This paper arises from the socio‑cultural norms about female biology that are evident in the Greek medical theories and discusses what measures women could take in response to the concerns presented by them. Taking the viewpoint of individuals as ‘consumers’ of healing, it examines healing opportunities within the shrines of Artemis and Hera. Artemis and Hera are well known to us for their association with women, their biological and social maturation, and, consequently, conception, pregnancy and childbirth. A significant body of evidence potentially indicating a concern for female health exists in their sanctuaries, typically in the form of votive offerings. Did all the sanctuaries of Artemis and Hera offer protection for gynaecological problems? Did the two goddesses offer the same level of protection? Was this protection subject to regional variation? Investigating votives dedicated to the two deities, this paper surveys ways in which the healing landscape of ancient Greece may have functioned in regard to female patients. Evidence from major sites in Attica, the Peloponnese and Asia Minor is brought together to allow a better comparison of customs.
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W artykule poddane zostały analizie helleńskie koncepcje dotyczące antropomorfizacji bóstw i nasze współczesne poglądy – zarówno te popularne, jak i naukowe – na temat greckiej wiary w możliwość przybierania przez bogów postaci ludzkich. W tekście podjęto próby odpowiedzi na następujące pytania: Czy Hellenowie konsekwentnie wierzyli w bóstwa w ludzkiej formie? Czy uproszczone wizerunki bóstw greckich z atrybutami, które znamy z opracowań mitologii, są dziełem wyłącznie późniejszych epok, czy też to sami Grecy przyczynili się do powstania uproszczeń? Okazuje się, że choć bóstwa greckie przedstawiano w ludzkich postaciach i antropomorficzne bóstwo pod postacią statuy było trwałym elementem kultu, to jednak paradoksalnie wierzono, że boski kształt pozostaje dla człowieka nieuchwytny. Znane dziś powszechnie postaci greckich bóstw, sprowadzone do określonych wizerunków ze specyficznymi atrybutami i wyznaczonym patronatem nad poszczególnymi dziedzinami życia, nie są wcale dziełem późniejszych epok, gdyż wprowadzili je już starożytni greccy twórcy, począwszy od samego Homera.
The article analyses the Hellenic conceptions related to anthropomorphisation of deities, as well as our modern views – both popular and scientific – related to Greek belief in the possibility that gods could exist in human form. The author tries to answer the following questions: Did the Hellenes consistently believe in deities as being in human form? Are the simplified images of Greek deities, with attributes known from studies of mythology, the result of the subsequent epochs only? Or maybe the Greeks contributed to creation of such simplifications. It appears that although Greek deities were presented in human form and anthropomorphic gods in the form of a statue were a permanent element of the cult, it was paradoxically believed that a divine shape was elusive for a human being. The presently well known Greek deities, with their own characteristic appearances, specific attributes and patronages over given areas of life, are not the invention of the subsequent periods in Greek history. They were introduced by ancient Greek authors, with Homer himself at the head.
Humanity has practised animal sacrifice for the greater part of its history, from the time of the Neolithic Revolution. The ritual forms have varied, depending on the culture. They have also been subject to change, in connection with the development of human understanding and knowledge of animals, which is reflected in the ontological, cultural and moral status assigned to animals in the human world. Sacrificing animals involved not only killing them in a particular way – their treatment was sometimes sophisticated or ‘ritualistic’; often it was simply cruel. Human attitudes towards non-human living beings have also evolved in the context of animal killing and sacrifice. The treatment of animals reveals a great deal about human beings – in terms of their culture, beliefs, and morals. The article outlines this issue in a historical manner, referring to the practices adopted in selected cultural circles (in the Mediterranean Basin): ancient Mesopotamia and Greece, as well as in Judaism and Islam. The key findings of researchers are presented, along with the evaluations of philosophers, ethicists and anthropologists.
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