This article presents the life, career and works of Franz von Zeiller, who is considered one of the most influential Austrian lawyers. The authors attempt to present his activities in various fields: as an academic teacher, an author of scientific projects, a science promoter, a legal practitioner and, above all, as a legislator. After Martini’s death, Franz von Zeiller took over his work and completed the legal codification for the entire Austrian Empire, which at that time had been produced for quite a long time. To his credit, Franz Zeiller pushed through the universal character of the Austrian codification as a basic set of the civil law rules in the German-speaking countries of the Habsburg monarchy. The authors of this article present the scientific profile of Franz Zeiller primarily in the field of private law, without omitting his activities in the area of criminal law.
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The article deals with the importance of the Czech-Austrian legal tradition in Czech inheritance law, particularly with the inter-war recodification (1920–1938) and the contemporary literature. In the first part it analyses the inspirational sources of new inheritance law in general. Next part describes the course of the recodification works in the inter-war era. The third part of the article analyses the scope and particular form of the First Republic inspiration. The last part describes personalities and literature of inheritance law until the middle of the 20th century. The last recodification of Czech private law (2000–2012), finished by issuance of the new Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012 Sb.), built on the Czech-Austrian legal tradition represented by the interwar proposals from 1931 and 1937. The comparisons suggest that the recodification of inheritance law followed a super revision proposal (1931) even more than the government bill (1937), in some institutes it coincides with the (West) Galician Civil Code (1797), which became the direct precursor of the General Civil Code – ABGB (1811).
Austriacki kodeks cywilny (ABGB) obowiązujący w okręgach sądów apelacji lwowskiej i krakowskiej w okresie międzywojennym przewidywał zasadę swobody testowania przez spadkodawcę. Swoboda ta mogła jednak niekiedy godzić w prawa spadkowe osób najbliższych spadkodawcy. Instytucją chroniącą prawa tych osób był zachowek, który należał się im jako dziedzicom koniecznym. Podstawą obliczenia wysokości zachowku była wielkość masy spadkowej. Przy obliczaniu zachowku brano jednak pod uwagę także darowizny, jakie otrzymali od spadkodawcy dziedzice konieczni (osoby uprawnione do zachowku) oraz spadkobiercy i legatariusze. ABGB przewidywał, że w przypadku gdy należny dziedzicom koniecznym zachowek był uszczuplony (w niepełnej wysokości), mogli oni domagać się jego uzupełnienia. Kwestie dotyczącego tego, jakie darowizny były brane pod uwagę, a jakie nie przy obliczaniu wysokości zachowku, wskutek różnych praktyk w tym zakresie były przedmiotem wielu orzeczeń sądów. Orzecznictwo sądów w tym zakresie było niejednolite. Przewidywało wyrównanie uszczuplonego zachowku zarówno w naturze (w postaci proporcjonalnej części darowizny), jak i w postaci świadczenia pieniężnego, z czasem coraz bardziej ewoluując w tym kierunku.
The Austrian Civil Code (ABGB), which was in force in the districts of the courts based in Lvov and Krakow in the Interwar period, stipulated the principle of freedom of testing by the testator. That freedom, however, could harm the inheritance rights of the persons who were the nearest to the testator. The institution protecting the rights of these persons was the legitimate share which they were entitled to as heirs-at-law. The basis to assess the height of the legitim was the size of inheritance. However, while estimating thelegitimate share, donations which the heirs-at-law (persons entitled to the legitim), heirs and legatees had received from testators were taken into consideration as well. The ABGB provided that in the case where the legitim which the heirs-at-law were entitled to was depleted (not at full height) they could demand completion of it. Questions concerning which donations were taken into account and which were not while estimating the height of the legitim due to different practices in this respect were the subject of many courts’ adjudgments. The jurisprudence in this sphere was not uniform. It stipulated compensation of the depleted legitimate share both in kind (in the form of proportional part of the donation) and as a financial benefit, with time evolving towards the latter to a greater and greater extent.
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Intabulacja, czyli wpisanie prawa własności nieruchomości do księgi gruntowej w prawie obowiązującym w byłym zaborze austriackim w Polsce w okresie międzywojennym, miała niezwykle istotne znaczenie. Była jednym z warunków skutecznego przeniesienia tego prawa. Dotyczy to także przeniesienia prawa własności nieruchomości w drodze dziedziczenia. W praktyce niestety często jej nie dokonywano, co powodowało niezgodność między faktycznym a prawnym stanem władania nieruchomościami, z którymi nawet sądy musiały się godzić. Sytuacja taka występowała w byłym zaborze austriackim, szczególnie odnośnie do dziedziczenia gruntów chłopskich, rodząc wiele problemów prawnych.
Entering the property rights in the land book in the law of the former Austrian Partition in Poland in the interwar period, i.e. intabulation, was of great importance. It was one of the conditions for the effective transfer of that right. This also applies to the transfer of ownership of real estate by inheritance. In practice, unfortunately, it was often not carried out, which caused a discrepancy between the actual and legal state of ownership of real estate. Even the courts had to be reconciled with this situation. It occurred in the former Austrian partition, especially regarding the inheritance of peasant land, giving rise to many legal problems.
This thesis aims to depict phemonena of interest and usury in private law using example of regulation of interest and usury in Austrian law. This issue was regulated in various ways from the mid-18th century until the World War 1. Subsequent legal acts are being analysed, referring to contemporary legal theories. Special emphasis is placed on the two aims of introducing full freedom of interest rate (in 1787 and 1868) which, however, proved to be ephemeral. Nevertheless, liberalising attempts resulted in modern depiction of usury in the Imperial decree of 1914, where it was identified with extortion; that creates a connection to the contemporary Polish regulation, to which reference is made in the end of the article.
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