The second part of the 18th c. in Europe marks an increase in the number of published books about travelling. The publications released in numerous copies and editions and translated into various languages potentially most increasingly influenced the spread of word and image that the volumes contained. The aim of the article is to analyse the fragments of the then most popular travel books in which non-European nations were depicted in the form of a literary description and an image. The paper attempts to explain the relationship between the artistic and the literary presentation to explain the mode in which the representations of the foreign were shaped in the eighteenth-century Europe.
The starting point of the paper is the thesis about the necessity of contrasting an old literary text with the records in paremiographic collections in the course of works on explanations for the critical edition of a didactic and scientific character. This type of search query may assist in solving numerous ambiguities of Enlightenment works saturated with sentences of an aphoristic nature. Above all, it allows for a thorough linguistic analysis of individual texts, the study of language competence of their authors and, in a broader sense, the study of the literature of this era in terms of the manner in which it is rooted in tradition and in terms of the patterns of language use. The paper is an attempt to systematise the examples of proverbs incorporated into literary texts of the 18th c. Individual types of practices were illustrated with quotations from the representative poetic and dramatic works of this age.
The museum world was consequently multilayered, with older forms of collecting and display coexisting with emergent practices, purposes, and values often in conflict with one another. This is addressed in the article, which provides an overview of the museological landscape in the Habsburg domains, the origins of the most significant collections, and the evolution of museums during the nineteenth century.
Recenzja omawia książkę Tomasza Chachulskiego poświęconą edytorstwu tekstów oświeceniowych. Jest to 14 esejów dotyczących kultury literackiej oraz poezji XVIII wieku. Eseje te pogrupowane zostały w trzy części tematyczne: „Szukanie kształtu”, „Szukanie sensów” oraz „Szukanie źródeł”. Według recenzentki poprzez omawianie historii edycji konkretnych utworów literackich Chachulski dowodzi, że nie tylko w teorii, lecz także w praktyce edytorstwo może być współcześnie rozumiane jako historia literatury.
The review discusses Tomaaz Chachulski’s book on the editing of the texts of the Enlightenment. It consists of 14 essays referring to the 18th century literary culture and poetry and are arranged into three thematic parts, namely “Szukanie kształtu” (“Looking for shape),” “Szukanie sensów” (“Looking for sense),” and “Szukanie źródeł” (“Looking for source).” In the reviewer’s assessment, analysing the history of individual piece editions, Chachulski proves that not only in theory, but also in practice, editing may be presently understood as a literary history.
Wśród zadań oczekujących historyków literatury pozostaje wielostronna analiza obrazu miasta utrwalonego w piśmiennictwie polskiego oświecenia. Uczynienie przedmiotem zainteresowania innych niż precyzyjnie już opisany przez badaczy wariant motywu oparty na retoryce antyurbanistycznej, a związany z krytyką miejskiego sposobu życia, możliwe jest dzięki wykorzystaniu najnowszych ustaleń z obszaru geografii humanistycznej czy memory studies. W artykule zaproponowano poszerzenie pola badawczego i wykorzystanie mniej znanych literaturoznawstwu narzędzi w celu wskazania i opisania różnorodnych komponentów modelu pojęciowego miasta wyprofilowanego przez pisarzy epoki.
Among the tasks the literary historian undertakes is a multi-faceted analysis of the image of the city contained in the Polish Enlightenment writing. Raising it as a subject of interest which is different from the scrutinised variant of the motive based on the anti-urbanistic rhetoric, and connected with urban life criticism, is possible, inter alia, due to applicability of the newest findings of research in the fields of humanistic geography and memory studies. The article suggests an expansion of the research field and employing less known literary studies tools to pinpoint and describe the various components of the conceptual model of the city profiled by the writers of the epoch.
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