BREXIT, the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU structures has become a turning point in the process of formation of (as it seemed) permanent upranational blocs of economic cooperation. It was the first time that the European Union as a sui generis first in the world supranational organisation was so explicitly questioned as a value in itself. The redefinition of values that took place in the United Kingdom may be connected with a turn towards the part of the “Anglosphere” known as CANZUK. The research hypothesis for the studies announced in this article is that this ideological turnaround will lead to gradual regional integration. The article presents the theoretical and methodological framework for conducting the planned studies, outlines the currently available sources, and maps out the directions for detailed analyses within the singled out research areas. The planned research fits into the area of political and law studies. As regards the first field, analysed will be efforts aimed at consolidating cooperation, and in the future – postulated integration. The research will be carried out from the perspective of Karl Deutsch’s communication theory. The theory emphasises substantiveness of nation states and the need for social integration before political integration, which is also the fundamental assumption underlying the postulates of both the supporters of Brexit, as well as the persons and entities postulating the construction of the CANZUK bloc. With the use of this theoretical perspective it will be possible to complement the research with analyses in the area of contemporary political thought indicating the axiological foundations for the construction of a community in the Anglosphere. In the latter area, analysed will be certain acts of public international law, such as e.g. Trans-Tasman Travel Arrangement. That act may be treated as a model solution as regards constructing an alternative mechanism for the freedom of movement of persons.
The presented paper is a result of a comparative analysis of the legal foundations of the civil services or public services, which is more popular name in the narrowly understood Anglosphere countries – the CANZUK group. The comparative study deals not only with the provisions on the employment and the duties of the civil servants of the respective countries but also discusses the Westminster/Whitehall system, which was developed in United Kingdom, on the reformed systems of the former dominions. What is more, in the case of Australia – sometimes described as a place of birth of the Washminster system – remarks on the American influence were added. The article is one part of a cycle “Remarks on CANZUC”, devoted to the analysis of the law and politics of the narrowly understood Anglosphere.
Pandemia COVID-19 wymusiła zmianę procesów zarządzania i organizacji zarówno w życiu codziennym, jak i w pracy. W niniejszym artykule podjęto problematykę pracy zdalnej w Polsce w okresie pandemii. Wcześniej publikowane analizy pracy zdalnej w Polsce dotyczyły albo zmian w prawie pracy, albo analizy administracji lokalnej. W bieżącej analizie przedstawiono jednak studium przypadku wdrożenia przepisów intertemporalnych dotyczących nowego rodzaju pracy zdalnej w Polsce, tj. pracy zdalnej, w administracji centralnej. Analiza obejmuje dane zebrane podczas badania przeprowadzonego w Ministerstwie Sprawiedliwości i jednostkach organizacyjnych nadzorowanych przez Ministerstwo w 2020 r. Zebrany materiał pozwolił na przeprowadzenie badania prawa w działaniu i ocenę poziomu akceptacji przepisów intertemporalnych, które były w 2023 r. przedmiotem prac parlamentarnych nad uczynieniem z nich stałego elementu polskiego prawa pracy. Studium przypadku pozwoliło również zrozumieć drogę do nowelizacji polskiego Kodeksu pracy.
The COVID-19 pandemic forced a change in management and organisation processes both in everyday life and at work. This paper looks at the issue of remote working in Poland during the pandemic. Previously published analyses of home working in Poland concerned either changes in labour law or analysis of local administration. This paper, however, presents a case study of the implementation of intertemporal provisions for a new type of working from home in Poland, i.e., remote working, in central administration. The analysis covers data collected during a survey conducted in the Ministry of Justice and the organisational units supervised by the Ministry in 2020. The collected material allowed for conducting a law-in-action study and assessing the level of acceptance of intertemporal provisions, which were the subject of parliamentary work to make them a permanent element of Polish labour law in 2023. The case study also allowed to understand the road toward novelisation of Polish labour law code.
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