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The article presents investigation of groundwater occurrence in the Ebba River catchment located in central Spitsbergen (Petuniabukta region). It was recognized that groundwater occurs there seasonally in the summer melting season when the melting of active layer take place and enable flow of groundwater. Using data from four groups of piezometers located in different parts of the valley the hydrogeological parameters that characterize this shallow aquifer (thickness of the active layer, hydraulic conductivity, groundwater level fluctuations) were recognized. Using Darcy’s low the amount of water that recharge Ebba River was calculated using field data. This calculation enabled more precise estimation of other component of Ebba River recharge (surface and overland water inflow, recharge from glaciers). These calculations were confirmed by interpretation of groundwater and surface water chemistry differentiation.
The stratigraphical distribution of vertebrate remains in the standard section of the Upper Devonian of October Revolution Island of the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago has been studied. Fossil fish and agnathans were collected in 1978 and 1979 from the outcrops of the Matusevich, Vavilov and Malyutka formations along the Matusevich, Bol'shaya and other rivers. The fish fauna consists of representatives of the main taxonomic groups of Devonian vertebrates, i.e., psammosteid heterostracans, placoderms, acanthodians, chondrichthyans, porolepiform and osteolepiform "rhipidistians", and dipnoans. Summnarising all avaiable data on the distribution of vertebrates, it is possible to suggest a very late Givetian - Frasnian age for the Matusevich Formation, a late Frasnian age of the Vavilof Formation, and a latest Frasnian - early Famennian age for the Malyutka Formation of Severnaya Zemlya.
Artykuł jest poświęcony Umowie o Poszukiwaniu i Ratownictwie w Arktyce – pierwszemu prawnie wiążącemu porozumieniu, przyjętemu przez Radę Arktyczną. Zawiera analizę bezpośrednich i pośrednich skutków Umowy, zarówno dla rozwoju żeglugi arktycznej, jak tez dla perspektyw rozwoju procesów regionalizacji. We wnioskach stwierdza sie, iż przyjęcie tego dokumentu nie jest jednoznacznym osiągnięciem, ponieważ porozumienie nie wpływa znacząco na zwiększenie poziomu bezpieczeństwa żeglugi arktycznej, jednocześnie jednak potwierdza wiodącą pozycję Rady Arktycznej w regionalnym systemie zarządzania i stwarza istotne możliwości dla zacieśniania współpracy między państwami regionu arktycznego. Umowa o Poszukiwaniu i Ratownictwie w Arktyce podkreśla suwerenność sprawowaną w regionie przez osiem państw arktycznych (niejako w opozycji do aktorów spoza regionu), a w konsekwencji stanowi także oznakę rozwoju regionalizmu arktycznego.
This paper examines the Arctic Search and Rescue Agreement – the first legally binding instrument adopted under the auspices of the Arctic Council – and analyses its direct and indirect implication for both the development of the Arctic shipping and the perspectives of regionalization processes. It is argued that the adoption of the Agreement should be perceived as an ambiguous achievement since, while its direct relevance for the Arctic shipping is not very substantial at the moment, it however reaffirms the indispensable and leading position of the Arctic Council in the regional governance system and offers important prospects for deepening the cooperation among the Arctic states. The Arctic SAR Agreement is also recognised as a manifestation of exercising the Arctic sovereignty by the eight states (also against non-Arctic actors) and consequently a sign of growing regionalization of the Arctic.
W artykule przedstawiono metodykę pomiarów hydrogeologicznych, prowadzonych w lokalnej sieci monitoringu wód podziemnych, zlokalizowanej w strefie polarnej w rejonie zatoki Petunia na środkowym Spitsbergenie. Na podstawie systematycznie prowadzonych pomiarów wyznaczono parametry hydrogeologiczne charakteryzujące płytki poziom wód gruntowych. Wody podziemne występują tu sezonowo w okresie letnim, kiedy rozmarza tzw. strefa aktywna, co umożliwia uruchomienie przepływu podziemnego. Wykorzystując równanie Darcy’ego, określono ilość wód podziemnych, która zasila zlodowaconą rzekę Ebba. Obliczenia te pozwoliły bardziej precyzyjnie określić również pozostałe komponenty zasilania Ebby (spływ powierzchniowy, zasilanie z lodowca).
