The article presents the activities of Alois Schwarz, a chemistry and natural history professor at the Landes- Oberrealschule (a type of regional high school) in Moravian Ostrava, author of numerous works and the organizer of international brewing congresses. He belonged to the social and political urban elite and he was a member of the city council for three terms. He also played an active role in local associations. In 1902, he founded a high school for girls, the Female High School (Mädchen- Lyzeum), which he managed for 20 years, promoting the model of modern education in the German language. He advocated the idea that Jews should adopt the German language and culture, which was believed to be universal, according to the general notion of humanism.
Uwarunkowania kulturowe wywierają duży wpływ na zachowania nabywcze konsumentów, zwłaszcza tych znajdujących się w warunkach akulturacji. Rozpoznaniu uwarunkowań zmian zachowań konsumentów dokonujących się w wyniku akulturacji posłużyły badania zrealizowane zgodnie z podejściem interpretacyjnym metodologią studium przypadku. W artykule zaprezentowano rozpoznane uwarunkowania kulturowe determinujące zmiany dokonujące się w zachowaniach nabywczych polskich konsumentów mieszkających na stałe we Francji, Niemczech i w Wielkiej Brytanii.
Culture-related determinants significantly influence consumers’ purchasing behaviours, especially of those consumers who find themselves in conditions of acculturation. Cognition and understanding of determinants of changes in consumer behaviours that are observed as a result of acculturation are facilitated by the research that was conducted employing an interpretative approach – a case study methodology. The article presents identified culture-related determinants that affect purchasing behaviours of Polish consumers who reside in France, Germany and Great Britain.
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