Annillaria root rot, one of the most dangerous diseases in our forests, is caused in Poland mainly by Armillaria ostoyae, especially severe in young Scots pine stands, 'established after broadleaved stands or with participation of broadleaved species. in Forest District Zielonka young stands are severly affected by Armillaria root 'rot. Only one species, A. ostoyae, was found in the young (8-14 yrs) Scots pine stands, despite the presence of other Armillaria species in the district. The pathogen's frequent occurrence may be due, interalia, to favouring environmental, roots.
Opieńkowa zgnilizna korzeni jest jedną z najgroźniejszych chorób drzew w naszych lasach. Największe znaczenie ma Armillaria ostoyae, która jest szczególnie szkodliwa w młodych drzewostanach sosnowych, zakładanych po drzewostanach liściastych lub z udziałem gatunków liściastych. Uprawy i młodniki sosnowe Nadleśnictwa Zielonka są mocno dotknięte opieńkową zgnilizną korzeni, co może stanowić zagrożenie dla ogółu drzewostanów iglastych na tym terenie. Na powierzchniach badawczych stwierdzono obecność ryzomorf opieńki w glebie oraz płatów grzybni pod korą drzew. W rezultacie badań z powierzchni badawczych wyizolowano tylko jeden gatunek opieńki: Armillaria ostoyae. Wystąpienie tego gatunku wiąże się zapewne z tym, że izolowano opieńkę tylko z sosen. Istotnym aspektem jest również sposób założenia uprawy, ponieważ przygotowanie gleby orką w bruzdy powoduje przecinanie ryzomorf, co zwiększa ilość ich aktywnych końców. Zapewne również obniżanie się poziomu wód gruntowych ma swój udział w coraz bardziej nasilonych atakach opieńki.
Badano tempo epifitozу opieńki w 45- i 60-letnim drzewostanie świerkowym w Leśnym Zakładzie Doświadczalnym w Krynicy. Stwierdzono, że sprawcą tej epifitozy był grzyb Armillaria obscura (Sekret.) Hermk przy współudziale Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Вref.
The studies were conducted in 45-60-year-old Norway spruce stand situated at the elevation of 700-720 m above sea level in the Experimental Forest in Krynica The appraisal of health condition of spruce trees under investigations was carried out three times, 10 and 15 months apart, according to 5-class tree health scale. Trees in the initial stage of the disease constituted 39% at the beginning of the study, and only 2% a year. Trees in the initial stage of the disease constituted 39% at the beginning of the study, and only 2% a year later (tab. I). The percentage of dying trees had increased almost up to 73% (tab. I). During 1-year study the health condition of as much as 35% оf spruce trees worsened by 2 tree health classes (tab. 2). The highest number , i.e. 27 trees, were transferred from class 11 to class IV (lab, 2). The highest number of dead and dying trees was present in group of trees of height up to 20 m (fig. 1). All dead and over 59% of dying trees were in the group of trees of d.b.h, up to 23 cm, and a year later there were no trees with initial stage of the disease in this group (fig. 2). The results of a dendrochronological study revealed that breakdown of increment, i.e. its permanent drop below ал average value in the class of diseased trees (II-IV) occurred about the year 1975 (tah. 3, fig. 3). It may be assumed that when the annual increment is less than 0,7 mm trees would not regenerate the losses and die during the next 2-3 years. The crossings of 1 -spore cultures of Armillaria forming the fructifications on diseased spruces with standard European 1-spore cultures showed that Armillaria obscura was the cause of spruce mortality. This fungus was also isolated from wood cores taken from vicinity of root collar and roots, and from wood discs taken from the butts of dead and dying spruces (lab. 4). Heterobasidion annosum was isolated only from butt wood of 2 trees of health class II and from 1 dead tree (tab. 4). The studies showed that rate of Armillaria epiphytose in the stand under investigations is very high, and mass tree mortality should be expected during the next 2 years.
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