In this paper electric driving system using to maneuver the boat has been presented. This system consists of DC brushless motor and electronic controlling circuit. Stator steel sheets and elements of asynchronous motor have been utilized to make this motor. The rotor of the motor contains six poles, neodyme magnet made of N33SH material. In the stator three band winding has been placed. For the sake of assurance of safety conditions the motor is supplied by low voltage of 24V. The motor has a low turning velocity - 1000 rev./min resulting from the lack of gearbox. In electronic circuit the position the stator against the rotor has been determined with the use of measurement of EMF voltage in not feeding band. This system can be competitive in comparison with similar driving systems fitted with commuting motors. This system is much less noisy, lighter having higher efficiency than previous solutions. In addition, it does not require the maintenance.
The starting point of this article is to compare the sea and the life, which for people from the Mediterranean culture was something completely natural. Bearing in mind the numerous statements of the Fathers of the Church, we try to discover the source of such beliefs. We do this based on the three most popular marine allegories: the sea, the boat and ‘rescue board’, which stayed for good in patristic though. Because of the theme of the work we drew attention only to those elements which are obviously useful in better understanding of the patristic interpretation of the pericope about ‘Stilling of the Storm’. Special attention was given to the three groups of texts about: ‘boat of the State’, ‘boat of the soul’ and ‘boat of the world’, which could have a tangible influence on forming the thought of the Fathers of the Church associated with the symbolism of the Church boat. The way in which the Fathers of the Church use the complex symbols of Hellenist world shows theirs keen interest in current matters of the ordinary men and influence which faith rendered on their lives in the individual, as well as social dimension. The ancient symbolism inherent in the maritime assets in the context of patristic exegesis and constitutes an indelible part of theology of the original Church. The proper understanding is therefore of great importance for the correct interpretation of patristic writers’ views, particularly their views on the Church.
The Polish avant-garde and the group De Stijl were not only connected by a similar time of activity, but also by a common goal consisting in a plan to create a new and to some extent autonomous artistic culture based on abstraction, which would become the basis for modernization of the environment. The relations between the Polish artistic milieu and the Dutch avant-garde date back to the 1st International Congress of Progressive Artists in Duesseldorf in May 1922. The most important, however, are those which found their expression later, in the mid-1920s, and combined the works of De Stijl and the pioneers of the Polish constructivist avant-garde in Poland, Władysław Strzemiński and Katarzyna Kobro. The article focuses on the analysis of the attitude of these two artists to the legacy of De Stijl and the impact the Dutch art had on their creative work, in particular on their concept of composition of space and functionalism and the importance of shaping artistic forms
Modernism continues and its canon is still being developed in modern architecture. The Catalan authors of the Szczecin Philharmonic, laureates of the Mies van der Rohe Award, may not have known the works by Katarzyna Kobro and Władysław Strzemiński, but their understanding of shaping space is close to the research and work of the representatives of the interwar avant-garde connected with Łódź. The celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Polish avant-garde in 2017 and the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the creation of Bauhaus this year make us aware how much this movement still defines fine arts, architecture and design. Łódź, the city of the couple of artists who created the foundations of the modern movement, the city of the model housing estate in Polesie Konstantynowskie and the unique complex of downtown tenement houses, should perhaps finally appreciate the potential of its Modernist identity. Perhaps it is worthwhile to recognize and make others be aware of the Modernist Łódź.
An interview with Magda Karcz, a graduate of the Faculty of Graphics and Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. Her diploma about Polish Avant-garde Typography of the 1920s and 1930s has gained recognition in Poland and abroad, and has been displayed at several international exhibitions. The diploma was formally extensive: it comprised a book, a set of playing cards, a website with an option of downloading digitized signs, and a series of posters. The book has been presented at several exhibitions abroad. It got to the second stage in the “Polish Graphic Design Awards 2018” competition. It was nominated in the STGU competition "Project of the Year 2018" in two categories: “Fresh blood” and “Form”. Owing to the Type Directors Club award, Karcz’s books have travelled worldwide: the US, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Spain and Canada among others.
The article is an attempt to look at the work by Stefan Krygier from the point of view of the rules of space construction in his works. The work by Władysław Strzemiński, which the artist referred to significantly modifying its assumptions, is a point of reference. The author of the article emphasises that the originator of Unism rejected actions consisting in re-constructing, multiple constructing and free expansion of a part of the construction in a specific space. However, all these forms of practice can be observed in Krygier's works. The article concludes with remarks on exhibitions of the artist's artwork organized after his death by his daughter, Monika Krygier. They indicate the relations between the paintings created by her father and the issues inherent in contemporary installation art.
