The paper presents an analysis of efficiency of the modified Trombe wall with forced convection that could be operating in four different modes. The analyzed system comprises a double glass glazing, and a massive wall with an opening and central channel in it. In order to increase the efficiency, a fan is provided at the bottom vent of the wall. It is more advanced as compared with simple Trombe solar wall with a relatively low thermal resistance, which is taken as a reference in experimental analysis. The mathematical model, composed for the massive solar wall efficiency, is usually very complicated and assessment of the thermal behaviour requires the use of thermal simulation techniques. This paper presents steady-state and one-dimensional mathematical model for simplified analysis of thermal efficiency of modified Trombe solar wall that is working in heating mode. The results from presenting model were analyzed to predict the effects of variations in the constructive and operating parameters on the efficiency. The obtained results were used for simple and fast running design tools that designers can use in the early phases of the design process for calculations of efficiency of the active solar heating systems.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę efektywności zmodyfikowanej ściany Trombe'a z wymuszonym obiegiem, która może działać w czterech różnych trybach. Analizowany system składa się z podwójnych szyb i masywnej ściany z otworem oraz centralnym kanałem. W celu zwiększenia efektywności systemu, wentylator został usytuowany w dolnym otworze ściany. Przedstawiony system jest bardziej zaawansowany w porównaniu z konwencjonalną ścianą Trombe'a o stosunkowo niskiej odporności termicznej, która przyjęta jest w pracy, jako punkt odniesienie w analizie eksperymentalnej. W artykule przedstawiono jednowymiarowy model matematyczny w stanie stacjonarnym i zastosowano go w celu przeprowadzenia uproszczonej analizy sprawności cieplnej zmodyfikowanej ściany Trombe'a. Wyniki uzyskane z zaprezentowanego modelu analizowano pod kątem określenia wpływu zmian konstrukcyjnych i operacyjnych parametrów na efektywność systemu. Uzyskane rezultaty zostały wykorzystane jako proste i efektywne narzędzia projektowe, które mogą służyć we wczesnych fazach procesu projektowania do obliczeń wydajności aktywnych solarnych systemów grzewczych.
The proposed Trombe wall design is an innovative and effective solution for addressing issues related to building energy efficiency. The Trombe wall can help reduce a building’s energy consumption, provide optimal indoor temperature, and minimize the building’s environmental impact by utilizing renewable energy sources. The article deals with the study of the heat-air characteristics of the Trombe Wall, which performs the functions of external protection of a modular house, with the aim of further evaluating the possibility of using it as a hybrid protection with additional heating and ventilation functions assigned to it. The results of experimental research conducted on one of the elements of external protection of a modular house in the form of the Trombe Wall are presented. The experimentally obtained graphic dependences were compared with the calculated data and the convergence was evaluated. The proposed design allows you to organize air exchange in the premises with a multiplicity within 1-1.5 h-1, and also provides an opportunity to provide additional thermal power in the amount of 250 W/m2. The article presents the results of experimental studies that allow to evaluate the thermal characteristics of the proposed design of external protection for a modular house. These results indicate that with the given geometric dimensions, in particular with a volume of 14 m3, the thermal power utilized by the Trombe wall is within 0.2-0.7 kW.
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