Artykuł prezentuje koncepcję stanowiska do badania charakterystyk materiałów z pamięcią kształtu (Shape Memory Alloy - SMA) podczas nagrzewania oporowego, przy stałym obciążeniu mechanicznym, z uwzględnieniem koncepcji rozwiązania zasilacza impulsowego – źródła prądowego. Stanowisko jest sterowane z komputera osobistego PC. Również wszystkie pomiary są przesyłane oraz archiwizowane do dalszego przetwarzania w komputerze. Stanowisko umożliwia bezpośredni pomiar charakterystyk napięcia, temperatury, odkształcenia w funkcji prądu: U = f(I), T= f(I), [delta]l = f(I).
The goal of this paper is to present idea of the computer based measurement system for evaluation of Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) curves. It enables to measure electrical, thermal, and mechanical curves for current supplied linear SMA actuator and constant mechanical force. It enables to measure: U = f(I), T= f(I), [delta]l = f(I) curves. Measuring system must be fully controlled by PC computer, and obtained data are stored in computer.
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Purpose: The aim of this investigation was to define optimum heat treatment parameters so as to received the alloy resistant for stress corrosion cracking, within the limits of the corrosion factor, i.e. artificial sea water (3% NaCl solution). Design/methodology/approach: The corrosion tests (in corrosion environment and inert-glycerol) were carried out on the device, making possibility extension of the samples with constant speed until break. Another investigations: SEM, tensile and Vickers hardness tests, X-ray Phase Analysis, light microscopy and TEM. Findings: The researches included structural analyze, mechanical and corrosion investigations, which allow to define the optimum parameters (quenching at 560ºC temperature, in water, artificial ageing at temperature160ºC/12h) so as to received the alloy resistant for stress corrosion cracking. Research limitations/implications: Conducted investigations lay out the areas of later researches, especially in the direction of the possible, next optimization tests of their structure, e.g. in the range of raising resistance on corrosion cracking in chosen media. Practical implications: The range of possible uses the regard also increases from this, as materials on working constructions in the investigated aggressive environment. Originality/value: Contributes to research on corrosion protection for aluminium and its alloys.
W artykule przedstawiono projekt wzmacniacza nieodwracającego o zmiennym współczynniku wzmocnienia dla modułu pięciozakresowego miernika napięcia. Zadaniem wzmacniacza jest dopasowanie zakresu wejściowego urządzenia do wejścia przetwornika analogowo-cyfrowego. Przełączenie zakresu (wzmocnienia) odbywa się poprzez wybór odpowiedniej pary rezystorów odpowiedzialnych za wzmocnienie i podzielenie sygnału. Zestaw rezystorów przełączanych został dobrany za pomocą algorytmu genetycznego zaimplementowanego jako aplikacja napisana w środowisku LabVIEW. Program poszukuje rozwiązania w zadanej puli rezystorów zwanej populacją, poszukując wartości spełniające wszystkie zadane wzmocnienia sygnału.
Goal of the paper is to find proper resisnace values for input amplifier of voltage measurement module – see fig. 2. The voltage measurement module is a part of a bigger device which is a signal logger presented in fig. 1. The structure of the amplifier is presented in fig. 3. A pairs of resistors set the amplifier gains, the gain factor is given by equation (1). One resistor from RA group (which contains R1-R3) and one resistor from RB group (which contains R4-R6) set the gain factor. The variable gain convertes signal from choosen input of the module into ADC converter input. The module need five measurement ranges which have to be converted into ADC input, so five gain factors are needed. The genetic algorithm was employed to find the resistance values. Group of six resistors called genes buid chromosome – fig. 4. The matching function compares nine gains given by pairs of resistors with five desirable gains, each mached gain increases matching factor, expected factor is equal to five. The maching function is presented in fig. 6. The software was implemented in LabVIEW environment. The code is presented in fig. 7, as well as GUI is presented in fig. 8. The software finds the solution in given range of resistor values. In result it try to find all five signal gains. Two series of resistances were taken into account, the first one is E96 (1%) serie with 318 elements, the second one was series available in local electronic shop with 72 elements. The solutions were found in both cases. The results are presented in fig. 9.
