Nie ma wątpliwości, że trening fizyczny w profilaktyce zdrowia w ogóle, a w chorobach układu krążenia w szczególności, odgrywa rolę kluczową, bez względu na wiek chorego. Znane są mechanizmy wpływu treningu na regulację krążenia centralnego i obwodowego, a odpowiednia jego realizacja przekłada się na wzrost przeżycia chorych, zmniejszenie rehospitalizacji i poprawę jakości życia. Wprowadzenie optymalnego funkcjonowania ośrodków kompleksowej rehabilitacji pozwoli na szybszy powrót chorych do życia zawodowego, co znamiennie wpłynie na zmniejszenie kosztów generowanych przez Państwo. (fragment tekstu)
Every year on cardiovascular disease dies about 17 million people in the world. Patients require long-term hospitalization, medical care, rehabilitation and drugs, which is associated with the generation costs. To effectively fight cardiovascular disease, it is important emphasis on prevention, which will reduce the action of the risk factors leading to the occurrence of cardiovascular disease and the implementation of the proper functioning of the organization and supervision of cardiac care at both national and regional levels. One of the modifiable risk factors are lack of physical activity. Physical training used in the framework of a comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation is an important and necessary part of the treatment of patients allowing to return to social and professional life. Every physical workout is connected with changes in the cardiovascular system. They determine to what extent the body has adapted to physical strain. In recent years there have been many hypotheses involving the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease with peripheral pathomechanisms. These hypotheses are associated with reduced exercise tolerance of patients and progression of vascular disease. (original abstract)
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Artykuł zawiera wyniki badań ankietowych dotyczących poczucia integracji z resztą społeczności organizacji osób niepełnosprawnych oraz ich ocenę jakości i dostępności świadczonych im usług medycznych i rehabilitacyjnych oraz potrzeby zwiększenia ich zakresu poprzez zaangażowanie w to przedsięwzięcie pracodawców. (abstrakt oryginalny)
It is undisputed that there is a need to build comfort into the lives of handicapped people through professional rehabilitation. Doing so requires creating, among other things, workplace protection rules for the handicapped. Many controversies grow around these rules. Investigations show unfriendly attitudes towards rules that enable handicapped persons' to become fully efficient. The article contains the results of a questionnaire concerning handicapped people's feelings of integration with the rest of community or organization, as well as their opinion of quality and the accessibility of the medical services and rehabilitation provided. It also asked about the need to increase the scope of the rules through the employers' involvement. (original abstract)
The healthcare system in many countries is characterised by the co-existence of public and private medical services. Patients' decisions regarding the purchase of private health services are made taking into account the trade-off between the price of a treatment and its quality and the waiting time. The aim of this study is to find out which factors impact the willingness to pay for health insurance or the willingness to pay for medical treatment. The study demonstrates that besides socio-demographic characteristics, some negative experiences (e.g. unavailable treatments, long waiting times, long journeys involved) and the experience of already having paid for treatments impact the willingness to pay. The results suggest that negative experiences are likely to cause a change in patients' habits. (original abstract)
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