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Teachers’ work is subjected to constant evaluation by students, parents, other teachers, and society. High demands in the face of changing socio-cultural, educational reality require from teachers the continuous improvement of pedagogical competences. The article raises the question of teachers’ competences acquired by the students of early school education during three years of studies. The scope and type of those competences determine pupils’ developmental change. On the basis of surveys and interviews conducted on 50 students it is possible to formulate numerous conclusions. The most important one indicates that students are comprehensively prepared and gain pedagogical knowledge that allows them to treat pupils subjectively, encourage them to take part in discussions, and organize activities with appropriate methods and forms. Other areas of responsibility may be developed and improved in the course of work.
nr 318
69 - 83
The aim of this paper is to describe the axiological conditions of spatial development in Italy in the light of two main principles of Italian administrative law: subsidiarity and sustainable development. The principle of subsidiarity after the constitutional reform of 2001 has been a fundament of administration system. Concurrently for example values of human dignity, property, common goods have a big influence on the processes of municipality spatial planning and land use management.
The traditional contemporary library is now more often transformed into an information centre. Publications offered by the scientific libraries, to which academic libraries also belong, are becoming more varied. The article presents both the traditional and electronic collections in addition to a service package delivered by the Main Library of Świętokrzyska Academy in Kielce. This review is confronted with the results of a questionnaire survey conducted on readers in two sessions (the 2003/2004 academic year and a trial control in 2006). In the second part the Library's electronic offer and its acquaintance of the community were highlighted. The interest of the users of the Main Library of Świętokrzyska Academy in other forms of literature acquisition (from polish language digital libraries and other traditional libraries both in and outside Kielce) was also indicated. Readers' assessment of activities as disclosed by respondents is presented under the section "points for the library". In conclusion general proposals and suggestions for the establishment of a good library-reader relationship were made. The text was supplemented with a set of tables and graphs.
Artykuł ma na celu analizę problematyki związanej z człowiekiem, jego pochodzeniem i zróżnicowaniem fizycznym i kulturowym w wyobrażeniach autorów „Biblioteki Warszawskiej” w latach 1841–1864. Badany okres to epoka przed darwinowskim przełomem w naukach przyrodniczych, gdy antropologia dopiero wyodrębniła się z historii naturalnej i nadal była obszarem badawczym o zakresie niedoprecyzowanym. Jednocześnie był to czas dominacji idei romantycznych, które wpływały także na teksty o ambicjach naukowych.
This article examines the articles on human nature and mankind's physical and cultural diversity published in the Warsaw highbrow journal Biblioteka Warszawska in the first phase of its history, 1841–1864, i.e. prior to the Darwinian revolution in the natural sciences. It was a period when anthropology was trying to establish itself as a separate discipline by drawing on the dominant Romantic conceptions of natural evolution and the authors of Biblioteka Warszawska would often use them as a scientific underpinning of their articles.
“To identify and understand oneself”. Polish Romantic thought on national awarenessThe awareness factor commonly termed as “national awakening,” in the Polish Romantic reflection was considered the utmost determinant of national maturity of  community. In the opinion of Polish romantics, national awareness seen in a broader societal sense was a relatively new phenomenon (for some authors it originated in the late 18th century, for others in the early 19th century). Earlier, the nation did exist but it was not firmly established and  remained “salient.” On the basis of the 19th century sources, this article analyses some major topics of the Romantic period discourse on nation. These issues included, first of all, the meaning of national awareness and understanding of this idea as time progressed. Moreover, questions concerned the exact moment when a conscious picture of a national community came to exist, thus certifying that a mature form of nation finally originated. Moreover, this romantic discussion concerned spatial conditions of the development of national awareness (dependence of the distance from the national centre) and focused on social acceptance of this idea. According to romantic authors, the process of self-definition of a nation consisted of two stages. First, national identification was not intellectual but sensual; only at a later and more sublime stage; mature national awareness came to exist. As far as a more practical aspect of this issue goes, the contemporary aim was to expand national awareness gradually so that it could possibly be experienced by all members of nation, and not only by its political and intellectual elites. „Rozpoznać i zrozumieć siebie”. O świadomości narodowej w polskiej myśli romantycznejW polskiej refleksji romantycznej czynnik świadomościowy, który powszechnie określano terminem „narodowego przebudzenia”, był nadrzędnym wyznacznikiem dojrzałości narodowej wspólnoty. Zdaniem polskich romantyków świadomość narodowa w szerszym zakresie społecznym była stosunkowo nowym zjawiskiem (dla jednych autorów koniec XVIII wieku, dla innych początek XIX stulecia). Wcześniej naród istniał, ale jako byt nie do końca ukształtowany, pozostający w „uśpieniu”. W artykule, w oparciu o źródła z epoki, przeanalizowano najistotniejsze motywy w romantycznym dyskursie dotyczącym omawianej kwestii. Chodziło przede wszystkim o rozumienie pojęcia świadomości narodowej, jego kształtowanie się w czasie, w tym o ustalenie „momentu” pojawienia się świadomego wyobrażenia wspólnoty narodowej w szerszym zakresie, które niejako sankcjonowało powstanie jej dojrzałej formy. Istotnym wątkiem w dyskusji było także dostrzeżenie przestrzennego uwarunkowania rozwoju narodowej świadomości (w zależności od oddalenia od narodowego centrum), jak również problem związany ze społecznym zakresem tej wizji. Analizowano proces samopoznania narodowego, który zgodnie z ówczesnym przeświadczeniem realizował się dwuetapowo. Najpierw rozpoznanie i utożsamienie ze wspólnotą odbywało się poprzez bezrefleksyjne odczuwanie, a następnie dokonało się samopoznanie wyższe, czyli wyrobienie dojrzałej idei narodowej. W wymiarze bardziej praktycznym chodziło o stopniowe rozszerzenie narodowej świadomości, aby poczucie wspólnoty objęło możliwie wszystkich członków narodu, a nie tylko jego polityczno-umysłowe elity.