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Purpose: The aim of the paper is to investigated the influence of the chemical composition on the structure and mechanical properties of austenitic Cr-Ni steels. Special attention was put on the effect of solution heat treatment on mechanical properties of examined steels. Design/methodology/approach: The examinations of static tensile tests were conducted on ZWICK 100N5A. Hardness measurements were made by Vickers method. The X-ray analyzes were realized with the use of Dron 2.0 diffractometer equipped with the lamp of the cobalt anode. The metallographic observations were carried out on LEICA MEF 4A light microscope. Findings: Results shown that after solution heat treatment the values of strength properties (UTS, YS0.2) and hardness (HV) of both investigated steels decrease and their elongation (EL) increases. The X5CrNi18-8 steel in delivery state shown austenitic microstructure with twins and numerous non-metallic inclusions, while in steel X10CrNi18-8 revealed a austenitic microstructure with numerous slip bands in areas with deformation martensite α’. The examined steels after solution heat treatment followed by water-cooling has the structure of austenite. Research limitations/implications: To investigate in more detail the influence of chemical composition on structure and mechanical properties the examinations of substructure by TEM should be conducted. Originality/value: The relationship between the solution heat treatment, structure and mechanical properties of investigated steels was specified.
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Purpose: The main task of this work was to define the optimum heat treatment parameters so as to received the alloys resistant for stress corrosion cracking, within the limits of the corrosion factor, i.e. artificial sea water. Design/methodology/approach: The mechanical properties were evaluated by tensile tests. The corrosion tests (in corrosion environment and inert-glycerol) were carried out on the device, making possibility extension of the samples with constant speed until break. Another investigations: SEM, light microscopy and TEM. Findings: The researches included structural analyse, mechanical and corrosion investigations, which allow to define the optimum parameters (quenching at 560 degrees centigrade temperature, in water, artificial ageing at temperature 160 degrees centigrade/12 h) so as to received the alloys resistant for stress corrosion cracking. Research/limitations/implications: Conducted investigations layout the areas of later researches, a specially in the direction of the possible, next optimization tests of their structure, e.g. in the range of raising resistance on corrosion cracking in chosen media. Practical implications: The range of possible uses the regard also increases from this, as materials on working constructions in the investigated aggressive environment. Originality/value: Contributes to research on corrosion protection for aluminium and its alloys.
Artykuł przedstawia koncepcję oraz opis realizacji praktycznej bezkontaktowego czujnika przemieszczenia, pracującego synchronicznie jako element złożonego systemu pomiarowego, służącego do wyznaczania charakterystyk elektro-termo-mechanicznych aktuatorów ze stopów z pamięcią kształtu. Odkształcenie cięgna jest mierzone za pomocą dwukierunkowego, scalonego, optycznego licznika impulsów. Pomiar odkształcenia jest realizowany synchronicznie z pomiarem innych wielkości - elektrycznych (prąd, napięcie) oraz nieelektrycznych (temperatura). Wartość odkształcenia aktuatora zamieniana jest na sygnał PWMo wypełnieniu proporcjonalnym do liczby zliczonych impulsów. Woltomierz, pracujący w synchronicznym układzie pomiarowym, zarządzanym za pomocą komputera PC poprzez siec GPIB, służy do pomiaru napięcia, którego wartość średnia jest proporcjonalna do wypełnienia sygnału PWM. Cały układ pomiarowy jest sterowany z poziomu programu, napisanego w środowisku LabVIEW.
The paper presents idea and description of practical realisation of non-contact displacement sensor. The sensor is working synchronically in complex measurement system for determining electro-thermo-mechanical characteristics of SMA actuators. Displacement of actuator is measured using bidirectional, integrated optical impulse counter. Measurement process is realised synchronically with measurements of other values: electrical (current, voltage) and non-electrical (temperature). Displacement value of actuator is transferred to PWM signal with width proportional to number of counted pulses. Voltmeter measuring PWM voltage is controlled by PC computer using GPIB network. The whole measurement system is controlled with program in LabVIEW environment.