This article presents the methodology of constructing a net of piezometers which form a local polar monitoring network. In these piezometers, systematic measurements of hydrogeological parameters that characterize shallow aquifer (thickness of the active layer, hydraulic conductivity, groundwater level and temperature fluctuations) were performed during the melting season of 2007. It was observed that groundwater occurs there seasonally in the summer melting season when the active layer melts and enables groundwater flow. The amount of water that recharges the Ebba River was calculated in accordance with Darcy’s law using field data. This calculation enabled more precise estimations of other components of the Ebba River recharge (surface and overland water inflow, recharge from glaciers).
The article presents and briefly analyses the issue of the European Union’s perspective on the problems of the climate change in the Arctic region and its geopolitical consequences. Offering an overview of the main documents in this area, the article concludes that the EU policy towards the Arctic is closely related with perceiving the climate change in polar regions not only in terms of new possibilities, but also as a source of new threats for the international environment.
Simultaneously with a decreasing sea ice cover in the Arctic region an increase in ship traffic is experienced in these waters, meaning a higher probability of accidents and incidents to occur. The capability to handle emergency situations for shipowners, operators and rescuers in a cold climate environment are heavily affected by the risks present in polar waters and depends on limited emergency response resources covering extremely large areas. In 2017, the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (The Polar Code) was adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), applicable for the Arctic and Antarctic regions. The goals of the functionally based regulation are to provide for safe ship operations and the protection of the polar environment, by addressing risks present in polar waters and to ensure these are mitigated sufficiently. A qualitative pilot study, with individual expert interviews, has been conducted in order to examine the Polar Code's implications for safe ship operations in the Arctic region. The study concludes that the discussions raised in the aftermath of the Polar Code has led to an increase in focus and a strengthen consciousness about hazards and risks associated with polar water ship operations and additional measures required to mitigate these. Further, the implementation of the Polar Code is considered as a milestone by establishing an international regulation, mandatory for polar water ship design and for voyage planning. However, the study points out that the main principle of the Polar Code is risk-based, meaning the performance of safe ship operations are depending on those subjects to the regulation, to conduct thorough operational risk assessments covering all actual hazards, and to ensure that those are mitigated sufficiently. In this regard, authority presence is found crucial, to validate the adequacy and the dimensioning of the implemented measures. Key words: Arctic ship operations; regulatory governance; emergency response; risk management.
From the historical perspective the article discusses selected rescue operations in the Arctic. The events which triggered international cooperation in this area are described. The history of attempts to improve the chances of survival in extreme conditions are outlined against the background of the development of equipment and rescue techniques. The author also attempts to trace how rescue operations affect the general awareness stimulating the creation of a favourable climate for institutional cooperation.
Referat w ujęciu historycznym omawia wybrane akcje ratunkowe w Arktyce. Jego tematem są wydarzenia, które w wymiarze praktycznym zapoczątkowały współpracę międzynarodową na tym obszarze. Na tle rozwoju technik i sprzętu ratowniczego nakreślono dzieje prób zwiększenia szans przeżycia w ekstremalnych warunkach. Autor podejmuje również próbę prześledzenia, w jaki sposób operacje ratownicze wpływały na powszechna świadomość, stymulując powstanie korzystnego klimatu dla współpracy instytucjonalnej.
Heavy metals and radioactive compounds are potentially hazardous substances for plants, animals and humans in the Arctic. A good knowledge of the spatial variation of these substances in soil and primary producers, and their sources, is therefore essential. In the samples of lichen Thamnolia vermicularis, Salix polaris and Cassiope tetragona, and the soil samples collected in 2014 in Svalbard near Longyearbyen, the concentrations of the following heavy metals were determined: Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Hg, as well as the activity concentrations of the following: K-40, Cs-137, Pb-210, Pb-212, Bi-212, Bi-214, Pb-214, Ac-228, Th-231 and U-235 in the soil samples. The differences in the concentrations of the analytes accumulated in the different plant species and soil were studied using statistical methods. Sea aerosol was indicated as the source of Pb, Hg, Cs-137, Pb-210 and Th-231 in the studied area. A relatively high concentration of nickel was determined in the biota samples collected near Longyearbyen, compared to other areas of Svalbard. It was supposed that nickel may be released into the atmosphere as a consequence of the local coal mining around Longyearbyen.
