W artykule dokonano przeglądu systemów zintegrowanego planowania rozwoju i rewitalizacji miast w Niemczech, Francji i Wielkiej Brytanii oraz wskazano działania UE na rzecz zintegrowanego planowania. Scharakteryzowano istniejący system planowania w Polsce. Uznano potrzebę opracowywania zintegrowanych strategii rozwoju miast oraz wynikających z ich ustaleń zintegrowanych programów operacyjnych.
Regulatory planning, protecting the spatial order, which developed in the period of urbanization and industrialization, has become insufficient for planning contemporary development of cities. Systems of land use planning in the Western Europe countries grew wider by adopting off-statute (unofficial) integrated planning, enabling actions aimed at qualitative development of the city. In the article, systems of the integrated planning of development and revitalization of cities in Germany, France and Great Britain were reviewed as well as the EU actions for integrated planning were shown. The existing system of planning development and spatial management in Poland and the problems with the integrated planning and programming of the development and revitalization of cities were characterised. Conclusions were expressed in relation with drawing up an integrated strategy of the development of cities and integrated operational programmes resulting from it. In the EU countries being analysed, integrated plans of development and revitalization of cities are included in relevant legal articles as an element of a planning system. However, their contents and form are not specified by law. Issues related to development plans are established in accordance with the needs of a given area and a planning process is widely socialised which enables it to reach an agreement with respect to solving the most important problems in selected critical area and makes it easy to establish partnerships of different kind which is essential for the completion of planned actions. General objectives, written in legal articles, refer both to the general plans of spatial planning, and the integrated development plans and they concern sustainable development of a territorial unit. Integrated plans of development and revitalization of cities are long-term action plans, generally of complex character. They often have a form of strategic plans. The completion of agreed actions is guaranteed by arrangements which are included in the land use plans. Cities/communes conduct a policy of socio-economic and spatial development as based on an integrated development concept, which is drawn up as a part of off-statue planning, but agreed upon with a local community and being in conformity with the purpose which is sustainable development. Development plans are to be made more detailed in operational programmes (which are a set of projects), related to problem (critical) areas. They are implemented due to an integrated action of organizational units of municipal /commune offices. They are connected both with national and Union programs, supporting financially local development.An integrated approach to the planning of development of cities is recommended by the Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities of 2007. Well-tried, in practice by the countries „old" EU, integrated plans and programmes of development should be used in the strategic management of cities in Poland. The function of an integrated plan of development and revitalization of a city/commune can be performed in Poland by a development strategy document which is included both in a system of spatial planning (according to the Act on Planning and Spatial Planning) and in a system of socio-economic planning (according to the Act on Conducting the Development Policy). However, integration of both systems is essential which will consist in defining the role of both the objectives of individual plans and programmes and their mutual connection within and among the individual levels of planning and management. Also, the terminology used so far requires unification with respect to various planning documents. Existing legal documents should be adapted to the standards of the European policy of development of cities which was done by the „old" countries the EU. One should think whether integrated plans and development programmes should be documents to be drawn up compulsorily or optionally in Poland. An integrated development strategy of a city/commune should be a long-term, comprehensive plan of action of the local government, taking into account all aspects of the development of the city (social, economic, ecological, spatial-urban) in their interrelations. A process of planning, conducted by an interdisciplinary team of specialists (with the participation of architects - urban planners), should be widely socialised for the purpose of: - reaching an agreement with respect to solving major problems in selected areas; - establishing partnership between public and private entities; - identifying and using synergy effects of actions planned. An integrated strategy should be drawn up in advance with respect to the study of conditions and trends of spatial development (of a general spatial development plan /plan of a structure). Its arrangements should be taken into account in „the study" (a general/ structure plan) and entered into a local plan which, as a generally applicable legal document, will guarantee the completion of activities planned. Operational programmes, resulting from the integrated development strategy of a city/commune, will have a character of integrated programmes (among others, operational programmes required at present by the EC: local development, revitalization of cities and development of public transport in urbanized areas). Their implementation will guarantee that the strategic goals set will be achieved.
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