The current work is an answer to the problem of designing switched-current (SI) circuits, which is usually a complex issue in the field of microelectronics. The mentioned task is a source of many mistakes and takes a lot of time for designers, therefore authors of the article decided to propose a software solution. This article presents an environment for design automation of analogue circuits in the switched currents technique. It points out the utility advantages of the described tools, which make the work of a VLSI designer much easier, moreover offering a possibility to parameterise the design process considering power consumption, chip area usage and its working speed. It also presents results of an automatic generation of a filter pair circuit, as well as a DCT circuit - automatically generated with the proposed SI-Studio software tools.
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Artykuł przedstawia metodę automatyzacji projektowania layoutu filtrów SI w strategii wierszowej z wykorzystaniem języka AMPLE. W pracy opisano narzędzia, które w krótkim czasie pozwalają niezależnie od technologii uzyskać layout układu złożonego z integratorow i zwierciadeł prądowych. Zaproponowane zostaje podejście pozwalające redukować pobieraną przez układ moc i zajętość powierzchni chipu lub zwiększyć szybkość działania. Skuteczność metody zobrazowana jest na przykładzie pary filtrów SI zaprojektowanej w technologii TSMC 0,18�μm.
The article introduces a method of design automation of an SI filter layout using the row strategy with the help of the AMPLE language. The work describes tools which, in short time and independently on the used technology, allow to obtain a layout of a circuit composed of integrators and current mirrors. The presented approach allows to minimise the power consumption, to reduce the chip area or to enhance the speed of the circuit. The efficiency of the method is illustrated with an SI filter pair example, designed in the TSMC 0,18μm technology.
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