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w słowach kluczowych:  Aspergillus fumigatus
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Pulmonary aspergillosis is a very serious complication in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients due to the great variety of its clinical presentations and the fact that it worsens the prognosis. We can distinguish the following: Aspergillus colonization (AC), Aspergillus infection (AI) and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA). Aspergillus colonization (AC) is defined as isolation of Aspergillus spp. from 50% or more sputum samples over six months to one year without observing deterioration in lung function and an increase in such respiratory symptoms as cough. Aspergillus infection (AI) is diagnosed in subjects with Aspergillus colonization and a decline in lung function, respiratory exacerbation with and without cough or with an incomplete response to a 2-4 week course of appropriate broad-spectrum antibiotics. Aspergillus can also cause allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA). The classic diagnostic criteria of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in cystic fibrosis have been established during the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Conference in 2001. Aim: To establish the prevalence of pulmonary aspergillosis in children with cystic fibrosis under the care of our centre and to investigate the potential predisposing factors to Aspergillus infection (AI) and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA). Material and methods: An analysis was conducted of the medical documentation of 374 children aged 0-18 years monitored regularly in the Cystic Fibrosis Centre of the Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw from 01.01.2010 to 31.08.2014. We selected 13 patients who presented an evidently worsening clinical status and course of the bronchopulmonary disease (decline in lung function parameters, respiratory exacerbations with increased cough, new or recent abnormalities in chest imaging) despite standard treatment with a high calorie diet, supplementation of pancreatic enzymes and vitamins, dornase alpha, inhaled and/or oral antibiotics, inhaled or oral corticosteroids, bronchodilators, physiotherapy. In this group of 13 CF children Aspergillus fumigatus was isolated from sputum. They represented 3.5% of the patients treated in our centre. Pulmonary aspergillosis was analyzed in relation to the age, sex, genotype, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, body mass index, pulmonary function, microbiological examination of sputum, pulmonary complications and therapies. The mean age was 10.7 years (range 4.5-16.3). Only one child was under the age of six years. Patients were divided into 3 groups: patients with Aspergillus infection (AI), patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), and a patient with Aspergillus infection and bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Results: Aspergillus infection (AI) was diagnosed in 9 cases (2.4%) and allergic bronchopulmona- -ry aspergillosis (ABPA) in 3 (0.8%). One patient was treated with corticosteroids, because of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) and after 8 months he developed Aspergillus infection (AI). Most of the children were homo- or heterozygous for mutation F508del. Pancreatic insufficiency was recognized in all the children with ABPA, most of those with AI (8/9) and in one boy with ABPA and AI. Most of the patients had chronic respiratory colonization of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Children with AI were older (mean age:12.4), had a worse nutritional status (three of them had aBMI <3rd percentile), poorer lung function (five had severe lung disease (FEV1 <40%), complications occurred in one of the underlying diseases (haemoptysis, CFRD − Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes), two of them had vascuport inserted due to the need for frequent intravenous antibiotic therapy. All the patients received inhaled antibiotics. A long-term oral azithromycin regime was applied in all the children with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, in most of those with Aspergillus infection (6/9) and in one boy with ABPA and AI. In three patients diagnosed with Aspergillus infection, antifungal treatment did not give any clinical or radiological improvement. They underwent surgical resection in the Department of Thoracic Surgery in Rabka (Poland). One patient had pneumonectomy and two underwent lobectomies. One boy had lung transplantation in Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen nine months after being diagnosed with Aspergillus infection. Conclusions: Since pulmonary aspergillosis is a very serious complication in CF children, it seems reasonable to include screening for early detection of Aspergillus colonization in the annual assessment of CF patients who are over 6 years old. Due to the small sample size and retrospective design of our analysis, the identification of risk factors of pulmonary aspergillosis in CF children require further prospective studies.
