The aim of this article is to present the ways in which Arnobius speaks of the body and its sexuality, in particularhis linguistic strategies employed to articulate sexual terms. It analyses those fragments of AdversusNationes where the Rhetorician of Sicca Veneria does not shy away from sexual terms describing various bodyparts, yet is far from being vulgar or literal. Arnobius’s apologia constitutes a rich source of lexical materialcovering human anatomy and obscene behaviours. It is also an example of how to observe the rules of aestheticsin Late Antique literature.
The aim of this article is to present the ways in which Arnobius speaks of the body and its sexuality, in particularhis linguistic strategies employed to articulate sexual terms. It analyses those fragments of AdversusNationes where the Rhetorician of Sicca Veneria does not shy away from sexual terms describing various bodyparts, yet is far from being vulgar or literal. Arnobius’s apologia constitutes a rich source of lexical materialcovering human anatomy and obscene behaviours. It is also an example of how to observe the rules of aestheticsin Late Antique literature.
The Latin quotation in the title of the article ('What joy is there in observing the rivers of blood?') comes from the apologetic work of Arnobius "Against the Heathen" (Adversus nationes). The seventh book of this work contains perhaps the most explicit Christian critique of the Greeks and Romans who sacrificed animals. One of the arguments used by the learned speaker is the suffering of these animals, which were killed unnecessarily because the gods do not require sacrifices from men. Emphasising the fact that suffering is given to the victims and that there is no point in killing of the animals, Arnobius introduces the shocking details of what this sacrificial ritual (killing) was in practice. In this article, I try to draw attention to the fact that in presenting this information, the Christian advocate referred to earlier statements of classical authors such as Pythagoras and Plutarch, who also criticised the common ritual. Although one occasionally hears opinions today that the early Christian thinkers were indifferent to the fate of sacrificial animals, the writer of Sicca Venera affirms that it would be very difficult to apply generalisations, just as it would be very difficult to apply generalisations to the fate of sacrificial animals.just as it is justified to speak of sensitivity and empathy in this case.
Adversus Nationes Arnobiusza jest apologią kontrowersyjną. Tym, co najbardziej może dziwić czytelnika dzieła, jest koncepcja stworzenia człowieka, nawiązująca do Platońskiego Timajosa, a także pogarda dla tego, co ludzkie: ciała, kondycji i duszy człowieka. Należy zaznaczyć, że zjawisko to było powszechne w kulturze tego okresu, osiągając ekstremum w nurcie gnostyckim. Zdaniem Arnobiusza rozum człowieka nie jest zdolny ująć rzeczywistości boskiej, a jednocześnie nie pozwala na praktykowanie bezsensownych, często krwawych, kultów. W artykule zamierzam przedstawić strategie apologetyczne Arnobiusza, zmierzające do zdyskredytowania bezmyślnej pobożności. Według Retora z Sicca Veneria postawa religijna pozbawiona rozumu jest tylko i wyłącznie przesądem. Arnobiusz w Adversus Nationes przygotował grunt dla wielowiekowej dyskusji dotyczącej kwestii fides et ratio.
Adversus Nationes by Arnobius is a controversial apologia. What may surprise the reader of Adversus Nationes the most is the concept of creating the man which alludes to Plato's Timaeus but also the contempt for all that is human – his body, his condition and his soul. It must be stressed, however, that such attitude was common in the culture of this time, reaching its peak in gnosticism. According to Arnobius, human mind is not capable of comprehending the nature of God and at the same time it does not allow to practice pointless, often bloody cults. This article attempts to show Arnobius's apologetic strategies, which aim at discrediting senseless piety. According the Rhetor of Sicca Veneria, religiousness without reason is nothing more but superstition. In Adversus Nationes Arnobius laid foundation for many centuries long debate on the question of fides et ratio.
Certainly one of the greatest phenomena of Christianity are the masses of martyrs who gave and still give their lives for Christ. In particular, martyrdom’s spirituality was characteristic of the first centuries of Christianity, and Roman Africa was undoubtedly the region that exceled in the number of martyrs, in the number of known acts of martyrdom and encouragements for martyrdom. In this article, based on existing ancient testimonies from the writings of Tertullian, Cyprian, the acts of the martyrs, Augustine, Arnobius and Lactantius, martyrdom is shown as one of the main features of North African spirituality.
Z pewnością jednym z największych fenomenów chrześcijaństwa są rzesze męczenników, którzy oddawali i oddają swe życie za Chrystusa. W sposób szczególny duchowość męczeńska była charakterystyczna dla pierwszych wieków chrześcijaństwa, a regionem, który przodował w ilości męczenników, liczbie znanych opisów męczeństwa oraz zachęt do męczeństwa, była niewątpliwie Afryka Rzymska. W niniejszym artykule, na podstawie istniejących świadectw starożytnych z pism Tertuliana, Cypriana, akt męczenników, Augustyna, Arnobiusza i Laktancjusza, ukazane zostały przejawy męczeństwa jako jednej z głównych cech duchowości Afryki Północnej.
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