In the article medieval proper names certified in the sources of Horodlo union are discussed. Their new edition was published by Lithuanian and Polish historians (Horodlo Acts of 1413 (Documents and Studies), J. Kiaupien˙e, L. Korczak (eds) Vilnius–Kraków 2013). They document an interesting stage in the development of the noble names in Poland and the names of boyars in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In the anthroponymy of these social groups the 15th century was the period of withdrawing from one-name nomination and gradual reinforcement of two-name system – the first name and the second naming word. Place names (analytical and synthetic), appellative words of nickname type, heraldic names and patronims performed the function of proto-surname. Structurally two-element models prevail but one- and three-element formulae are also observed.
Tekst jest prezentacją refleksji dotyczących monografii zbiorowej: Wieś zaginiona. Stan i potrzeby badań, pod redakcją Przemysława Nocunia, Agnieszki Przybyły-Dumin i Krzysztofa Fokta, wydanej przez Muzeum „Górnośląski Park Etnograficzny w Chorzowie” w 2016 roku. Jest to książka bardzo ważna i od lat wyczekiwana przez rodzime środowisko ruralistyki historycznej. Publikacja ma charakter interdyscyplinarny, prezentujący złożony (historycznie, administracyjnie, gospodarczo i społecznie) proces powstania, funkcjonowania i schyłku wiejskich form osadniczych, wieloaspektowo i z wykorzystaniem aparatu badawczego i metodologicznego wypracowanego przez badaczy różnych dyscyplin i subdyscyplin naukowych. Znajdziemy tu artykuły archeologiczne, historyczne, geograficzne, etnograficzne i antropologiczne, a sygnalizowany interdyscyplinarny charakter całego tomu, widoczny jest również - oczywiście w różnej skali - we wszystkich znajdujących się w książce artykułach.
The following text presents reflections on the collective monograph entitled: The Lost Village. The Current Status and Prospects for Researches, edited by Przemysław Nocuń, Agnieszka Przybyła-Dumin and Krzysztof Fokt, and published by the Museum “Upper Silesian Ethnographic Park in Chorzów” in 2016. This is a very important book, which has been fervently awaited by the researchers of rural history for years. The publication is interdisciplinary, presenting the complicated (historically, administratively, economically, and socially) process of founding, functioning and declining of rural settlement forms in a multi-aspect way with the use of research and methodological means elaborated by researchers of various scientific disciplines and sub-disciplines. The monograph includes archaeological, historical, geographic, ethnographic and anthropological articles. The signalized above interdisciplinary character of the whole volume is visible, naturally in a varied degree, in all articles published in the book.
There is a castle hill to the east of the village of Berezowiec (Karelichy region, Grodno district, Belarus), on the Servech River, entered in the register of monuments as a stronghold from the Iron Age, the Middle Ages, and modern times. By analysing written and genealogical sources, it has beeen possible to establish that the Berezowiec castle and manor belonged to the Kmita Stretowicz family between the late 15th and 16th centuries. In addition, it can be demonstrated that in the first half of the 16th century, on the Servech River, there were two estates called Berezowiec. One estate belonged to treasurers of the Sołtan family, and the other to the Kmita Stretowicz family. The initiation of the research in the hillfort was influenced by a local legend, according to which there was a castle near the village of voivode Kmita. The research was conducted both in the archives and in the field, on the top of the hill and at its the foot. The inventories of the farm and the Berezowiec estate include houses, outbuildings, the manor fence, and farm buildings.
Na wschód od wsi Berezowiec (w rejonie korelickim, w obwodzie grodzieńskim na Białorusi), nad rzeką Serwecz, znajduje się wzgórze zamkowe, wpisane do rejestru zabytków jako grodzisko z epoki żelaza, średniowiecza i czasów nowożytnych. Dzięki analizie źródeł pisanych oraz genealogicznych, udało się ustalić przynależność zamku i dworu Berezowiec do rodu Kmitów Stretowiczów w okresie od końca XV do XVI wieku. Ponadto ustalono, że w pierwszej połowie XVI wieku nad rzeką Serwecz znajdowały się dwa majątki nazywane Berezowiec. Jedna posiadłość należała do podskarbich z rodziny Sołtanów, a druga do Kmitów Stretowiczów. Wpływ na rozpoczęcie badań na terenie grodziska miała miejscowa legenda mówiąca o tym, że w pobliżu wsi istniał zamek wojewody Kmity. Badania prowadzono w archiwach oraz w terenie, na wzgórzu zamkowym i u jego podnóża. W inwentarzach folwarku i majątku Berezowiec wymienia się domy, budynki gospodarcze i ogrodzenie dworu oraz zabudowania folwarku.
The article concerns a new source in connection with the figure of St. Martyr Archimandrite Seraphim Szachmuc (1901-1946). Author publishes a previously unknown letter written by Seraphim to his former parishioners from Kuraszewo. The article also presents St. Seraphim’s biography, with particular emphasis on the period of his ministrations as a preacher of the parish in Kuraszewo and his missionary trip to eastern Belarus with Gregory Kudarenko, which ended with the arrest and Seraphim’s martyrdom in the gulag.
The biographical account of Barbara Gołajewska-Chudzikiewicz was recorded in 2007 as a part of the documentary project “The Forgotten Witnesses to the 20th century” run by the KARTA Centre and the History Meeting House. The narrator tells the story of her life, as well as the story of her family, starting in 1918. As the material is very extensive, in this publication only the fragments regarding the years 1918–1945 are presented. The narrative, in a manner typical for landed gentry of the Kielce region, contains a description of Ms Gołajewska-Chudzikiewicz’s childhood and family life in a small landed estate of Bieganów in the times of the Second Polish Republic. It gives insight into the course of her education, upbringing of children and young people in a landowning family, relations between the servants and the landowners, everyday life in the manor house, along with civilization difficulties, celebrating of holidays, the manor-village relations, and finally the general way the landed family functioned between the countryside and the city. The next important part of the narrative starts with the outbreak of WWII and conveys the everyday life of the manor under German occupation in the General-Government. The narrator describes the functions of the Polish manor in occupation conditions: helping and giving shelter to those displaced from the territories incorporated to the Third Reich, helping the Warsaw Uprising fugitive fighters, active participation in the Home Army structures, and relations with the German invader, as well as food and clothes extortions run by armed groups of unknown provenance, and confrontation with the Soviet army entering from the East.