Aspergiloza płucna jest bardzo ciężkim powikłaniem u pacjentów z mukowiscydozą, pogorszającym rokowanie. Rozróżniamy: kolonizację Aspergillus (AC), zakażenie Aspergillus (AI) ialergiczną aspergilozę oskrzelowo-płucną (ABPA). Kolonizację Aspergillus (AC) definiuje się jako izolację Aspergillus (kropidlak) z 50% lub większej liczby próbek plwociny badanych wczasie sześciu miesięcy do jednego roku, bez pogorszenia czynności płuc i nasilenia objawów oddechowych między innymi takich jak kaszel. Uosób z kolonizacją Aspergillus i pogorszeniem czynności płuc, zaostrzeniem zmian oskrzelowo-płucnych przebiegającym z kaszlem, a także z brakiem lub niepełną odpowiedzią na trwającą dwa do czterech tygodni antybiotykoterapię o odpowiednio szerokim spektrum, możemy rozpoznać zakażenie Aspergillus (AI). Aspergillus może również powodować alergiczną aspergilozę oskrzelowo-płucną (ABPA). Klasyczne kryteria diagnostyczne alergicznej aspergilozy oskrzelowo-płucnej w przebiegu mukowiscydozy zostały ustalone podczas w konferencji Cystic Fibrosis Foundation w 2001 roku. Cel: Określenie częstości występowania aspergilozy płucnej u dzieci z mukowiscydozą uczęszczających do naszego ośrodka oraz zbadanie potencjalnych czynników predysponujących do zakażenia Aspergillus i alergicznej aspergilozy oskrzelowo-płucnej (ABPA). Materiał i metody: Przeanalizowano dokumentację medyczną 374 dzieci w wieku 0-18 lat, regularnie zgłaszających się do Zakładu Mukowiscydozy Instytutu Matki i Dziecka w Warszawie od 01.01.2010 do 31.08.2014. Wyłoniono grupę 13 pacjentów, którzy byli w gorszym stanie klinicznym i mieli gorszy przebieg choroby oskrzelowo-płucnej (obniżenie wskaźników funkcji płuc, zaostrzenia zmian oskrzelowo- -płucnych z nasileniem kaszlu, nowe nieprawidłowości płucne w badaniach obrazowych klatki piersiowej) pomimo standardowego leczenia obejmującego: dietę wysokokaloryczną, suplementację enzymów trzustkowych i witamin, dornazę alfa, wziewne i/lub doustne antybiotyki, doustne lub wziewne kortykosteroidy, leki rozszerzające oskrzela, fizjoterapię. Aspergillus fumigatus wyhodowano zplwociny 13 dzieci z CF. Grupa ta stanowiła 3,5% dzieci pozostających pod naszą opieką. Aspergilozę płucną analizowano uwzględniając wiek, płeć, genotyp, zewnątrzwydzielniczą niewydolność trzustki, wskaźniki masy ciała, testy czynnościowe płuc, wyniki badania mikrobiologicznego plwociny, powikłania płucne oraz stosowane leczenie. Średnia wieku wynosiła 10,7 lat (zakres 4,5-16,3). Tylko jedno dziecko było w wieku poniżej sześciu lat. Pacjentów podzielono na 3 grupy: pacjentów z zakażeniem Aspergillus (AI), pacjentów z alergiczną aspergilozą oskrzelowo-płucną (ABPA), pacjenta z zakażeniem Aspergillus i aspergilozą oskrzelowo-płucną. Wyniki: Zakażenie Aspergillus (AI)rozpoznano w 9 przypadkach (2,4%), a alergiczną aspergilozę oskrzelowo-płucną w 3 (0,8%). Jeden pacjent był leczony kortykosteroidami ze względu na alergiczną aspergilozę oskrzelowo-płucną (ABPA) i po 8 miesiącach rozwinęło się u niego zakażenie Aspergillus (AI). Większość badanych dzieci była homo- lub heterozygotami mutacji F508del. Niewydolność zewnątrzwydzielniczą trzustki rozpoznano u wszystkich pacjentów z ABPA i u większości z AI (8/9) oraz uchłopca zABPA iAI. Większość dzieci wnaszym badaniu miało stwierdzaną przewlekłą kolonizację dróg oddechowych Staphylococcus aureus i Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Dzieci z AI były starsze (średnia wieku: 12,4), miały gorszy stan odżywienia (troje znich miało BMI<3 centyla), gorszą funkcję płuc (pięcioro miało ciężką chorobę płuc (FEV1<40%), występowały u nich powikłania choroby podstawowej (krwioplucie, CFRD), dwoje z nich miało założony vascuport ze względu na konieczność częstych antybiotykoterapii dożylnych. Wszyscy pacjenci otrzymywali antybiotyki wziewne. Przewlekłe leczenie azytromycyną stosowano u wszystkich dzieci z alergiczną aspergilozą oskrzelowo-płucną, u większości z zakażeniem Aspergillus (6/9) oraz u chłopca z ABPA i AI. U trzech pacjentów z rozpoznanym zakażeniem Aspergillus leczenie przeciwgrzybicze nie spowodowało klinicznej ani radiologicznej poprawy. Wykonano u nich resekcję chirurgiczną w Klinice Chirurgii Klatki Piersiowej w Rabce: u jednego − pneumonectomię, a dwóch − lobektomię. Jeden chłopiec dziewięć miesięcy po rozpoznaniu zakażenia Aspergillus przeszedł transplantację płuc w Rigshospitalet w Kopenhadze. Wnioski: Ponieważ aspergiloza płucna jest bardzo poważnym powikłaniem u dzieci z mukowiscydozą, zasadne wydaje się włączenie badań przesiewowych dla wczesnego wykrywania kolonizacji Aspergillus do corocznych badań bilansowych u pacjentów z CF powyżej 6 rż. Ze względu na małą liczebność i retrospektywny charakter naszej analizy określenie czynników ryzyka aspergilozy płucnej u dzieci z CF wymaga dalszych badań prospektywnych
