RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The objective of the article is to analyse legislative acts introduced in Poland in response to COVID-19 pandemic (the so-called anti-crisis shields), which led to a clash between fundamental rights and constitutional principles and triggered a debate on systemic transgression and the principles that limit the government's activities directed at citizens. RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: COVID-19 led to attempts undertaken by the Polish government to redefine the constitutional strategies established by the Solidarity generation by choosing a strategy to deal with the crisis based on limiting citizens' rights. This led to doubts triggered by the collision of this strategy with constitutional norms. The method used in the study was a legal-doctrinal comparative analysis and a synthesis of the literature. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The article presents the determinants underlying the creation of constitutional principles in Poland embedded in the context of the common good as the principium which guides the relationships between the state and its citizens. The doctrinal transgression resulting from the government's attempts to fight against COVID-19 was analysed and conclusions concerning the threats to the political system in the context of the governmental attempts to reinterpret the concepts fundamental to the democratic state of law were drawn. RESEARCH RESULTS: COVID-19 proved that the existing regulations are not sufficient to secure the principle of the common good as an underlying principle of the government's activities. Crises become a pretext for decisionmakers to introduce such laws which prioritise the interests of the authorities over the interests of citizens. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended to consider the introduction of extra legislative mechanisms that would prevent the primacy of the interests of the state to take precedence over the interests of citizens in the future. (original abstract)
Jedynym z rozwiązań, jakie wprowadza tarcza antykryzysowa w celu ochrony interesu pracodawcy w warunkach epidemii koronawirusa i wywołanego nią kryzysu ekonomicznego, jest możliwość zawieszenia obowiązku tworzenia i funkcjonowania zakładowego funduszu świadczeń socjalnych oraz obowiązku wypłaty świadczenia urlopowego. Możliwość taka została wprowadzona art. 15ge tarczy antykryzysowej. Celem artykułu jest dokonanie pogłębionej i krytycznej analizy tej regulacji. Jest to bowiem regulacja bardzo szczególna, a niektóre jej aspekty budzą poważne teoretyczne i praktyczne zastrzeżenia. (abstrakt oryginalny)
One of the solutions introduced by the anti-crisis shield to protect the interests of the employer in the conditions of the coronavirus epidemic and the economic crisis it causes is the possibility of suspending the obligation to establish and operate the company's social benefits fund and the obligation to pay holiday benefits. Such a possibility was introduced in art. 15ge of the anti-crisis shield. The purpose of this article is to make an in-depth and critical analysis of these provisions. It is a very specific regulation, and some of its aspects raise serious theoretical and practical reservation. (original abstract)
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