The article conсiders confrontation of soviet system and filmmakers, degree of freedom of artistic creativity of intellectuals in totalitarian state, as well as system of punishment that was used against diссidents. The art of cinema as being most massive and influential has received considerable attention from the Soviet state. Ideological format of cinematography development has remained unchanged for decades, its dogmatism and conservatism became a powerful factor in distorting public consciousness. Cinema was to promote communist consciousness of the people and strengthen links with practices of building socialist system. The main method which was available to filmmakers in their works is socialist realism and it was used as basiс for creation of high artistic works that glorified heroic deeds of soviet people — builders of communism. Real achievements and losses of Ukrainian cinema of the second half of the 1960s and first half of the 1980s became clear only with the beginning of liberalization of spiritual life from the time of „perestroika” and development of national cultural life in independent Ukraine.
В статье научно обосновано значение мессы в истории развития музыкального искусства. Рассмотрены генезис мессы и ее развитие в качестве ведущего духовного вокально-хорового жанра эпохи европейского Средневековья и Возрождения. Выявлены особенности композиции и музыкального языка оратории «Страсти по Матфею» митрополита Илариона. Доказано, что на формирование логики интонационного развития, композиционных и гармонических решений оратории оказали воздействие традиции западноевропейской музыки. Факторами влияния являются образы, темы и художественные приемы, которые взяты из византийского и русского церковных богослужений. Анализ музыки фильма П. Лунгина «Дирижер» выявил важное значение оратории «Страсти по Матфею» митрополита Илариона для понимания смысла произведения. Взаимодействие визуального и аудиального аспектов приводит к полифонии смыслов. Эта полифония обогащает понимание художественного произведения.
The article scientifically substantiates the value of the mass in the history of musical art. Genesis of the mass and its development as a leading spiritual vocal and choral genre of the European middle Ages and Renaissance are considered. The peculiarities of composition and musical language of the oratorio «St. Matthew Passion» by Metropolitan Hilarion are identified. It is proved that the formation of the logic of melodic development, composition and harmonic solutions of the oratorio has been influenced by the traditions of Western music. Factors here are the images, themes, and artistic techniques, which are taken from the Byzantine and Russian Church services. Analysis of music of Pavel Lungin's “The Conductor” has revealed the importance of the oratorio “St. Matthew Passion” by Metropolitan Hilarion to understand the meaning of the work. The interaction of the visual and auditory aspects leads to a polyphony of meanings. This polyphony enriches the understanding of works of art.
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