The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of commercial gradient test (Etest) in the detection of triazole resistant Aspergillus fumigatus isolates using reference microdilution methods and the analysis of sequences of the cyp 51A gene. The study was performed on twenty clinical isolates which were identified as Aspergillus fumigatus based on the DNA sequences of the ITS1-2 fragment of ribosomal DNA and the β-tubulin gene, out of them seventeen isolates showed wild-type cyp51A sequence and three were positive for the mutation TR34/L98H. All isolates were tested for the susceptibility to itraconazole (ITZ), voriconazole (VOR) and posaconasole (POS) using microdilution methods, according to EUCAST and CLSI protocols, as well as using Etest. The results of microdilution and Etests were analysed separately according to clinical breakpoints (CBP) defined by EUCAST version 7.0 and epidemiological cut off values (ECV). Etest as well as reference methods excellently recognised the WT isolates, which were susceptible to all tested triazoles, regardless of the method and CBP or ECV criteria used. The Etest recognized three non-WT isolates as resistant or intermediately sensitive to ITZ and POS and one as resistant to VOR. The categorical concordance between Etests and EUCAST and Etests and the CLSI method ranged from 90 to 100%. The interpretation of the results obtained from routine A. fumigatus Etests requires great caution. The use of the confirmative examinations with reference AST methods as well as with molecular tests is recommended.
Antifungal activity of 5 species extracts - Dipsacus silvestris L., Knautia arvensis Coult., Sca- biosa ochroleuca L.,Snccisapratensis Mnch. and Succisella inflexa Beck from Dipsacaceae family has been screened. The examination of antifungal activity has been carried out on 3 species of pathogenic fungi: Candida albicans, Rhodotorula rubra, Aspergillusfumigatus. The higest activity was displayed by Dipsacus silvestris, Succicapratensis and Succisella inflexa, smaller by Knautia arvensis, the smallest by Scabiosa ochroleuca. Chromatographic analysis (HPLC) showed in the extracts polyphenolic compounds especially flavonoids: luteolin, luteolin 7-glucoside, apigenin, quercetin, kaemferol and phenolic acids: chlo- rogenic, protocatechuic, p-coumaric and p-hydroxybenzoic. The results can be a basis for isolation and identification components responsible for the antifungal activity.
Many species of microfungi are reported in aquatic ecosystems with different frequency. Their number constantly fluctuates depending on the concentration of environmental and anthropogenic factors. Drinking water, tap and bottled, is essential for the proper functioning of the human body. It is also the main component of food and hence it should be safe for human health and free of contaminants. The mycological purity of tap water in two large cities in the region (Olsztyn and Ostrołęka) and a small village (Gągławki) as well as bottled, medium-mineralized and curative water stored under different conditions were tested. The laboratory investigations followed a pathway applied in diagnostic mycological laboratories. The conducted tests demonstrated that microfungi were found in tap water originating from the cities and in bottled water. The rural water supply system was free from contaminations. Eighteen species of microfungi were identified in tap water from Olsztyn and 9 species in tap water from Ostrołęka. In bottled water, 13 fungal species were detected. Exophiala spinifera and Debaryomyces hansenii were recorded in the water supply systems of both cities, while one common species, i.e. Aspergillus fumigatus, was identified in tap water from Ostrołęka and in bottled water. The conducted studies have significant practical implications, for instance in sanitary and epidemiological water evaluation and in medicine in the context of analysing the quality of drinking water in reference to health resorts and nosocomial infections.