This paper presents the results of Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) studies which took place in Ny-Ålesund in the spring of 2014 during the iAREA campaign. The measurements were taken using Microtops II hand-held sunphotometers along the Kongsfjorden, on a path leading from the research village to the fjord opening. Local breeze circulation was observed during the measurement campaign which resulted in an evident increase of AOD along the measurement profile towards the open sea. Using the observed AOD, changes over the open sea have been calculated and the location of the breeze front has been determined.
Over recent decades, the Arctic region has been subjected to rapid climate change stemming from global warming. The advance of Atlantic waters to high latitudes is notable. The increased abundance of fish, such as cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), has been reported near the western coast of Spitsbergen and entering fjords together with Atlantic waters. This study used multifrequency acoustics to measure fish distribution and abundance in 2013–2014 in two Arctic fjords, the colder Hornsund, which is typically of Arctic character, and the warmer Kongsfjorden, which is more of Atlantic character. The study revealed a bimodal fish size distribution with larger fish in the deep parts of fjords, and smaller fish distributed in more shallow waters. An evident increase in the abundance of large fish, most probably Atlantic cod, was observed in Hornsund and especially in Kongsfjorden in 2014 in comparison to 2013. The intense inflow of Atlantic water on the shelf in 2014 is suggested as the explanation for this phenomenon.
The article analyzes the evolution of China's Arctic policy, which has expanded over three decades from individual polar research to observer status in the Arctic Council and the existence of a state Arctic strategy. China and Russia have established mutually beneficial cooperation in the Arctic region in such conditions, when in many areas there are fundamental contradictions between the countries. The West did not have a long-term strategy capable of responding to current security challenges, including in the Arctic. When Russia tried to regain lost positions on the world stage in 2007-2008, China became an increasingly influential player in the world. If before the Arctic had been outside the lines of rivalry for decades, the question of the Far North as an arena of military competition began to take first place. China has become a long-term threat to both the United States and Russia. In previous years, with the help of the China, Moscow had the opportunity to receive the necessary investments and technologies for large-scale Arctic projects. The more Beijing attempts to establish itself as an influential player in the Arctic, the more the threat to other Arctic countries will grow. The Russian Federation has positioned itself as a leader in the region. The country's policy was aimed at strengthening this status through regional control and expansion of the military presence. This led to a response from the United States and NATO countries. In Russia it was assessed as a threat. The question arises as to what the strategy of the United States should be, and whether it will be possible to resist the costly arms race. If not, then the competition will be concentrated in the political and economic spheres. A particular aspect is the rapid militarization of the Arctic region after 2014, primarily due to changes in Russia's military strategy, which extends to the North. This has led to the tensions between the United States and Russia. China has not yet resorted to expand its military power in the Arctic. China's policy of economic and infrastructural influence is opposed to military methods. The effectiveness of Chinese non-military methods of influence is assessed.
У статті проаналізовано еволюцію арктичної політики Китаю, яка за три десятиліття розширилась від окремих полярних наукових досліджень до статусу країни-спостерігача в Арктичній раді та наявності державної арктичної стратегії. КНР та РФ налагодили взаємовигідне співробітництво в Арктичному регіоні в таких умовах, коли за багатьма напрямками присутні принципові протиріччя між країнами. Захід не мав довготермінової стратегії, здатної зреагувати на сучасні виклики безпеки, зокрема в Арктичному регіоні. Коли у 2007–2008 роках Росія вдалася до спроб повернути собі втрачені позиції на світовій арені, Китай ставав все впливовішим гравцем у світі. Якщо до цього Арктика десятки років була за межами ліній суперництва, питання Крайньої Півночі, як арени військової конкуренції, почало посідати перші місця. Окремий аспект – швидка мілітаризація Арктичного регіону після 2014 року, насамперед, через зміни в російській військовій стратегії, яка поширюється на Північ. Це призвело до напружених відносин між Сполученими Штатами та Росією. Китай поки не вдавався до розширення своєї військової потуги на Арктику. Тому військовим методам протиставляється китайська політика впливу в інфраструктурній та економічній сферах, а також оцінюється їх ефективність. У статті здійснено аналіз перспектив Північного морського шляху стати міжнародною морською транспортною артерією в умовах, коли РФ з 2014 року переправила значні військові ресурси в Арктику, зокрема для закріплення за собою прав на контроль Північного морського шляху.
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