The tin sarcophagus of Stephan Bathory is a work of an extremely interesting ideological programme. It was executed in Gdansk in 1587 by Daniel Giesseler (I) whose house mark can be found on the piece. The sarcophagus rests on six lion figures. The lid features The Lamentation at the Foot of the Cross as well as an extended inscription glorifying the merits of the late King. The longer sides feature four Cardinal Virtues accompanied by historical figures personifying their opposites; in one: Prudentia and Sextus Tarquinius as well as Temperantia and Sardanapalus; in the other: Fortitudo and Holofernes as well as Iustitia and Nero. The presentations of the Cardinal Virtues are directly modelled on graphic works, namely a print series by the Antwerp draughtsman and etcher Hans Collaert (I) presenting theological and Cardinal Virtues. Executed after Crispijn van den Broeck’s drawings, it was published in Antwerp in 1576.
In 2023, the National Library of Latvia presented a guest exhibition about Riga’s first printer, Niclaes Mollijns (c. 1550–1625), at the Museum Plantin-Moretus in his native city of Antwerp. For the first time, the works of Mollijns created during periods of his work in Antwerp and Riga were exhibited together as a whole, allowing a close analysis of similarities between practices of book production and design undertaken in the print shops run by Niclaes Mollijns in both cities. Based on the research in preparation for the exhibition, the article examines the use of printers’ ornaments, vignettes and decorative initials in Mollijns’ print shops in Antwerp and Riga, revealing the transfer of skills and material culture between both cities in the late 16th century through the activities of an individual working in both regions. During his time in Antwerp, Mollijns learned the craft of printing from his father, printer and woodcutter Jan Mollijns I (? – c. 1575/1576), and by working at the esteemed print shop of Christophe Plantin (c. 1520–1589). Niclaes inherited his father’s print shop in 1576, which he continued to operate for the following decade. During this time, he developed a distinctive signature style and a core set of decorative elements which he used for the design of his books. This would later form the basis of the inventory of the Riga printers’ office established by Mollijns in 1588. Mollijns left Antwerp around 1586, presumably along with thousands of other Protestant emigrants who left the city after its fall to Spanish Catholic forces in 1585. Soon after, he set up shop in Riga, becoming the first printer in the entire region of Livonia.
Although Belgium has never been the most popular destination for Polish migrants, their number increased heavily after the year 2004, when Poland entered the European Union. The main reason for coming to Belgium is a better labour market, well known to Poles for years because of their illegal work. The article strives to provide both demographic and social information about the Polish community in Belgium, with particular reference to the level of integration of Poles with other members of society, as well as to compare Polish immigrants in Belgium to the Moroccan and Turkish population.
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Belgia jest jednym z najmniejszych państw europejskich, wyróżniającym się jednak, obok Holandii,' największą gęstością zaludnienia. Większość populacji kraju zamieszkuje duże ośrodki przemysłowe, położone na północy i zachodzie kraju. Podział państwa na część flamandzką - północną i walońską - południową odzwierciedla nie tylko różnice językowe, ale także środowiskowe: krajobrazowe i architektoniczne. Północna część kraju, obejmująca zachodnią i wschodnią Flandrię, Antwerpię, Limburgię i część Brabancji, to płaski, równinny krajobraz z architekturą kształtowaną horyzontalnie, nawiązującą do holenderskiej. Południe - z prowincjami Namur, Li?ge i Lu-ksemburgia - przypomina krajobrazy alpejskie: pagórki porośnięte lasami, głębokie wąwozy oraz rozległe płaskowyże, a także wrzosowiska. W architekturze tego regionu dominuje zdecydowanie charakter wertykalny, charakterystyczny dla wzorców lokalnych. Większość miast w północnej części kraju, takich jak Brugia, Gandawa czy Antwerpia, zachowało w do-skonałym stanie średniowieczną starówkę. Dotyczy to również mniejszych ośrodków. Liczne zabytki nadają niepowtarzalną atmosferę takim miasteczkom jak Ou-denaarde, Kortrijk, Lier czy Leuven. Utrzymane w doskonałym stanie gotyckie budowle sakralne i rezydencje mieszkalne świadczą o średniowiecznej wielkości regionu. Romantyczny powiew gotyku jest obecny również we współczesnej architekturze mieszkaniowej: przedmieść wielkich metropolii i nadmorskich miejscowości letniskowych. Obecna gospodarka przestrzenna Belgii została w dużej mierze ukształtowana przez nurty socjologicz-ne, rodzące się na przełomie wieków XIX i XX w Wielkiej Brytanii i Holandii.
