A novel method coupling spin column extraction with high-performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry was developed for simultaneous extraction of β-blockers and calcium channel blockers from human serum. Sample loading, washing, and elution were accomplished via centrifugation of the column, in which mixed-mode monolithic silica bonded to a C18 reversed phase, and a cation-exchange phase was packed in a spin column. The serum sample (0.2 mL) pH was adjusted to 3 and the analytes adsorbed onto the column were eluted with 0.1 mL MeOH containing 2% NH3. The recoveries of the tested drugs were 76–108%. A linear curve was observed up to a concentration of 500 ng/mL of the target drugs in serum (r2 > 0.996). The intra-day relative standard deviations at three different concentrations were 0.6–9.6%. The limits of detection were 2 ng/mL. The proposed method was successfully applied to clinical and forensic cases.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of Escherichia coli K-12 RFM 443 recA::lux for cytotoxicity and genotoxicity monitoring of metoprolol in the environment. Metoprolol is one of the most popular cardiac drug which belongs to the group of β-blockers. The drug was applied at the concentrations ranging from 0.01 μg/cm3 to 100 μg/cm3. The conducted research constitutes preliminary study aimed at validation of the recA::lux gene construct in order to determine its sensitivity to metoprolol. The drug concentrations were selected experimentally to obtain a positive luminescence response. The obtained data indicated the influence of metoprolol on lux gene expression and recA promoter activity based on the application of laboratory samples using PBS buffer. The results indicate a potential for using a bacterial biosensor Escherichia coli K-12 RFM 443 with recA::lux gene fusion in cytotoxicity and genotoxicity monitoring of the cardiac drugs residue in the environment.
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This paper is part of a series of publications discussing the prevalence of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment and the effectiveness of their removal and degradation during wastewater and water treatment processes. It presents the most commonly used β-blockers and their parameters related to their metabolism and excretion from a body. In the paper, the authors review the literature data on the presence of ß-blockers in wastewater and surface waters and present new solutions which have been developed to increase the efficiency of removal of these compounds from wastewater and potable water.
Artykuł jest częścią serii publikacji obejmujących zagadnienia występowania farmaceutyków w środowisku wodnym oraz skuteczności ich eliminacji i degradacji w procesach oczyszczania ścieków i uzdatniania wody. W pracy przedstawiono najczęściej stosowane leki β-adrenolityczne oraz ich parametry dotyczące metabolizmu i usuwania z organizmu. Dokonano przeglądu literatury dotyczącej występowania ß-blokerów w ściekach i wodach powierzchniowych oraz nowych rozwiązań mających na celu zwiększenie skuteczności eliminacji tych związków ze ścieków i uzdatnianej wody.
Badania przeprowadzone w ostatnich latach w USA, Kanadzie, Brazylii oraz w krajach europejskich wskazują na obecność ponad 80 farmaceutyków w środowisku wodnym. Chroniczne narażenie organizmów, nawet na niskie stężenia leków, może wywołać zaburzenia endokrynologiczne, odporność na patogeny i wpływać toksycznie. W próbkach wody pobranych z Odry i Kanału Gliwickiego oznaczono estron w stężeniach odpowiednio 1,3 ng/l i 1,1 ng/l. W wodach Wisły obecny był estradiol w stężeniu 1,3 ng/l. W próbkach wody przeznaczonej do spożycia w Niemczech stężenie kwasu klofibrowego wynosiło 50÷270 ng/l, a bezafibratu 27 ng/l. Podczas badań próbek ścieków wykryto również narkotyki, tj. kokainę, metamfetaminę i ecstasy. Istnieje wiele metod usuwania farmaceutyków z wód i ścieków: metody biologiczne, procesy membranowe z wykorzystaniem bioreaktorów, zastosowanie węgla aktywnego, UV, chlorowania czy ozonowania. Przeprowadzono badania nad skutecznością usuwania, które wykazały, że tylko około 1/5 związków zostaje usunięta w klasycznej dwustopniowej oczyszczalni.
The research conducted over the last years in the USA, Canada, Brazil and in European countries indicates the presence of over 80 different pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment. Chronic exposure of organisms even to low concentrations of drugs may cause endocrine disorders, resistance to pathogens and toxic effects. In the water samples taken from Odra and Kanał Gliwicki, estrone was found at concentrations of 1.3 ng/l and 1.1 ng/l, respectively. In the waters of the Vistula, estradiol was present at a concentration of 1.3 ng/l. In samples of water intended for human consumption in Germany, the concentration of clofibic acid was 50÷270 ng/l and bezafibrate 27 ng/l. During the analysis of sewage samples, drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamine and ecstasy were also detected. There are many methods of removing pharmaceuticals from water and sewage: biological methods, membrane processes using bioreactors, the use of activated carbon, UV, chlorination or ozonation. Studies have been carried out on the removal efficiency, which showed that only about 1/5 of compounds are removed in a classical two-stage treatment plant.
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