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Obtaining aggregate from river beds used to be, for many centuries, a well-known and widely practiced procedure in Europe. The excavated material: sand, gravel or stones, was transported to its destination by water, using a variety of boats. The freight boats discussed in the current article were built in Czerwińsk on the Vistula and were used in the first half of the 20th century. The different types of flat-bottomed boats, called respectively bał, krypa and kajlak, had been perfected by boat-builders throughout centuries and were well adapted to sailing on the Vistula, a river whose water levels have always shown a lot o f variation. The knowledge and the skills o f the bargemen, as well as the sailing experience they had, enabled them to use navigational techniques necessary in sailing on rivers that based on utilizing windpower in sailing up-stream and the speed of the river current in sailing down-stream. Square rigging, which had for a long time been typical for sailing on the Vistula, was replaced at the turn o f the 18th and 19th centuries by sprit rigging, which was easier to use and did not require large crews; this type of rigging was imported to Poland form Prussia, and along with it came the terminology for rigging. Sails were the only means of propelling boats up-stream. Sailing down-stream was based on the rafting principle, i.e. on utilizing the phenomenon of planing speed, which consists in a boat gaining acceleration with regard to the speed of the water current in the river, resulting from the boat’s hull skimming against the natural inclined plane formed by the water level of the river compared to the adopted level. The navigation technique involved was a “secret science” and that is why it remains unknown to historians of rafting on the Vistula river. Boats from Czerwińsk, and especially bats were used mainly for transporting construction gravel for building sites in Warsaw at which concrete was used. The bats were built with great care in boatbuilding workshops, which differed very little from workshops that operated in the 16th century. When in motion, the relatively narrow body o f the bat eliminated head resistance, and that is why bats could attain significant speeds under sail. The rapid development of obtaining aggregate by mechanical means at the end of the 1940s caused freight sailboats to be gradually eliminated from the Vistula, as they were unable to withstand
The aerodynamics of powerboats used in inshore powerboat racing has a significant impact on their performance. The aerodynamic drag forces generated on individual elements of this type of boats were tested. The solid model of the boat developed in the CAD software was used for the calculations. The computational grid was generated, as well as the boundary conditions and the turbulence model, were determined. On the basis of such assumptions, the numerical calculations were carried out using the CFD method. The results from the numerical simulations consist of a description of the velocity and pressure distribution around the tested object and identification of the drag force on the components of the powerboat with a description of the relationship between them. Additionally, the variation of the drag force as a function of speed in the range from 0 to 60 m/s was presented. The tests were performed for 5 values of the angle of attack of the boat to the surface of water in the range from 0° to 12°. The scope of the research allowed for the development of a drag force map depending on the defined parameters. The test results can be used to optimize the shape of the boat structure in order to reduce the aerodynamic drag generated on its individual elements.
During dredging of the Dziwna Strait to the north-east of the centre of Wolin near Srebrne Wzgórze (Silver Hill) in 1990, the remains of an early medieval plank boat (wreck VI) and a few fragments of dugout canoes were discovered. A sample taken from the plating produced one dendrochronological date – 964+X-7. Most likely, the boat was built in the early 11th century. Based on the preserved remains, knowing the number of frames, the shape of stems, the width and the number of planks, the rail, and the length of the keel, the boat’s shape was recreated with the help of data obtained from other early medieval wrecks found in Wolin. The boat recreated based on wreck VI is 10.70 m long, 2.60 m wide and 1.05 m high. It has 9 frames consisting of 7 rowing benches attached to the upper parts of hull using vertical beam knee hat strengthen the construction of the boat, and some of them form rowing benches at the stern and the bow sections. In place of the outer rail on the boat’s side, four pairs of oarlocks for eight rowers were located. The clinker built hull side is made of nine planks connected longitudinally by inclined notches to the stems, fastened with iron nails. At the central frame, the mast socket is attached to the bottomstiffener. On the right side (starboard) from the stern of the boat, on the fifth plank from the keel, there is a part of the rudder mounting to the side of the boat. The mast’s standing rigging stay, backstay, running backstay and shrouds were attached to the hull by ropes. Based on wreck No. VI a replica of the boat, named ŚWIATOWIT was built in 2004. The boat was launched during the Slavs and Vikings Festival in Wolin in 2004.
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Przy produkcji łodzi z laminatów powstają duże ilości odpadów poliestrowo-szklanych, które trafiają na składowiska. W pracy podjęto ocenę możliwości wykorzystania tych odpadów do zaprawy poliestrowej, która może służyć do uzupełnienia ubytków elementów konstrukcyjnych w dnie łodzi. Odpady poliestrowo-szklane zostały poddane procesowi rozdrobnienia, a następnie zastosowane do wytworzenia zaprawy poliestrowej. W zaprawie częściowo zastąpiono mączkę dolomitową rozdrobnionymi odpadami poliestrowo-szklanymi. Celem przedstawionej pracy było zbadanie przyczepności zaprawy do laminatów poliestrowo-szklanych.
In the production of laminates boats generate large amounts of glass reinforced polyester waste, which, goes to landfills. The paper presents an assessment of the possibility of utilization of glass polyester waste as a filler of mortar, which can be used to supplement the loss of structural elements in the bottom of the boat. The glass reinforced polyester waste was ground and added to produce new composites. In mortar the dolomite dust was partially replaced by glass reinforced polyester waste. The aim of this work was to determine of the adhesion of the mortar to the fiberglass laminates.
