The figure of Alexander Birkenmaier is well known among modern medievalists and it was several times presented (e.g. by M. Kurdziałek, B. Korolec and Th. d’Alverny), notwithstanding, it is worth to be re-analyzed and re-estimated along the changing context in which his studies are read. Though for Birkenmaier a history of medieval philosophy was not the main point of interest, he managed to formulate many theses that paved the way for the next generations of scholars. Among his academic achievements the discovery of the fragments of Quaternuli by David of Dinant and the sketch of the Aristoteles Latinus project have and will be always recalled. From the today’s perspective the effects and style of Birkenmaier’s research evoke a kind of nostalgia for the pioneer’s period of the medieval studies that offered much broader possibilities than the times, in which we work now.
The article presents Aleksander Birkenmajer’s services and contribution to the development of form and content of librarians’ education in Poland, with particular consideration for academic librarianship education at the Warsaw University. Birkenmajer’s activities at the University described in the article cover the years from the beginning of librarianship education (creation of the Librarianship Department), i.e. from the 1951/1952 academic year, through 1960 (Birkenmajer’s retirement), to 2016, when the Institute of Scientific Information and Librarian Studies was dissolved. Major organisational and curricular changes that were made in those years are shown in the article. Reader’s attention is drawn to Birkenmajer’s contribution to acquiring by librarianship (today: bibliology and informatology) a permanent place among other scientific disciplines of higher education.
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