchu morskiego, autorzy prezentują w pracy zagadnienia związane z segmentem satelitarnym systemu Automatycznej Identyfikacji Statków. Główny nacisk położono na prezentację problemu poprawnej detekcji wiadomości AIS przez segment satelitarny, ponadto w pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań oraz mechanizmy mające na celu zwiększenie prawdopodobieństwa satelitarnej detekcji wiadomości AIS.
To ensure continuous maritime traffic monitoring in global scale, which include also traffic out of terrestrial tracking and surveillance systems range authors will present issues related to the satellite segment of the Automatic Identification System. Main focus is put on a problem of the satellite AIS detection probability. Additionally authors presents latest research and mechanisms used for improvement of the satellite AIS detection probability.
The latest international trends aim at the introduction of the requirement of automatic tracking in all marine navigational radars. This necessitates further improvement of methods for target state estimation. This article presents the results of research into the neural method using double artificial neural networks of the GRNN type.
Przedstawiono konieczność prowadzenia prac rozwojowych podsystemów składowych GMDSS z uwzględnieniem ciągłego postępu technicznego, zwięk-szającego bezpieczeństwo żeglugi. Powinny być podjęte skoordynowane prace, aby modernizacja systemu GMDSS uczyniła go w pełni nowoczesnym systemem zapewniającym bezpieczeństwo na morzu.
The article presents a new developments trends and some modifications in the different radio subsystems incorporated in the GMDSS system. Changes and upgrades have been made, but there is no systematic program to ensure the GMDSS remains modem and fully responsive for the needs of maritime safety and security.
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