In this paper we propose a novel software, named ForestTaxator, supporting terrestrial laser scanning data processing, which for dendrometric tree analysis can be divided into two main processes: tree detection in the point cloud and development of three-dimensional models of individual trees. The usage of genetic algorithms to solve the problem of tree detection in 3D point cloud and its cross-sectional area approximation with ellipse-based model is also presented. The detection and approximation algorithms are proposed and tested using various variants of genetic algorithms. The work proves that the genetic algorithms work very well: the obtained results are consistent with the reference data to a large extent, and the time of genetic calculations is very short. The attractiveness of the presented software is due to the fact that it provides all necessary functionalities used in the forest inventory field. The software is written in C# and runs on the .NET Core platform, which ensures its full portability between Windows, MacOS and Linux. It provides a number of interfaces thus ensuring a high level of modularity. The software and its code are made freely available.
During archaeological research carried out in Nasielsk, Poland in 2006 by Dr. M. Błoński, a fragment of an ornamented sickle handle was found. It most likely dates to the 2nd half of the 10th century, but may have been made as late as the mid-11th century. The sickle with a movable blade is interpreted as belonging to the equipment of an elite horse warrior. Many finds of this type known from unusual medieval deposits suggests their special, symbolic meaning and a connection with the military sphere. The artefact is ornamented with a variation of the Borre ring-chain pattern – specifically, the Pomeranian school of Scandinavian-Insular decoration. The origins of this style emerged in the 10th century with the combining of Celtic, English, and Scandinavian elements – and it was developed intensively in western Pomerania. The artefact from Nasielsk has only partially survived. The preserved fragment of the handle was 3D scanned using a structured light scanner and photogrammetry software. In order to make a 3D reconstruction, documentation of a second, not available fragment was also used. Moreover, certain analogies from early medieval folded sickles were analyzed. The most important questions concerned the shape of the blade, the continuation of the ornament, its design features, and a proper visualization of the reconstruction.
The aim of this paper is manufacturing of turbocharger engine jet blades made of nickel superalloys. Processes for producing molds and casting realized in a production line are special processes. It means that the results are known only after inspection of the finished product. There is lack of the methods and techniques of effective and efficient quality control of the work in stock, above all molds. Therefore, the unknown is the state ceramic mold for the precision casting, which resulting in risk of referral to a defective mold of the casting process and thus give the product does not comply, is eliminated in the final inspection. One method of reducing this risk is particularly thorough monitoring of all parameters of each process and keeping them in the desired operating point. Operating point is a set of parameters of processes. Such monitoring is possible with the commitment to the methods and techniques to automatically, without human intervention, data collection and processing methods appropriate for use in operational control. The paper presents results of research on the attitude to the problem of a special process. This change is the introduction to the process efficient and effective form of quality control tools in the course of its preparation. In this case, the method of photogrammetry, thermal imaging and computed tomography were used. With the infrared camera will be possible to determine the temperature field, the disorder in relation to the pattern indicates the type of defect. Computed tomography and will be used to develop patterns of correlated defects associated with thermal imagers. Photogrammetry is the use of a model set of quality control (comparison of the actual state of the model *.CAD). It also allows the designation of a wall thickness of the mold.
Referat dotyczy procesu wytwarzania łopatek turbosprężarek silników odrzutowych wykonanych z nadstopów niklu. Procesy wytwarzania form i odlewania, realizowane w linii technologicznej są procesami specjalnymi. Oznacza to, że ich wyniki są znane dopiero po kontroli wyrobu gotowego. Brak jest, bowiem metod i technik efektywnej i skutecznej kontroli jakości półproduktu, przede wszystkim formy. Tym samym nieznany jest stan formy przeznaczanej do odlewania, co skutkuje ryzykiem skierowania do procesu odlewania wadliwej formy i tym samym wytworzeniem wyrobu niezgodnego, eliminowanego dopiero podczas końcowej kontroli odbiorczej. Jedną z metod zmniejszania tego typu ryzyka jest szczególnie gruntowne nadzorowanie wszystkich parametrów poszczególnych procesów i utrzymanie ich w wybranym punkcie pracy. Punkt pracy jest zbiorem parametrów realizacji procesów. Takie nadzorowanie jest możliwe w przypadku zaangażowania do tego celu metod i technik automatycznego, bez udziału człowieka, zbierania danych oraz metod właściwego ich przetwarzania na użytek operacyjnego sterowania. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad zmianą podejścia do problemu procesu specjalnego. Zmiana ta polega na wprowadzeniu do procesu efektywnych i skutecznych narzędzi kontroli jakosci formy w trakcie jej wytwarzania. W tym celu wykorzystano metody fotogrametrii, termowizji oraz tomografii komputerowej. Dzięki zastosowaniu kamery termowizyjnej możliwe będzie określenie pola temperatury, którego zaburzenie w stosunku do wzorca wskaże na rodzaj wady. Tomografia komputerowa natomiast będzie służyła do opracowania wzorców wad skorelowanych z obrazami termowizyjnymi. Fotogrametria znajduje natomiast zastosowanie w kontroli jakości zestawu modelowego (porównanie rzeczywistego stanu z modelem *.CAD). Umożliwia także wyznaczenie grubości ścianki formy.
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