The article presents possibilities and limitations of quantitative analysis of databases of visual data (in thiscase it is analysis of database of photos). The axis of the article is analysis of database of “Invisible city”project (web page:, its first goal was photographic documentation ofgrassroots forms of modification of city space done by inhabitants of large Polish cities (broadly speakingthis informal activity reduces to beautification of life environment and to improvement of its functionality).The moment the database of “Invisible city” project had grown to the size of several thousands of pictures, the idea arose that collected material can be analyzed in a quantitative way, which would enable more general, systematic view on phenomenon interesting for researchers.In the article, firstly, there are presented tools, scheme and general results of analysis of photos gathered indatabase of “Invisible city” project, here, in other words, is presented the scheme of transformation ofvisual data to numerical data. Secondly, there are identified moments where the scheme of quantitativeanalysis of “Invisible city” fails, where it may result in information loss, doesn’t give us one hundredpercent certainty for obtained results (problems of first kind are connected with dynamics of the formationand growth of database, problems of second kind arise at the stage of pictures analysis). Thirdly, there isproposed and described one potential master (meta)analysis, that we can impose on analysis of databaseof visual data of “Invisible city” project in order to check its accuracy. Despite of mentioned above problems,difficulties associated with the fact that database of “Invisible city” was created spontaneously to some extent (it was balancing between database and photo gallery sometimes), results of quantitative analyzes are reliable, they reconstruct the dynamics of invisible city with accuracy and give strong foundation for in-depth description.
Introduction: The most common hereditary kidney condition is autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. It is the cause of 5–10% of end-stage renal disease. Its symptoms are generally late-onset, typically leading to development of hypertension and chronic kidney disease. Ultrasonography is the imaging modality of choice in its diagnosis and management. The aim of this study is to determine the diagnostic value of grayscale ultrasound imaging in evaluating disease severity. Materials and methods: The study group consisted of 81 patients diagnosed with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, 35 adults and 46 children. Inclusion criterion for adults was the presence of at least 10 large cysts in each kidney; children included into the study had developed at least 1 large renal cyst in each kidney. The number of large cysts, echogenicity of kidney parenchyma, cortical thickness and presentation of cortex/medulla boundary were assessed with the use of Logiq E9 apparatus (GE Healthcare, Netherlands). Patients were divided into groups, based on these morphological parameters. Kidney function was assessed according to serum creatinine concentration and creatinine clearance. Statistical analysis was performed, with p-value lower than 0.05 considered as significant. Results: The number of cysts and the degree of parenchymal dysfunction were the determinants of creatinine level and creatinine clearance, with the second predictor proving stronger. Conclusions: We recommend that an ultrasound kidney examination in patients with polycystic kidney disease should include evaluating renal parenchyma and the number of cysts for better assessment of disease severity.
Autosomalne dominujące wielotorbielowate zwyrodnienie nerek to najczęstsza dziedziczna choroba tego narządu. Stanowi ono przyczynę 5–10% przypadków schyłkowej niewydolności nerek. Jej objawy pojawiają się późno – z reguły prowadzi do rozwoju nadciśnienia tętniczego oraz przewlekłej choroby nerek. Ultrasonografia jest metodą z wyboru w obrazowaniu tego schorzenia, zarówno w diagnostyce, jak i leczeniu. Celem pracy była ocena wartości diagnostycznej badania ultradźwiękowego w określaniu stopnia zaawansowania choroby. Materiał i metoda: Grupa badana składała się z 81 chorych, u których zdiagnozowano autosomalne dominujące zwyrodnienie wielotorbielowate nerek, w tym 35 dorosłych i 46 dzieci. Kryteria włączenia u dorosłych obejmowały obecność co najmniej 10 dużych torbieli w każdej nerce, a u dzieci – co najmniej 1 dużej torbieli w każdej nerce. Liczba dużych torbieli, echogeniczność miąższu nerek, grubość warstwy korowej i obecność zróżnicowania korowo-rdzeniowego były oceniane przy użyciu aparatu Logiq E9 (GE Healthcare, Holandia). Pacjentów podzielono na grupy zgodnie z ich wskaźnikami morfologicznymi. Funkcję nerek oceniono zgodnie z osoczowym stężeniem kreatyniny i klirensem kreatyniny. W analizie za istotną statystycznie przyjęto wartość p < 0,05. Wyniki: Liczba torbieli i stopień upośledzenia funkcji miąższu były determinantami stężenia kreatyniny i klirensu kreatyniny; stopień upośledzenia funkcji miąższu okazał się bardziej istotny. Wnioski: W celu dokonania lepszej oceny aktywności choroby u pacjentów z torbielowatym zwyrodnieniem nerek rekomendujemy ultradźwiękową ocenę miąższu nerek oraz liczby torbieli. Artykuł w wersji polskojęzycznej jest dostępny na stronie
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