Belgium is one of the smallest European countries however it is also one of the most densely populated. Sociological trends originating at the beginning of the 20lh century in Great Britain and Holland had an enormous impact on the present policy of Belgium. Garden cities initiated by Ebenezer Howard were social and urban enterprises able to ufute, in a totally new value, the best elements of village and city life. As time went by only some elements of Howard's holistic idea were used creating such terms as: new satellite-cities of great metropolises, garden-settlements and green suburbs. The green suburbs of Hoevenen and Kapellen stretch in close proximity to Antwerp, a great metropolis which is the second city of Belgium. The suburbs, due to their character and the amount of population, recall small towns. They have the same human scale of buildings, the width of streets and a clearly marked town centre with a small church, market, school and services which can be reached on foot. The centre of the town is surrounded by streets whose fronts create a "belt" of low double-storeyed buildings erected in the Amsterdam style, protecting the interior of the complex against noise and intruders. In the inner part of the arrangement postmodern architecture predominates while around the borders we can see the neo-Saxon and neo-Gothic rural style. The green suburbs are not independent, in the sense of administration and employment, because most of the inhabitants are employed in Antwerp. Although, in essence, they deny Howard's idea of garden-cities, whose main purpose was the limitation of spatial development of enormous agglomerations, they nevertheless possess some typical features of his idea. They create an environment of housing consisting of small communities, spatially separated. Different heights of buildings with features of a cohesive conception, its small human scale with a great percentage of green areas - wide green belts for recreational functions give its inhabitants the feeling'of identity and attachment to the place. The outstanding feature of this kind of habitat is the combining of low multi-family building with intensive one-family building. An integration of the rich with the poor by housing them in close neighbourhood has its patterns in Holland's contemporary movement. Brasschaat is a green suburb of Antwerp composed of several settlements of varied standard and character. The complex of Neerwel-den belongs to the most interesting of the settlements. It constitutes an arrangement of garden-settlement features with a common area in the centre, connected by alleys, with winding streets where one-family houses are grouped. The complex is created by free-standing houses, most often presenting the rural neo-Gothic style. The Gothic verticalism and detail appears in the form of the houses. The houses create a cohesive urbanistic composition due to the use of homogeneous material -elevation brick of various hues also the human scale of the arrangement as well as the application of uniting elements - characteristic colours and floor designs as well as small architecture. The green suburbs, as fragments of Howard's idea, establish a successive step on the way of shaping housing arrangements in the trend of balanced settlement development.
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Artykuł opisuje przebudowę obwodnicy Antwerpii, zlokalizowanej w odległości około 3 km od jej centrum. Jest to największy i najciekawszy projekt konstrukcji drogi, podjęty w Belgii w ostatnich latach. Przedstawiono rozwiązanie konstrukcyjne nawierzchni i jej wymagania normowe, projekt przebudowy z uwzględnieniem recyklingu materiałów i uwagi dotyczące układania nawierzchni CRCP.
The construction of piles underneath the erected objects is preceded by the obligatory testing determined by the code of practice, and thus leads to the prolonging of the works execution. As it is in the whole EU, static testing constitutes the basic bearing capacity testing due to local regulations and, as follows, contract specifications. High-strain dynamic testing and integrity testing are typically carried out as the additional control procedures, which provides the quality, and not quantity, assessment. Kinetic bearing capacity testing are not frequently used. Neither is the pile bearing capacity assessment admitted on the basis of the following practices carried out "in situ": counting and the analysis of blows in course of pre-cast concrete pile driving-in process the measurement of energy necessary for driving-in the continuous flight auger, or driving-in the full displacement piles.
This article is devoted to Jesuit old prints stored in the special collection of the Hieronim Łopaciński Regional Public Library in Lublin. Old prints consist of Polish prints (from 1573–1773) and foreign prints (from 1574–1773) embossed in European letterpresses and Jesuit printing houses functioning on the territory of the First Polish Republic. The selected examples of Jesuit publishing production shed light on the notable contribution of the Society of Jesus to the development of Western civilisation in the modern era.
Статья посвящена иезуитским старопечатным книгам, хранящимся в фондах Люблинской воеводской публичной библиотеки им. Иеронима Лопацинского. В общий обзор старопечатных книг включены «полоники» (1573–1773 гг.) и зарубежные издания (1574–1773 гг.), оттиснутые в европейских типографиях, а также иезуитских типографиях, функционирующих на территории Речи Посполитой. Избранные примеры издательской продукции иезуитов проливают свет на то, какое значительное влияние Общество Иисуса имело на развитие западной цивилизации в Новое время.
Artykuł poświęcony jest starodrukom jezuickim przechowywanym w zbiorach specjalnych Wojewódzkiej Biblioteki Publicznej im. Hieronima Łopacińskiego w Lublinie. Ogólny przegląd starodruków obejmuje polonika (z lat 1573–1773) i druki obce (z lat 1574–1773) wytłoczone w typografiach europejskich i drukarniach jezuickich funkcjonujących na terytorium I Rzeczypospolitej. Wybrane przykłady jezuickiej produkcji wydawniczej rzucają światło na znamienny udział Towarzystwa Jezusowego w rozwoju cywilizacji zachodniej w epoce nowożytnej.
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