W artykule zaprezentowano początki kształtowania się polskiej terminologii związanej z nauką o człowieku, jego pochodzeniu i zróżnicowaniu, w okresie, kiedy antropologia dopiero zaczynała wyodrębniać się z historii naturalnej, a jej przedstawiciele próbowali doprecyzować zakres badanego przedmiotu. Procesowi uporządkowania świata organicznego w ramach powstałych systemów klasyfikacyjnych, w tym podziałów rodzaju ludzkiego ze względu na cechy fizyczne i kulturowe, towarzyszyło ujednolicenie nazewnictwa naukowego, tworzenie „języka systematycznego”. Jego powstawanie dokonywało się powoli, często chaotycznie za sprawą samych badaczy, którym nie przeszkadzała nomenklaturowa niekonsekwencja. Jeszcze większa dezinformacja panowała w pracach popularyzujących wiedzę i publicystyce. Za kategorię nadrzędną, która posłużyła do ukazania złożoności formowania się terminów związanych z podziałami ludzkości, przyjęto pojęcie rasy. Termin ten, używany w literaturze zachodniej do opisów odrębnych typów fizycznych człowieka od drugiej połowy XVIII wieku w piśmiennictwie polskim był słabo upowszechniony i konsekwentnie zastępowany innymi określeniami. Bogactwo znaczeń, różnorodność i dowolność ich stosowania zrodziły potrzebę uporządkowania tego pojęciowego zamieszania i wyjaśnienia najbardziej typowych kategorii, które służyły polskim autorom formacji oświeceniowej i romantycznej do opisów zróżnicowania świata ludzkiego.
This article presents the early stage of shaping Polish terminology connected with the human science, the origins of man and differentiation of humankind in the period when anthropology only began to separate from natural history, and its representatives attempted to make the scope of their research clear and distinct. This process of organising the organic world within the classification systems created for this purpose, including divisions of the mankind on the basis of physical and cultural features of people, was accompanied by an effort to unify scholarly nomenclature and establish a “systematic language”. This was a slow and often chaotic phase because scholars did not object to inconsistent nomenclature at all. In works popularising knowledge and in journalism even more disinformation appeared. The notion of race was accepted as a superior category that was to show a complexity of terms reflecting the divisions of the human kind. This term, from the second half of the eighteenth century used in Western literature to denote individual physical types of man, in the Polish writings was little known and as a rule other notions were in common use instead. Plenty of meanings, diverse and arbitrary application of notions made it necessary to organise this chaos and explain the most typical categories that the Polish authors of the Enlightenment and Romantic periods started to apply in order to describe the diversity of the human world.
The article presents Władysław Jordan’s activity in Turkey during the January Uprising on the basis of his correspondence kept in the Kórnik library. The analysed sources have made it possible to discuss the most important directions of the colonel’s actions and the particular steps he meant to take in order to support the Uprising. The article mentions Jordan’s beliefs, such as his vision of the Nation, his opinion on the Pope’s secular power, and his distinct attitude towards the Ukrainians. The correspondence is valuable not only owing to the information on the diplomatic and military actions undertaken in the period in question, but also due to the individual opinions and emotions, which cannot be found in official documents. The gathered collection of letters is also a great source of knowledge, which sheds light on the relations between Polish activists who were members of the two political groups in exile.
