Wytworzono magnesy z proszku NdFeB wiązane cynkiem oraz żywicą epoksydową. Zbadano podstawowe parametry magnetyczne oraz wytrzymałość na ściskanie w funkcji temperatury wygrzewania, a także zawartości środka wiążącego. Dla magnesów wiązanych cynkiem zbadano skład fazowy. Po wygrzewaniu stwierdzono powstanie dodatkowej fazy NdZn5, co z kolei prowadzi do utworzenia kryształów wolnego żelaza. Porównanie magnesów wiązanych cynkiem i żywicą wykazuje, że większą koercję mają magnesy wiązane żywicą, natomiast magnesy wiązane cynkiem charakteryzują się wyższą remanencją. Za parametry optymalne dla wiązania cynkiem uznano 15% wag. Zn w temperaturze 370 stopni Celsjusza. Dla wiązania żywicą optymalną ilość określono na poziomie 7-10% wag.
Zinc and resin bonded NdFeB magnets were processed. Basic magnetic parameters as well as compressive strength were evaluated versus annealing temperature and volume fraction of the bonding agent. For the zinc bonded magnets phase composition was investigated. The additional NdZn5 phase was found in the Zn bonded magnets after annealing. Comparison of the Zn and resin bonded magnets reveals higher remanence for the former and higher coercivity for the latter. For the Zn and resin bonded magnets, 15 wt.% Zn/370 degrees centigrade and 7-10 wt.% resin were chosen as the optimal processing parameters.
A thermo-insulating moulding sand with a binder made of aluminosilicate microspheres with organic binder was subjected to testing. The aim of the analysis was to determine selected technological properties of the developed compounds. Compressive strength, friability and gas permeability were determined. The binder content was changed within a range of 5÷20 wt% with a 5% step. The applied matrix is characterized by good thermo-insulating properties and a small size of grains, while synthetic organic binder has favourable functional properties, among which the most noteworthy are the extended life and setting time, good rheological properties as well as high resistance to chemical agents. The intended use of the compound is the casting of 3D CRS (Composite Reinforced Skeletons), which are characterized by a well-developed heat transfer surface area, good absorption of impact energy, low mass and a target thickness of connectors within a range of 1.5÷3 mm. The construction of 3D CRS castings is an original concept developed by the employees of the Department of Foundry Engineering at the Silesian University of Technology.
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