The article aims at contributing to the current expert discussion that considers different ways how to derogate the amnesties proclaimed by the President of the Slovak Republic. Different stances exist with regard the issue under consideration: coherence with the international law, violation of international obligations by the Slovak republic, the non-retroactivity issue. The international law acknowledges exemptions from the non-retroactivity principle with regard to treaties. Was it possible to explore per analogiam the international law experience with respect to amnesties derogation? Priority of the international obligations is in force with respect to the Slovak republic to the domestic law regulations.
The National Council of the Slovak Republic dealt also in V. election period in the draft of the Constitutional Act on the Annulment of certain decisions on amnesty. The draft of the Constitutional Act was not approved. In 1999 the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic ruled that the President is not authorized to annul the decision on Amnesty. The question arises, whether such annulment power has National Council of the Slovak Republic as the highest representative body of the Slovak Republic, namely by an Constitutional Act. This idea could be possible in terms of a poly legal constitution. The author controverts with such power of the National Council of the Slovak Republic and he argues that the National Council of Slovak Republic is in its constitutional power limited. This limitation represents the implicit material core of the constitution, which the author classifies as the principles of the rule of law and inviolable, inalienable, imprescriptible and indefeasible fundamental rights and freedoms. In relation to the Constitutional Act on the Annulment of some decisions on Amnesty refers to conflict with the principle of separation of powers and also to the absence of generality of such Constitutional Act.
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