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Purpose: The aim of the paper is to investigate the influence of the heat treatment on the structure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of the steel X10CrNi18-8. Design/methodology/approach: The investigated steel was solution heat treated at temperature 1050°C with water cooling and it was analysed the susceptibility to intergranular corrosion at temperature 700°C. Structures were investigated using light microscopy. The examinations of the mechanical properties were conducted on ZWICK 100N5A. Hardness measurements were made by Vickers method r. The investigations of the precipitation process were done by X-ray diffraction phase analysis. Corrosion resistance of investigated steel was examined using potentiodynamic methods. Findings: The structure of analysed steel in as-cast conditions consist of austenitic microstructure with numerous slip bands in areas with deformation martensite ?'. The examined steel after solution heat treatment followed by water-cooling has the structure of austenite with a small amount slip bands.Ageing at 700°C caused precipitation of many chromium carbides on the grain boundaries and inside the grain. The best mechanical properties (UTS=1327 MPa, YS0.2=1287 MPa, 392 HV) has steel as-cast conditions. It was also found that the investigated steel show poor corrosion resistance in 3.5% NaCl solution. Fractographic analyses of the samples after corrosion tests permitted to define the kind and degree of corrosion damage. Research limitations/implications: To investigate in more detail the corrosion behaviour 18-8 austenitic steels, the investigations should include immersion tests and an analysis of corrosion products. Practical implications: The obtained results can be used for searching the appropriate way of improving the corrosion resistance of a special group of steels. Originality/value: The relationship between the heat treatment, structure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of X10CrNi18-8 steel was specified.
The paper presents the influence of heat treatment on the structure and corrosion resistance of X5CrNi18-10 steel. To determine the structure which has been obtained after heat treatment the methods of light and scanning electron microscopy with EDS microanalysis were used. The electrochemical corrosion properties of the investigated steel were studied in 3.5% NaCl solution using potentiodynamic polarization tests. Basing on the registered curves, the corrosion current, polarization resistance and corrosion potential were determined. The corrosion tests were followed by fractographic researches.
Artykuł przedstawia bezprzewodowy system pomiarowy, złożony z kart akwizycji danych o wejściu napięciowym, opracowany na potrzeby pracy magisterskiej. Zadaniem systemu jest akwizycja, archiwizacja, monitorowanie oraz przesyłanie danych pomiarowych z urządzenia Slave do Master. Urządzenia akwizycyjne zostały wykonane jako urządzenia typu SMART SENSOR. Opracowany system pomiarowy został zastosowany do akwizycji danych w systemie odzyskiwania energii z otwieranych i zamykanych drzwi.
This paper presents wireless measurement system, consist of a data acquisition cards with voltage inputs, developed as the MSc thesis. The purpose of the system is acquisition, archiving, monitoring and transfer measurement data from the slave device to the master device (Fig. 1). Acquisition cards has been made as a SMART SENSOR device (Fig. 2). Data acquisition card is a slave module in the measurement system. It allows to acquire the measurement data with maximum 8 inputs with adjustable delay time between the measurements. The data can be saved to a SD card, and sent by radio in the ISM band (Fig. 3). DAQ card configuration is done by a terminal application located on PC (Fig. 4). The network gateway consists of a manager, a user interface module (Fig. 5), the power module and converter UART / USB. Developed measurement system has been used as the data acquisition system in recover energy from opening and closing door circuit. The short measurement series were done for acquiring voltage (Fig. 6) and current (Fig. 7) when movement of the door was forced. Long acquisition series were done as well (Fig. 8). The long series took four days during typical office use. The measurement system can be used for monitoring various types of physical quantities by means of appropriate sensors and output voltage. Applied Gateway may be part of the monitoring and control of data acquisition DAQ cards used in the measurements.