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This study was aimed to evaluate the pattern of cellulase biosynthesis from Aspergillus fumigatus ABK9 under submerged fermentation. Production was increased concomitantly with fungal growth up to 72 h and reached maximum (Xmax –6.72 g/l) with specific growth rate (µmax) of 0.126/h. Highest specific rate of enzyme production (qp) was found at initial medium pH of 5.0 and incubation temperature of 30°C. At the same time, in the presence of 2-deoxy-D-glucose concentration of 0.5 mg/ml, the production of cellulolytic enzymes, viz, carboxymethyl cellulase activity (CMCase), filter paper degrading activity (FPase) and β-glucosidase activity reached maximum of 132.2, 21.3 and 28.9 U/ml, respectively. Cellulase biosynthesis was induced in respect to higher volumetric production rate (Qp), specific rate of enzymes production (qp, U/g biomass/h) and enzyme/biomass yield (YE/X) when grown in carboxymethyl cellulose in comparison to other saccharides as sole carbon source. Induction ratios (IR) of cellulases were between 12.3 and 24.4 in the presence of 1.5% (w/v) CMC in the culture media. The strain was quite resistant to catabolic repression by glucose up to 0.4% (w/v). Cellulases production was greatly influenced in the presence of yeast extract and potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH₂PO₄) as nitrogen and phosphate sources in the culture media. C/N ratio of 10.0 and C/P ratio of 4.0 proved to be the best for the production of enzyme cocktail. Along with the high production yield, the crude enzymes showed a promising cellulose hydrolyzing efficiency of rice straw, indicating the enzyme could be beneficial for its large scale industrial exploitation.
The frequency of severe systemic fungal diseases has increased in the last few decades. The clinical use of antibacterial drugs, immunosuppressive agents after organ transplantation, cancer chemotherapy, and advances in surgery are associated with increasing risk of fungal infections. Opportunistic pathogens from the genera Candida and Aspergillus as well as pathogenic fungi from the genus Cryptococcus can invade human organism and may lead to mucosal and skin infections or to deep-seated mycoses of almost all inner organs, especially in immunocompromised patients. Nowadays, there are some effective antifungal agents, but, unfortunately, some of the pathogenic species show increasing resistance. The identification of fungal virulence factors and recognition of mechanisms of pathogenesis may lead to development of new efficient antifungal therapies. This review is focused on major virulence factors of the most common fungal pathogens of humans: Candida albicans, Aspergillus fumigatus and Cryptococcus neoformans. The adherence to host cells and tissues, secretion of hydrolytic enzymes, phenotypic switching and morphological dimorphism contribute to C. albicans virulence. The ability to grow at 37°C, capsule synthesis and melanin formation are important virulence factors of C. neoformans. The putative virulence factors of A. fumigatus include production of pigments, adhesion molecules present on the cell surface and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes and toxins.
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W pracy przedstawiono efekt działania różnych stężeń fosforanu mocznika na 6 szczepów grzybów środowiskowych różniących się intensywnością wzrostu, sposobem zarodnikowania i typem tworzonych zarodników (Penicillium italicum, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium resinae, Mucor hiemalis, Rhizopus nigricans). Fosforan mocznika już w stężeniu 3% w sposób statystycznie istotny ograniczał wzrost masy grzybni wszystkich testowanych grzybów.
In this paper the authors presented the influence of various urea phosphate doses, 1-12%, on the environmental fungi growth depending on its intensity and the type of created spore e.g .(Penicillium italicum, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus n iger, Cladosporium resinae, Mucor hiemalis i Rhizopus nigricans). The result of urea phosphate effect on fungi was estimated by static culture method using dry mass increase change [g. dry mass/ldm3]. The control was created by the growth of the above mentioned fungi on the basis of urea phosphate free soil. The obtained results were worked out by a statistic method using Duncan 's test. The tested fungi showed different senstivity to the various urea phosphate doses. In the presence of 1% urea phosphate the fungi sensitivity depended on their growth intensity (Aspergillus niger, Mucor hiemalis i Rhizopus nigricans). Additionally, the stimulation of fungi growth with rapid vegetative structure progress was observed. Independently of their physiological properties, significant inhibition of dry mass increase in the range of 3-12% concentration urea phosphate was observed. The result of the use of 3% urea phosphate was the reduction of dry mass growth of all tested fungi.
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