The selected examinations of physical properties of the aluminised steel strips intended for elements of exhaust systems are characterized in the paper. Strips in their initial state and after the heat treatment, at temperatures from 250 to 700 C for 30 to 1440 minutes, were investigated. The macro and microscopic observations of the surface of the coating before and after heating are presented. The most of attention was dedicated to investigations of the erosion resistance in a stream of solid particles, simulating the behaviour of the coating exposed to various kinds of fine-grained particles. The results are presented as the mass losses, changes of the coating thickness and observations of the effect of the abrasive-penetrating agent. Examinations of microhardness and microscopic observations at the cross-section of the coating were also performed.
W artykule scharakteryzowano wybrane badania własności fizycznych, aluminiowanych taśm stalowych, przeznaczonych m. in. na elementy układów wydechowych. Badaniom poddano taśmy w stanie bez i po obróbce cieplnej w temperaturze 250-700 C w czasie 30-1440 min. Przedstawiono obserwacje makro i mikroskopowe powierzchni powłoki przed i po nagrzewaniu. Najwięcej uwagi poświęcono badaniom odporności na erozję w strumieniu cząstek stałych, symulujących zachowanie się powłoki narażonej na działanie różnego rodzaju elementów drobnoziarnistych. Wyniki przedstawiono w postaci ubytku masy, zmian grubości powłoki oraz obserwacji po działaniu czynnika ścierno-penetrującego. Wykonano także badania mikrotwardości oraz obserwacji mikroskopowych powłoki na przekroju.
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The research results shown in the article characterize the initial state of the Al-Si coating on the steel sheet and its evolution, being an effect of the influence of the temperature and the time. The heating was carried out in different temperatures (up to 800 °C) and in different periods. After the heating, observation of the sections with the appliance of a scanning electron microscope was realized and microanalyses of the chemical composition were carried out. The state and the features of the coatings were also tested in technological tests by bumping, deep drawing, bending and expanding. The results of microhardness research, documenting structural changes, are also presented.
Przedstawione w artykule wyniki badań charakteryzują stan początkowy powłoki Al-Si oraz jej ewolucję skutkiem oddziaływania temperatury i czasu. Nagrzewanie prowadzono w różnych temperaturach (do 800 °C) i w różnych czasach. Po nagrzewaniu dokonano obserwacji przekrojów za pomocą elektronowego mikroskopu skaningowego oraz dokonano mikroanaliz składu chemicznego. Badano również stan i własności powłok w testach technologicznych, w tym mikrotwardość, dokumentującą zmiany strukturalne.
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A division of methods of coatings adhesion investigations, with special emphasis on qualitative methods is presented in the paper. The obtained results the Al-Si coating adhesion to a steel strips of DX52D grade are given. This strip was examined before and after the heat treatment in temperatures 250-700oC during 30-1440 minutes. Methods of thermal shock, bending, filing, network of cuts and tensile were applied in examinations. The assessment of the method adequacy was performed. Structure changes of coatings due to the heat treatments are presented as observations made by the scanning electron microscope.
W artykule zamieszczono analizę problemu i wyniki badań, zmierzających do wyjaśnienia przyczyn awarii (perforacji) rur formowanych z taśmy ze stopu Al z powłoką lutowniczą Al-Si. Do awarii dochodzi podczas lutowania elementów wymiennika ciepła w temperaturze około 600 stopni Celsjusza.
The paper includes methods and results of tests aiming at explanation of the cause of failure (perforation) of tubes formed from Al alloy strip with small content of Mn, Fe, Cu with Al-Si coating soldered in temperature about 600 degrees centigrade. A problem occurred in production of vehicle coolers made of Al alloy, where tubes for the exchanger were made of an Al-Si coated strip soldered with elements of the radiator in temperature of about 600 degrees centigrade. Initial analysis and microscopic observation excluded mechanical damages, so we concentrated on material the tube has been made of and high temperature of the soldering process. One cause of damage may be locally disturbed chemical content, which may always happen, that is increased content of needle-shaped silicon may weaken the strip at certain points on next production stages. The observed perforation may take place in the increased temperature, higher than eutectic temperature, especially in a local change of coat thickness. Local disturbance of chemical content not in the coat but in the base may be another reason for damage. We observed with an electronic scanning microscope and made micro-analysis of chemical content of characteristic points at the strip section near the perforation. The observations confirmed influence of high temperature (melted edges of the hole). So it may be assumed that perforation takes place during soldering. Analysis of the chemical content indicates what a probable cause of perforation is. It is locally excessive copper content. Perforation mechanism may be more complex. Existence of Al2Cu phase may result in earlier disturbance of material cohesion, as early as in, for instance, rolling phase. Flux agent operation is also possible.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu wysokiej temperatury (700-1050 stopni Celsjusza), czasu (2-70 godzin) i atmosfery ochronnej na zachowanie się powłoki Al-Si na stalowych rurach zgrzewanych przeznaczonych na elementy układów wydechowych. Badania przeprowadzono w przemysłowych piecach grzewczych. Analizowano wpływ wymienionych parametrów na zmianę struktury, składu chemicznego, własności oraz przyczepności powłoki. Wyniki badań zobrazowano za pomocą fotografii, mikroanaliz i wykresów.
