This study discusses utilisation of the complex of the former Cistercian abbey in Plasy during the second half of the 20th century on the basis of published and unpublished sources and specialist literature. The introduction provides information about the historic development of the complex until 1945 when the estate belonging to the Metternich family was nationalised. It then outlines use of the buildings of the complex after the end of the Second World War and particularly after the communist coup d’état in 1948.
This article is the third one in the series entitled “The Post-Cistercian Abbey in Ląd as a Cultural Centre”. The first two papers were published in Seminare, No. 3 and 4, 2014. The present article provides an evaluation of the research concerning tourists’ opinions on the attractiveness of the currently prepared cultural offer, its influence on the number of tourists, influence of specific factors on the reception the new offer and the attractiveness of the offer’s particular categories.
The economic activity of the Canons Regular Monastery from Żagań has not yet been deeply analyzed. The Abbot Trudwin (1325–1347) had to face problems related to the reform of internal and economic life. These changes were met with great resistance from the brothers. A major disadvantageous element was making the managing of the monastery less effective resulting in a change in relations between the Żagań Princes and the monastery. The Żagań Princes supported the monastery until 1342. However, later as the situation deteriorated the monastery was more and more often considered by the rulers as an economic opponent, which led to many disputes, also of an economic nature. In this difficult situation, the Abbot coped with the challenges by expanding the land of the Abbey and obtaining more rent and income.
Działalność gospodarcza klasztoru Kanoników Regularnych z Żagania nie doczekała się jeszcze dogłębnej analizy historyków. Opat Trudwin (1325–1347) musiał borykać się z problemami reformy życia wewnętrznego i potrzebą rozwoju siły gospodarczej klasztoru. Zmiany te spotkały się z dużym oporem braci. Niekorzystnym czynnikiem, utrudniającym sprawne gospodarowanie klasztorem, była zmiana stosunków pomiędzy książętami a klasztorem, którzy do 1342 r. wspierali klasztor, jednak później sytuacja uległa pogorszeniu i konwent coraz częściej traktowany był przez władców jako konkurent ekonomiczny, co doprowadzało do licznych sporów, także na tle gospodarczym. W tej trudnej sytuacji opat sprostał wyzwaniom, powiększając jego ziemie i pozyskując kolejne czynsze i dochody.
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