Paper contains a description of uses of Geographic Information System (GIS) in the field of geological cartography, mainly at the Polish Geological Institute (PGI). The PGI uses GIS, since a dozen years, in several mapping projects to produce databases and state-of-the-art maps: Detailed Geological Map of Poland, Hydrogeological Map of Poland, Geoenvironmental Map of Poland (all in the scale 1 : 50,000, although maps in other scales are also created). Cartographic databases are used to solve practical and scientific problems; examples are provided. Thanks to the digital maps production, aided by GIS, the spatial geological data are made available and published as maps in digital formats like raster files or vector GIS data or as online map services. Spatial geological data are the crucial part of Spatial Data Infrastructure on every level, therefore, the data should be used to create corporate (geological) SDI and should be integrated with existing SDIs, like the national SDI ( and the European SDI (INSPIRE).
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The paper discusses in short the most important spatial data, produced and maintained in good condition by Polish Geological Survey . the Polish Geological Institute. Main spatial databases and main web mapping services are listed. The way spatial data are made available is mentioned. The objectives of Integrated System of Geological Cartography IKAR is discussed, too. The IKAR system is discussed in detail in a separate paper in this volume of Annals of Geomatics (Gogolek, 2007).
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The project of the Integrated System of Geological Cartography IKAR began in 2004 and was included as the main task in the adopted by the Ministry of Environment .Policy in the domain of geological cartography for the years 2005-2020.. Its first three-year stage is being executed now. Basic tasks are as follows: development of spatial geological databases, edition and making available geological maps in different forms, building, conversion, harmonization and integration of parts of Polish Geological Institute (PGI), spatial data infrastructure (databases, reference data, and services) according to Open Geospatial Consortium specifications and ISO norms. PGI spatial data infrastructure should be ready to cooperate with national and European parts of spatial infrastructure and in compliance with INSPIRE Directive. Professional geodatabase MG (Geological Maps) was prepared within the framework of the IKAR project. It includes geological maps datasets (Geology50, Geology200, Geology500, Lithogenesis50) and the index dataset for geological maps with different scales. New applications (MLP50 wer.1.0 and MGP200 wer.1.0) are developed for new products, for their verification, edition and making them available. Most important reference data (boreholes, Geology50) are verified or created. A PGI metadata profile was prepared according to the norm ISO 19115:2003 Metadata and its elements selected for other key profiles like INSPIRE or profile. The PGI metadata base was put into practice in compliance with the PGI metadata profile. These metadata are accessible in the IKAR GeoPortal in its catalog service (CSW). The GeoPortal IKAR map service (WMS) allows us to see spatial PGI data selected for publication.
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Opisane elementy geologicznej infrastruktury informacji przestrzennej są krokiem na drodze do pełnej zgodności z dyrektywą INSPIRE i krajową ustawą o infrastrukturze informacji przestrzennej. Jednym z podstawowych założeń funkcjonowania infrastruktury informacji przestrzennej zgodnej z dyrektywą INSPIRE jest umożliwienie jej uczestnikom wyszukania potrzebnych im zbiorów danych geoprzestrzennych i usług danych geoprzestrzennych. Aby spełnić to założenie przygotowano w odpowiedniej formie zbiory danych geoprzestrzennych (na razie część zbiorów pozostających pod opieką PIG-PIB), usługi danych geoprzestrzennych (głównie usługi WMS w przeglądarkach map PIG-PIB) oraz opracowano metadane (na razie dla części zasobów) i umożliwiono wyszukiwanie informacji o zasobach i usługach dotyczących zasobów informacji geologicznej (usługa wyszukiwania CSW w katalogu metadanych IKAR). Podjęte działania dotyczyły kilku tematów wymienionych w załącznikach do dyrektywy INSPIRE, w tym tematu 2.4. Geologia z załącznika II.
The paper deals with the main components of the geological spatial information infrastructure developed in the Polish Geological Institute (PGI). It includes four map services and one catalogue service. The Geoportal of Integrated System of Spatial Information IKAR which provides users with: advanced and fast map service (WMS), and unique geological catalogue service (CSW) with fast growing geological metadata resources. Thematic map services of Polish Hydrogeological Service (e-PSH) and Geoenvironmental Map of Poland deliver hydrological and environmental data. Central Geological DataBase map service makes it possible to browse spatial data and attributes. Various spatial data delivered by PGI, and other map services can be used together with user.s own data.