„Kobieta Współczesna. Ilustrowany Tygodnik Społeczno-Literacki” to czasopismo wychodzące w Warszawie w latach 1927–1934, edytowane przez Emilię Grocholską, skierowane do kobiecej inteligencji. W okresie ukazywania się redakcja prowadziła nieustającą agitację na rzecz równouprawnienia kobiet, uświadomienia politycznego i apelowała do czytelniczek o czynne włączenie się Polek w życie polityczne kraju. Żądała wzięcia udziału w wyborach do sejmu, senatu oraz w wyborach samorządowych. Informowała o życiu politycznym kobiet na świecie.
„Kobieta Współczesna. Ilustrowany Tygodnik Społeczno-Literacki” [Contemporary Woman. Illustrated Social and Literary Weekly] was a magazine published in Warsaw in the years 1927–1934, edited by Emilia Grocholska, addressed to women’s intelligentsia. During its publication period, the editors carried out continuous agitation for women’s equality, political awareness and appealed to its Polish readers for their active participation in the political life of their country. The magazine demanded participation in parliamentary elections to the upper and lower house, and in local elections. It informed about the political life of women in the world.
The paper is a dispute with the theses propagated in 1930s about backwardness and primitivism of Polish press advertising. The analysis of a series of texts published in the Warsaw’s weekly “Kobieta Współczesna” [Modern Woman] between October 1931 and November 1932 indicates astonishing similarity to the methods used in the USA by Edward L. Bernays, the father of 'public relations', in 1928-1929. The texts camouflaged as feature articles about fashion, good manners and decency or quasi stories and health warnings are aiming to create in female readers positive associations between smoking cigarettes (and the names of particular brands) and elegance, modernity, liberation, sensuality and life in comfort. This crypto advertising strategy, modelled on the American method, is an example of deliberate actions which contributed to breaking the long-lasting social taboo on smoking in public by woman in the Interwar Years. In order to gain access to new markets for particular products these actions have changed culture.
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