W artykule przedstawiono projekt i wykonanie modułu rejestrującego warunki środowiskowe w pomieszczeniu laboratoryjnym. Układ został zaprojektowany do współpracy ze stanowiskiem pomiarowym wyznaczającym charakterystyki elektromechaniczne elektrycznie aktywowanych aktuatorów SMA. Współpracuje ze stanowiskiem laboratoryjnym komunikując się w strukturze pytanie – odpowiedź. Urządzenie rozszerza zakres prowadzonych badań umożliwiając automatyczną rejestrację temperatury, wilgotności oraz ciśnienia atmosferycznego w trakcie pomiarów. Zmiana temperatury otoczenia w trakcie długotrwałych pomiarów wprowadza dodatkowe błędy pomiarowe, które do tej pory nie mogły być uwzględnione, pozostałe parametry ciśnienie i wilgotność mogą mieć wpływ na warunki oddawania ciepła od aktuatora do otoczenia. Komunikacja z zastosowaniem standardu USB i wirtualnego portu COM zapewnia uniwersalność urządzenia. Praca została zrealizowana jako projekt inżynierski.
The article presents ambient environment acquisition module. The module acquires temperature humidity and pressure in the laboratory room. The task was done as a BsC Thesis. The module must be universal module, which develop abilities of measurement system. The module was designed as a addiction for Shape Memory Alloy Actuators measurement systems. The SMA actuators are driven by current, so ambient temperature is a starting point for increasing SMA internal temperature causes by flowing current. The module exchanges data with measurement system in question-answer structure. Virtual COM port emulated on USB enables to use the module in wide range of measurement systems.
Paper deals with examinations of properties of shape memory alloy actuators. Authors describe design of own laboratory stand for obtaining electro-thermo-mechanical characteristics of SMA wires (maximum length 900 mm). The stand allows for semi-automatic measurements of voltage and current (supplying the actuator), temperature of wire and its extension. Data acquisition and control signals are realized by PC computer. All elements of the measuring system are connected by GPIB network (IEEE 488.2 standard). Control program for static measurements was written in G language (LabVIEW environment). Temperature is measured using infrared camera Flir A325. Displacement measurement system contains optical sensor (converting piston movement into series of pulses), pulses counter, PWM signal generator (PWM signal fulfillment is proportional to number of pulses), lowpass filter and buffer conditioning external signal. For dynamic measurements data recording is performed using digital oscilloscope Tektronix MSO 2024 equipped with four separated channels and digital filter. Wide range of examinations of several SMA wires allowed for drawing its exploitative characteristic helpful for practical use. It shows length change of actuator as a function of mechanical load (Fig. 10). Finally some example static as well as dynamic characteristics are presented and short discussion is carried out.
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Purpose: The main aim of this article was to present the investigation results of magnetorheological fluids (MR) composed of carbonyl iron (CI) particles and analyse their flow behaviour in terms of the internal structure formation by a control of applied external magnetic field. The morphology, magnetic properties, sedimentation stability, and magnetorheological properties of the examined MR fluids were studied. Design/methodology/approach: Model MR fluid was prepared using silicone oil OKS 1050 mixed with carbonyl iron powder CI. Furthermore, to reduce sedimentation Aerosil 200 was added as stabilizers. In the purpose to determine the properties of the analyzed fluids the sedimentation and dynamic viscosity were investigated. Findings: Dynamic viscosity of investigated magnetorheological fluids rapidly and reversibly change in response to the applied external magnetic field. Moreover added particles of fumed silica inhibited sedimentation of carbonyl iron particles. Research limitations/implications: MR fluids with excellent properties can be applied in various fields of civil engineering, safety engineering, transportation and life science. They offer an outstanding capability of active control of mechanical properties. But there are no systematic published studies of factors affecting the durability of MR fluids and devices. There is very little information on the effects of exposing different MR fluids to temperature, for this reasons further efforts are needed in order to obtain even better results. Originality/value: The investigation results are reliable and could be very useful both for designers and the practitioners of many branches of industry.