Steel strips with Al-Si coating are produced by the method of hot dip galvanizing. The condition of forming a continuous dip coating is good wettability of steel by the smelt metal of the coating. Wetting results from mutual diffusion of atoms of liquid metal of the coating and atoms of solid steel. A thin layer of inter-metal phases raises between the Al-Si coating and the steel, referred to as Al-Fe-Si diffusive layer. The diffusion layer provides a protection against corrosion and results in much better adhesion between the steel and the coatings in comparison to coatings produced by other methods. Simultaneously, the layer is thin and brittle, resulting in worsening strips' deformation features. Increase of layer's thickness results also in restricting the capacity for deformations and joining elements of this specific bimetal. For many years, researches have been conducted on improving the quality of dip coatings by proper thermal processing or changes in chemical composition of the coating. Examples of modern, hot dip galvanize coatings, can be: "Galvannealing", "Galvalume" and "Galfan". Searching for a new kind of coating is justified due to the expected improvement of their corrosion and mechanical resistance. This is particularly important in case of steel tubes with Al-Si coating, applied on elements of exhaust systems. The paper presents the results of researches of influence of high temperature (700-1050 degrees of Celsius), time (2-70 h) and protection atmosphere (nitrogen, hydrogen, vacuum) on changes of structure, chemical composition, features and capability for deformations of Al-Si coating on steel strips and tubes. The tests were conducted in industrial conditions, using furnaces for heat processing with protection atmospheres.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań powierzchniowych i strukturalnych zmian powłoki Al-Si na stalowych taśmach po odkształceniu plastycznym. Wycięte z taśmy krążki poddano procesowi wytłaczania, na specjalnie skonstruowanym przyrządzie, stosując różne warunki tarcia. Następnie wytłoczki poddano ocenie makroskopowej i mikroskopowej. Określono zmiany parametrów chropowatości powierzchni powłoki Al-Si oraz zrealizowano obserwacje struktury powłoki Al-Si w wybranych obszarach wytłoczek.
In the article results of the influence of parameters of plastic deformation on the surface and structural changes of aluminized steel sheets are presented. Deep drawing process on the special device was made with difference friction parameters. Next cups were subjected to macroscopic and microscopic evaluation. Determine changes in the parameters of surface roughness of Al-Si coating and the coating was carried out observations of the structure of Al-Si cups in selected areas.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań stalowych taśm z powłoką Al-Si w stanie dostawy, przeznaczonych na zgrzewanie rury, wykorzystywane jako elementy układów wydechowych. Badaniom poddano taśmy z gatunku DX52D+AS120 i DX53D+AS120. Określono skład chemiczny, własności mechaniczne taśm, ich grubość, chropowatość i grubość powłoki. Dodatkowo wykonano badania przyczepności, odporności korozyjnej oraz odporności powłoki na działanie cykli cieplnych. Wyniki przedstawiono za pomocą narzędzi dostępnych w profesjonalnym programie Statistica oraz obserwacji makro- i mikroskopowych.
The input materials for manufacturing welded tubes for elements of exhaust systems (strictly correlated and dependent from diameter and wall thickness of the manufactured tubes) are coiled, narrow strips, usually hot rolled (of very good surface quality), and, in case of precise tubes, cold rolled, of thickness determined by wall thickness of ready tubes. This input, directly after transferring to the technological line, is subjected to mechanical processing of edges and joined into an endless strip in the way of cross-wise welding of following coils. Furtherly, in a continuous line, the strip is formed into a tube, welded, calibrated and cut. For production of tubes provided for exhaust systems, strips of low-carbon steel or chromic seel are used. In the hereby work, two grades of steel strips with silumine coating - DX52D+AS120 and DX53D+AS120 - were subjected to detailed tests. The silumine coating is produced in the way of hot dip galvanizing, by submersion in a liquid Al-Si alloy, containing ca. 8-11 % Si. Addition of silicon significantly increases the resistance against performance of high temperatures and decreases problems connected with coating. A characteristic feature of this specific material is the presence of Al-Fe-Si diffusive layer between the metal and the coating, possessing good influence on adhesion and corrosion resistance of the coating. Simultaneously, increase of thickness of this layer, as well as of the thickness of the coating, results in decreasing material's capability for deforming. The work presents results of tests of delivered steel strips with Al-Si coating, provided for welded tubes applied as elements of exhaust systems. The chemical composition, mechanical properties, thickness and porosity of the steel strips, as well as the thickness of the coating, have been determined. Additionally, researches of coating resistance against performance of heat cycles, adhesion and corrosion resistance have been conducted. Results were presented by application of tools available in the professional Statistica program, as well as micro- and macroscope observations.
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