The aim of the article is to discuss the method of constructing cross-section tables and to present the results of cross-sectional analysis of enterprise duration in Łódzkie voivodship in the years 2001-2015 (including cities with powiat status such as Łódź, Piotrków Trybunalski and Skierniewice). The analysis was conducted on the basis of data derived from the National Official Business Register REGON. The article with selected annual information from cross-sectional enterprise duration tables prepared for enterprises liquidated in Łódzkie voivodship contains i.a., assessment of liquidation survival probability of enterprises in the first, third and fifth year before liquidation, and estimation of the probability of persistence and survival in the period 0-1, 0-3 and 0-5 years before liquidation. The obtained results confirmed that in each of the analysed periods there was a strong similarity in characteristics of enterprise duration in Łódzkie voivodship, including Łódź. However, the situation of enterprises from Piotrków Trybunalski and Skierniewice differed in terms of duration from the situation of units from Łódź, particularly for the third year before liquidation.
Celem artykułu jest omówienie sposobu konstrukcji przekrojowych tablic trwania oraz przedstawienie wyników przekrojowej analizy czasu trwania przedsiębiorstw w woj. łódzkim (w tym w miastach na prawach powiatu: Łodzi, Piotrkowie Trybunalskim i Skierniewicach) w latach 2001-2015, przeprowadzonej na podstawie danych REGON. Przedstawiono wybrane informacje z przekrojowych tablic trwania firm w ujęciu rocznym, sporządzonych dla przedsiębiorstw zlikwidowanych w woj. łódzkim, ocenę prawdopodobieństwa likwidacji i przetrwania przedsiębiorstw w pierwszym, trzecim i piątym roku przed likwidacją oraz ocenę prawdopodobieństwa dotrwania i przetrwania w okresie 0-1, 0-3 i 0-5 lat przed likwidacją. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdziły, że w każdym z analizowanych okresów występowało duże podobieństwo charakterystyk związanych z czasem trwania przedsiębiorstw w całym woj. łódzkim oraz w Łodzi. Sytuacja przedsiębiorstw z Piotrkowa Trybunalskiego i ze Skierniewic różniła się pod względem czasu trwania od sytuacji jednostek z Łodzi, szczególnie w przypadku trzeciego roku działalności gospodarczej przed likwidacją.
During archaeological research carried out in 2021 at 35 Wałowa Street in Gdańsk by the CRA Baltica Sp. z o. o. team under the direction of Piotr Gomulski, in the place of the former gasworks and the remains of the Shipyard Gate, within the flow around the post-medieval fortifications, two wrecks with construction solutions characteristic of two different boatbuilding traditions were uncovered. The wreck Wałowa 35.1 constitutes the remains of a large stave boat (length approx. 15 m, width approx. 3.5 m, height approx. 0.95 m), built using the shell-first technique after 1295 in a local Pomeranian boatbuilding workshop. From the original structure of the vessel stem, T-shaped keel, seven floors, two frames, five strakes of port side plating and six strakes of starboard side plating have been preserved. The staves were connected with wooden pins and sealed with moss. The stem was connected to the keel by a diagonal lock. In the upper surface of the keel, behind the lock, there is a characteristic rectangular hole to be used for attaching the clamps holding the first staves of the shell during the construction of the vessel. In the stem, in turn, there is a hole for attaching ropes to pull the vessel ashore. Inside the structure there was a fragment of a cleat (?), while inside and next to the wreck two bark floats were found. This vessel was used for sailing on the Vistula, fishing in inland and coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. The wreck Wałowa 35.2 constitutes the remains of a small ship (approx. 16.5 m long, 4.7 m wide, 1.35 m high) built using the shell-first technique after 1250 in the vicinity of Lund (Scania). From the original ship's structure survived fragment of stem with an opening for pulling the vessel ashore, T-shaped keel, 8 transverse bonds (including one frame with a keelson cut), 11 strakes of starboard side plating and five strakes of port side planting. The overlapping staves were connected by iron rivets with pads and sealed with sheep's hair. The transverse stiffening elements were connected to the keel by pins. The damage to the hull was repaired from the inside with slats pressed with iron clamps (type C2) and a woolen cloth soaked in tar or pitch. The stem was connected to the keel by a diagonal lock. The presence of a wreck from Scania in Gdańsk, along with other few boatbuilding monuments referring to the Scandinavian tradition, is an evidence of the contacts that took place in the second half of the 13th century and in the 14th century between the inhabitants of the Vistula River mouth and southern Scandinavia. Both vessels sank in the first half of the 14th century in the former Vistula riverbed. After the great flood in 1371, the old Vistula bed was used to create a wide moat, preceded in 1573 by a system of earthen embankments. It was probably during this period that the worn and abandoned wreck Wałowa 35.1 was nailed to the bottom by waterfront construction elements. The remains of the vessels discovered at ul. Wałowa 35, as well as the wrecks once discovered in Gdańsk, Orunia, Mechelinki and the medieval port in Puck, present an increasingly interesting and fuller database of medieval vessels sailing in the waters of the Gdańsk Bay. Diversified construction solutions observed in these wrecks are a valuable contribution to research not only on local boatbuilding, but also on cultural contacts in the Baltic Sea basin.
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