Sixteen rugose coral species, two known previously, nine new, three left in open nomenclature, and two identified as affinis, are described from the early Serpukhovian strata of the Lublin area, eastern Poland. Rugose corals of that age here are described for the first time from Poland. New genera include Birkenmajerites, Chelmia and Occulogermen. New species include: Axisvacuus tenerus, Birkenmajerites primus, Chelmia radiata, Nervophyllum lukoviensis, Occulogermen luciae, Rotiphyllum plumeum, Sochkineophyllum symmetricum, Zaphrentites rotiphylloides and, Zaphrufimia anceps. A brief analysis of the taphonomy, possible relationships and geographical connections of the corals described here to rugose coral faunas from adjacent areas also is included.
Struktury wapienne wytwarzane przez koralowce są podstawą do powstawania unikatowego ekosystemu, znanego jako rafa koralowa. Koralowce żyją w obligatoryjnej symbiozie z glonami. Spełniają one niezwykle ważne usługi ekosystemowe, wycenione na 6 bln funtów rocznie. Różne aspekty ludzkiej działalności są dzisiaj przyczyną ich ginięcia. Około połowy raf koralowych wykazuje silne i bardzo silne oddziaływanie. Konieczne są zdecydowane działania prawne i edukacyjne w ich obronie.
Calcium structures secreted by corals are the basis for the formation of the unique ecosystem known as a coral reef. Corals live in obligatory symbiosis with algae. They fulfill extremely important ecosystem services valued at 6 trillion pounds a year. Various aspects of human activity today are the cause of their disappearance. Approximately half of the coral reefs exhibit strong and very strong impacts. It is necessary to take decisive legal and educational actions in their defense.
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