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Purpose: The paper analyzes the effects of plastic deformation in cold working process on the corrosion resistance, micro-hardness and mechanical properties of austenitic stainless steel X5CrNi18-10. Design/methodology/approach: Corrosion resistance of X5CrNi18-10 steel was examined using weight and potentiodynamic methods. In the weight method, the specimens were immersed in the prepared solution for 87 days. The evaluation of the corrosion behaviour of investigated steel in the potentiodynamic method was realized by registering of anodic polarization curves. The VoltaLabŽ PGP 201 system for electrochemical tests was applied. The tests were carried out at room temperature in electrolyte simulating artificial sea water (3.5% NaCl). Registering of anodic polarization curves was conducted at the potential rate equal to 1 mV/s. As the reference electrode the saturated calomel electrode (SCE) was applied, the auxiliary electrode was platinum electrode. Mechanical properties were evaluated on the basis of the static tensile and Vickers micro-hardness test. The observations of the surface morphology after corrosive tests were carried out using Scanning Electron Microscope SUPRA™25. Findings: According to the results of potentiodynamic analyses it was found that plastic deformation in a cold working of austenitic steel grade X5CrNi18-10 affected to lower its corrosion resistance in 3.5% NaCl solution, what has an essential meaning in industrial applications of this group of materials. Research limitations/implications: The microscope observations of the surface samples subjected to corrosion resistance test in 3.5% NaCl solution permitted to evaluate types and the rate of corrosion damages. Practical implications: The obtained results can be used for searching the appropriate way of improving the corrosion resistance of a special group of steels. Originality/value: The corrosion behaviour in chloride solution of a Cr-Ni austenitic stainless steel was investigated.
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Purpose: Results of experimental studies of a prototype magnetorheological damper at various magnitudes of control current as well as the manner of modelling electromagnetic phenomena occurring in the damper are presented in this paper. Design/methodology/approach: Model MR fluid was prepared using silicone oil OKS 1050 mixed with carbonyl iron powder CI. Furthermore, to reduce sedimentation, as stabilizers was added Aerosil 200. The observations of the surface morphology of carbonyl iron and fumed silica were carried out using Digital Scanning Electron Microscope SUPRATM25 ZEISS. The effect of magnetic field on magnetorheological fluid is modelled by the finite element method. Findings: The presented model meets the initial criteria, which gives ground to the assumption about its usability for determining the dynamics properties of mechanical systems, employing the finite element method using ANSYS software. Research limitations/implications: The elaborated model can be use for modelling the semi active car suspension dynamics. Originality/value: The actual-non-linear characteristics of magnetisation identified experimentally were used as the values of relative magnetic permeability of the piston housing material. The possibility of application, e.g. real characteristics of material magnetisation and faster and faster calculation machines make possibility the creation of more precise models and more adequate ones to reality.
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Purpose: The aim of the work was the evaluation of corrosion resistance and structure of aluminium AlMg2.5; AlMg5Mn and AlZn5Mg1 alloys. Design/methodology/approach: The corrosion resistance tests of investigated alloys were carried out by means of potentiodynamic method registering anodic polarization curves in 3.5% NaCl solution at room temperature. Registering anodic polarization curves was conducted at the potential rate equal to 1mV/s. As the reference electrode was used saturated calomel electrode (SCE) and the auxiliary electrode was platinum electrode. Mechanical properties were evaluated on the basis of Vickers hardness test. The test was realized with the use of Hauser hardness tester. The observations of the surface morphology after corrosive tests were carried out using Digital Scanning Electron Microscope DSM 940 OPTON. Findings: The investigations of corrosion resistance of examined aluminium alloys shows that the highest corrosion resistance in 3.5% NaCl solution was observed for AlZn5Mg1 aluminium alloy. Practical implications: The obtained results can be used for searching the appropriate way of improving the corrosion resistance of analysed alloys because better corrosion resistance, lightweight of aluminium and its alloys makes them as most attractive for the steel replacement in shipbuilding. Originality/value: The corrosion behaviour in chloride solution of AlMg2.5; AlMg5Mn and AlZn5Mg1 alloys was investigated.
The main goal of this paper is to present results of investigations of the Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) actuator applied in a current sensitive switch. The SMA muscle wire actuates the electric micro switch, breaking the electrical circuit. The prototype stand of the switch, automatically breaking the circuit when overcurrent appears, was designed. The stand consists of a prototype switch construction and a measuring system, allowing for various investigations. The measurement methodology and selected results of the performed experiments are also presented. Finally, the authors try to answer the following question: is it possible to use the SMA actuator as a main drive in a current sensing switch?
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