Aim/purpose – This study investigated the nexus between labor force dynamics and economic performance in Nigeria, India, and China. Design/methodology/approach – The study used annual time series data spanning from 1991 to 2021 obtained from World Development Indicators (WDI). After the unit root stationarity test, the Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL) was used for the analysis. Findings – Findings from the study support a positive short-run relationship between labor force participation and economic growth in all three countries. However, in China, population growth impacts the economy positively in the long run, while life expectancy at birth negatively impacts the economy in the short run. This is because China’s population is aging. In India, employment in the industrial and service sectors positively impacts the economy in the long run. In the short run, life expectancy at birth influences the economy negatively. Furthermore, in Nigeria, the industrial and service sector employment impact the economy negatively in the long run, though there are positive effects in the short run. Research implications – The Indian government needs policy reforms in the areas of education and health to take advantage of the potential of its youthful population. The Nigerian government requires implementing a wide range of education, investment, and employment-generating policies to foster tangible economic growth. These reforms could help both India and Nigeria take advantage of the potential for demographic change. The Chinese government, already having policy reforms in place, is geared towards improved fertility and population growth for economic growth in the near future. These policies, coupled with the study’s findings, could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the implications of demographic change on economic performance. Originality/value contribution – This analysis explored and compared the demographic potentials of two young countries (India and Nigeria) and an aging, wealthy economy (China) from the working class. Policy lessons for the attainment of demographic dividends are borrowed from China.
This study aims to explain the association between the quarterly data obtained over the period 2007: Q2–2020: Q3 for Turkey and the countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) proposed within the framework of Basel III with banking performance and risk indicators. For this purpose the association among the variables was analyzed using the ARDL model and by performing the Toda Yamamoto (T-Y) causality test. According to the analysis results, it was determined that the CCyB has a statistically significant and positive relationship with the capital adequacy indicators of the banks in the long-run, however, it has a statistically significant and negative relationship with the asset quality risk and currency risk indicators. In the short-run it was determined that the CCyB has a statistically significant and positive relationship with the capital adequacy, profitability and liquidity indicators and similar to the long-term relationship, it has a statistically significant and negative relationship with the asset quality risk and exchange rate risk indicators. According to the causality test results, a statistically significant and unilateral causality running from the indicators of capital adequacy, asset quality and exchange rate risk to the CCyB was detected. The obtained estimation results indicate that the CCyB can be increased by policymakers during the periods when the performance indicators of the banking sector rise, whereas can be decreased by policymakers during the periods when the risk indicators of the sector rise. Furthermore, the results of the study asserted that the CCyB was an appropriate instrument for mitigating the macroeconomic and systemic risks for Turkey.
The proposed research aims to examine The Impact of Natural Resources and Foreign Direct Investment on Eco-nomic Growth in Algeria during the period 1970-2021 and compare it with the Saudi economy, which is considered the closest economy in terms of natural resources. Analyse the factors influencing economic diversification and innovation. The research seeks to understand the impact of natural resources, including oil and gas, on the Algerian economy and study the factors influencing sustainable development and economic diversification. This research employs the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach. The findings suggest that, in total, there is The Impact of Natural Resources and Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in Algeria during the period 1970-2021. The positive correlation between resources and economic growth highlights resource extraction's role in Algeria's economic development. It underscores the need for diversification to reduce dependence on commodity markets. The research focuses solely on economic factors, neglecting social and political dynamics. Limited data availability may constrain the depth of analysis, potentially overlooking nuances in the relationship between natural resources, FDI, and economic growth. The findings offer insights for Algerian policymakers to develop strategies for sustainable economic growth, emphasising the need for diversification beyond natural resources. Recommendations may inform policy decisions aimed at fostering innovation, reducing dependency on volatile resource sectors, and promoting environmental sustainability.
This article proposes an alternative methodology for estimating changes in the VAT gap that allows for their timely (quarterly) monitoring. It combines two traditions of tax modelling: calculating a discrepancy between theoretical tax liabilities and the amount of tax actually collected, as well as estimating the elasticities of tax revenues. In this approach, the VAT gap trajectory is associated with a changing elasticity of actual tax revenues with respect to theoretical revenues (or, equivalently, the elasticity of actual revenues corrected for changes in the tax system with respect to the tax base). The method was used to estimate changes in the VAT gap in Poland from 2016 to 2018.
W niniejszym artykule zaproponowano alternatywną względem stosowanych w literaturze metodykę szacowania zmian luki VAT, pozwalającą na jej bieżący (kwartalny) monitoring. Łączy ona dwie tradycje modelowania dochodów podatkowych: metodę rozbieżności oraz metodę szacowania elastyczności dochodów podatkowych względem bazy podatkowej. Kształtowanie się luki VAT utożsamiane jest ze zmianami reaktywności rzeczywistych dochodów podatkowych względem teoretycznych (czyli – ekwiwalentnie – rzeczywistych dochodów względem bazy podatkowej przy kontroli zmian stawek podatkowych). Metoda została wykorzystana do oszacowania zmian luki VAT w Polsce w latach 2016–2018.
The role of environmental tax as an economic instrument to reduce environmental degradation has been under investigation for many years. In this paper, the main research objective is to check whether there were long-term relationships (cointegration) between greenhouse gas emissions, environmental taxes and gross domestic product in Visegrad Group countries under the inverted U-shaped Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis from 1995 to 2018. It was also checked whether environmental tax has an impact on greenhouse gas emissions. In the first step, the long-run relationship (cointegration) was examined by applying the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds test. In the second step, the causal relationship and direction were tested within the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) framework. The results of ARDL bounds testing confirmed cointegration between variables only in Poland. However, the long-run relationships between the variables are not consistent with the inverted U-shaped EKC hypothesis. They confirm the U-shaped EKC hypothesis, indicating that greenhouse gas emissions decrease with an increase in GDP per capita. After reaching the minimum, emissions increase again. The test of the causal relationship in Poland indicates the existence of convergence to the long-term equilibrium only for the equation where the environmental tax is the dependent variable.
Rola podatku środowiskowego jako instrumentu oddziaływania na gospodarkę w celu zmniejszenia degradacji środowiska jest przedmiotem badań od wielu lat. W niniejszym artykule głównym celem badawczym jest sprawdzenie, czy zachodzą długookresowe związki (kointegracja) między emisją gazów cieplarnianych, podatkami środowiskowymi oraz produktem krajowym brutto w państwach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej zgodnie z hipotezą środowiskowej krzywej Kuznetsa (EKC) w latach 1995–2018. Sprawdzono również, czy podatek środowiskowy ma wpływ na emisję gazów cieplarnianych. Badając, czy istnieje między zmiennymi modelu długookresowa stabilna zależność (kointegracja), przeprowadzono testy z wykorzystaniem modelu autoregresyjnego z rozkładem opóźnień (ARDL). W drugim etapie zbadano występowanie oraz kierunki związku przyczynowego, wykorzystując wektorowy model korekty błędem (VECM). Testy przeprowadzone za pomocą modelu ARDL potwierdziły kointegrację między zmiennymi tylko w Polsce. Jednak relacje długookresowe między zmiennymi nie są zgodne z hipotezą EKC w kształcie odwróconej litery U. Są one zgodne z hipotezą EKC w kształcie litery U, wskazując, że początkowo wraz ze wzrostem PKB per capita emisja gazów cieplarnianych spada, a po osiągnięciu minimum ponownie rośnie. Badania występowania i kierunku związku przyczynowego za pomocą modelu VECM wykazały w Polsce konwergencję modelu do równowagi długookresowej tylko dla równania, w którym zmienną zależną jest podatek środowiskowy.
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