Having completed his literature studies in France, the author of this essay started teaching in the United States in 1988 in both private and public universities. This essay is the result of his observations made as a teacher, a scholar and an administrator on the evolution and the shifts occurred in departments of romance languages these past thirty years. Since the 1980s, neo-liberal politics and repetitive economic crisis encouraged states to drastically reduce their financial support to public universities forcing them to turn to other forms of financing including juicy contracts with Asian and the Middle Eastern countries where economic development generates surplus. This essay studies the consequences on departments of Romance languages of a university policy conducted in favor of the development of Chinese and Arabic languages, as well as sciences instead of European languages and the humanities in general, and shows how the preference given to those newly developing languages has weaken departments of European studies as a result.
The traditional and basic missions of the university, teaching and research are expanding. Terminology on the third mission of the university is gaining wide scope at the global level. The aim of this paper is to study basic similarities and differences in approach to the third mission of the university by comparing American to European universities. The starting point for comparing these approaches is the fact that the third mission of the university has its origins in the American continent, while the creation of the university is linked to Europe. The aim of this paper is to specify the following tasks: to examine the impact of global education policies on approaches to the third mission of the university; to examine the differences in the way European universities operate in relation to American universities; to explain the educational implications of the implementation of the university’s third mission at European universities. In conclusion, it is necessary to understand the global socioeconomic impacts on the process of higher education in order to approach educational reforms and ways of implementing them more comprehensively. Also, given the growing number of the participating interest groups in the implementation of the third mission of the university, it is inevitable to develop attitudes about the values and principles of the third mission among all those who are involved in the process of higher education.
Tradicionalne i osnovne misije sveučilišta, nastava i istraživanje sve se više proširuju. Treća misija sveučilišta je višedimenzionalan koncept koji poprima široke razmjere na svjetskom nivou. Kao cilj rada postavlja se proučavanje osnovnih sličnosti i razlika u pristupima trećoj misiji sveučilišta kada je riječ o američkim u odnosu na europska sveučilišta. Kao polazna osnova za usporedbu uzima se činjenica da treća misija sveučilišta svoje porijeklo ima na američkom kontinentu dok se nastanak sveučilišta vezuje za Europu. Cilj rada je konkretiziran na sljedeće zadatke: ispitati utjecaj globalnih obrazovnih politika na pristupe trećoj misiji sveučilišta; ispitati razlike u načinu funkcioniranja europskih u odnosu na američka sveučilišta; objasniti obrazovne implikacije provedbe treće misije na europskim sveučilištima. Kao zaključak rada ističe se da je neophodno razumijevanje globalnih društveno-ekonomskih utjecaja na proces visokog obrazovanja kako bi se sveobuhvatnije pristupilo obrazovnim reformama i načinima njihovog sprovođenja. Također, s obzirom na sudjelovanje sve brojnijih interesnih grupa u okviru realizacije treće misije sveučilišta, neminovno je razvijanje stavova o vrijednostima i načelima treće misije kod svih onih koji su uključeni u proces visokog obrazovanja.
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