The genus Agrimonia L. of the family Rosaceae Juss. is known to include valuable medicinal plants. Agrimony is well known for its beneficial effects in various diseases such as liver complaints, gall-bladder stones; diarrhea, edemas and kidney ailments. The contents of microelements in aerial parts of Agrimonia eupatoria, an official herbal drug, collected from wild samples in the suburb of Lviv city, Western Ukraine, have been determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy with electrothermal atomization (ААС/ЕА) on VARIAN AA 240Z after mineralization in the microwave Milestone Start D. The found quantities of trace elements in the analyzed samples were as follows: manganese – 46.9 µg/g, copper – 7.9 µg/g, selenium – 0.16 µg/g, lead – 0.15 µg/g, cadmium – 0.05 µg/g. The received research outcomes were compared with results of other known scientific investigations of the medicinal plant material. The determined amounts of lead and cadmium in the investigated samples of the herbal drug complied with the World Health Organization (WHO) requirements. The special attention is paid for pharmacological effects, related to its renal impact, contents of selenium and phenolic compounds that allows considering the herbal drug as a promising nephroprotective agent.
W zielu rzepiku pozyskanym ze stanowisk naturalnych we wschodniej Polsce oznaczono ogólną zawartość garbników (10,08%), flawonoidów (0,33%) i fenolokwasów (2,26%). Przy użyciu chromatografii gazowej zidentyfikowano 12 kwasów fenolowych, wśród których dominował kwas p-hydroksybenzoesowy, obecny głównie w formie związanej. Głównymi składnikami frakcji wolnych kwasów fenolowych okazały się kwasy: protokatechowy i wa- nilinowy. Wyizolowano i określono - przy użyciu metod chemicznych i spektroskopowych (UV, 'H NMR, 13C NMR) - strukturę 5 związków flawonoidowych, nie znalezionych dotąd w zielu rzepiku pospolitego, to jest: 7-O-soforozydu luteoliny, 7-0-6"-acetyloglukozydu luteoliny, 7-O-glukozydu akacetyny, 7-O-glukozydu luteoliny i 7-O-glukozydu apigeniny.
The total content of tannins (10.08%), flavonoids (0.33%) and phenolic acids (2.26%) in agrimony herb collected from natural sites in eastern Poland were determined. On the basis of GC, twelve phenolic acids were identified, with p-hydroxybenzoic acid as a dominant compound, present mainly in a bounded form. Protocatechuic and vanillic acids were the main components of the fraction of free phenolic acids. Five flavonoid compounds, not reported in the herb of A. eupatorio before, i.e. luteolin 7-O-sophoroside, lu- teolin 7-0 (6"- acetylglucoside), acacetin 7-O-glucoside, luteolin 7-O-glucoside and apigenin 7-O-glucoside were isolated and their structure elucidated by chemical and spectral methods (UV, 'H NMR, ,3C NMR).
Two main types of suspensor: filamentous and massive, as well as its intermediary form, were observed at the cotyledonary stage of the embryo in Agrimonia eupatoria L. (2n = 28), A. pilosa Led. (2n = 28) and A. procera Wallr. (2n = 56). The nature of this variation, occurring in the same plant, is unknown but it gives an example of embryological intraspecific variability rarely described is suspensors of Angiospermae.
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