This paper describes the origins of technical higher education in nineteenth-century Europe. Some attempts at founding Polish technical universities on the Polish territory annexed by other countries are presented, as the factors which finally led to the establishment of the Technical University in Lvov, the only one university at this time, in which, under the Austrian emperor's decree dated 4 September 1870, instructions were in Polish. Described is the history of the Subfaculty of Electrotechnics at this university and its development since the foundation in 1911, as well as the promotions of their professors. We also learn about the electrotechnical subfaculty during the Second World War and what happened to its professors afterwards.
W opracowaniu omówiono tworzenie się technicznego szkolnictwa wyższego w dziewiętnastym wieku w Europie. Przedstawiono też powstawanie technicznych szkół wyższych na terytoriach Polski, w okresie rozbiorowym, w tym Akademii Technicznej we Lwowie, jedynej z polskim językiem wykładowym, wprowadzonym dekretem cesarskim z dnia 3 września 1870 roku. Przedstawiono historię powstałego w 1911 roku Oddziału Elektrotechnicznego, w tej uczelni i sylwetki kolejnych jego profesorów. Omówiono losy Oddziału w okresie drugiej wojny światowej i jego profesorów po tej wojnie.
Polish Geological Institute was established in 1919 as the geological survey of Poland. During its entire history the Institute has been playing the leading role in regional geological studies, including the country’s subsurface geology and deep structure, to provide scientific basis for mineral exploration and production, and also for other fields of applied geology. These activities were strongly influenced by the complicated history of Poland during the past 100 years with periods of economic and political crisis interwoven with times of better prospects for economy and geology. Regardless of these external circumstances, the geologists and geophysicists of the PGI have constantly been expanding the knowledge of the geology of Poland by publishing thousands of contributions in the form of articles, monographs, maps and atlases. The Institute also contributed to the geology of Europe by participating in various international research projects that resulted in highly rated publications.
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