The specifics of Polish Romantic Reflection on race and cognate notionsThe one and basic characteristic feature of Polish Romantic reflection on race was that it associated race with tribeness. Such a reduction of the notion ‘race’ to ethnicity resulted from the then known definition of nation as a multiethnic and multicultural community which constituted the superior and the superb form of organizing the societal world, as well as from weakness of scholarly reflection in the field of physical anthropology. For Polish Romantics, race was not an objective category that on the basis of exiting physical differences enabled a division of humanity into permanent and clearly delimitated phonotypical populations. Race was identified with tribeness and related to a long gone past when the human kind merely created primitive social ties based on kinship of blood. However, what is really binding people is not biological criteria but spiritual semblance: communion of thought, feelings, and purpose. Color of skin or shape of skull do not determine a given populace’s brain capacities; in fact what counts only is cultural and civilization factors. For Romantics, in their thought a Eurocentric attitude dominated, although it was devoid of clearly racist connotations. Superior and inferior races, if existed at all, appeared only in the context of a level of development of civilization, that is, merely temporarily, because every race was able to achieve the level of the most developed races or even a higher one. Specyfika polskiej refleksji romantycznej nad rasą i pojęciami pokrewnymiSpecyfika polskiej refleksji romantycznej nad rasą miała jedną zasadniczą cechę – utożsamienie jej z plemiennością. Zredukowanie pojęcia rasy do etniczności wynikało z ówczesnej definicji narodu jako wspólnoty wieloetnicznej, wielokulturowej, która stanowiła nadrzędną, najdoskonalszą formę urządzenia świata społecznego, oraz ze słabości naukowej refleksji w zakresie antropologii fizycznej. Rasa nie była dla romantyków polskich kategorią obiektywną, pozwalającą według istniejących różnic fizycznych podzielić ludzkość na trwałe, ograniczone fenotypowo populacje. Utożsamiono ją z plemiennością i łączono z zamierzchłą przeszłością, gdy ludzkość tworzyła jedynie prymitywne związki społeczne oparte na pokrewieństwie krwi. Tymczasem ludzi zespala nie tyle kryterium biologiczne, co podobieństwo duchowe – wspólnota myśli, uczuć i celu. Kolor skóry czy kształt czaszki nie determinowały zdolności umysłowych populacji, a jedynie czynniki natury kulturowo-cywilizacyjnej. Postawa europocentryczna dominowała w ówczesnej myśli, ale bez konotacji stricte rasistowskich. Jeśli istniały rasy niższe i wyższe, to tylko w kontekście stopnia zaawansowania w rozwoju cywilizacyjnym, a zatem czasowo, gdyż każda z nich mogła dojść do poziomu tych najbardziej rozwiniętych, a nawet je przewyższyć.
This article discusses stone artefacts made of amphibolite, which have been discovered within the area of the settlement of the Linear Band Pottery culture (LBK) at the site 22 in Świlcza (Świlcza commune). The researchers have found three adzes and a part of an unspecified tool at the site. These tools can be ascribed to the middle and late phase of the Linear Band Pottery culture. The products from amphibolite in the shape of a shoe-last are quite common at the sites of the discussed culture. The problem of naming this type of objects has been emphasised and a need to interpret their functions has been highlighted. The settlement in Świlcza is a part of a settlement network of that culture in the area of Rzeszów, which is also one of many settlement agglomerations of the Early Neolithic period in south-eastern Poland. Therefore, both the site itself and the artefacts recorded there will be presented in the context of the Linear Band Pottery culture settlement in the discussed area and more broadly in the light of similar finds from the area of the Czech Republic and Slovakia
nr 320
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the influence of German writers, first of all the pandectists, on the thought of V.E. Orlando and the role they played. Orlando was the founder and constructor of Italian public law scholarship. The paper is based on the research of F. Longchamps de Bérier, but also M.S. Giannini, A. Sandulli and S. Cassese. The article describes three issues-problems. The first concerns the reasons for and conditions of the study of V.E. Orlando, particularly historical conditions. The second focuses on the principal theses of his manifesto. The last question is dedicated to one of the major handbooks of administrative law by this author — Principi di diritto amministrativo. The results confirm the opinion of F. Longchamps de Bérier and S. Casses, that the conception of V.E. Orlando was the determinant of the pandectists thought.
nr 322
Conceptualization of legal experience and conceptualization of facts related in the functioning of the administration of the science of administrative law and administrative science in research of studies from school of Wrocław and Italian scholars administrative. The aim of this article is to describe the conceptions of legal experience and administrative legal facts, but on the other hand also to accentuate and underline influence on the administrative law and administrative science. The article is based on the research of professors F. Longchamps de Bérier, A. Błaś, J. Jeżewski, J. Korczak, but also Italian writers. The first part of the article is dedicated to description of arole of legal experience in administrative research. The last part of the paper present research of Professor A. Błaś and his concept of administrative legal facts, also of the light connection between theory and practice in administrative law. The results of the investigation remind (on the base of scientific achievements of Prof. A. Błaś) that the “reality” can be apart of implementation of the norms of administrative law, also of the light didactic issues.
nr 3 (34)
The article analyses the image of non-European women in Polish Romantic travel writing, adopting an intersectional lens to focus on differences in the women’s descriptions due to the race, gender, and social status.
Content available remote Nadmierne korzystanie z urządzeń mobilnych wśród dzieci
nr 51
The article deals with the excessive use of mobile devices by children and students. The article draws attention to the earlier children’s contact with devices and public applications. The article presents the possible causes of this phenomenon and the resulting threats. The article has a theoretical and research character.
Content available remote O pojęciu godności narodowej w polskiej myśli romantycznej
National dignity is one of principal notions that helps define fundamental ideas and aims of nationalism. The author of the article analyzes the Polish thought of the first part of the 19th century, presenting the diversity of views. Historically, national dignity was believed to represent group value and being proud of belonging to one’s own nation, of its character and destiny within humanity. National dignity was an inalienable right and value closely connected with vital aspirations of a national community, with the ideal of freedom seen in the context of endangerments both from the outside (e.g., hostile actions of other states and nations), and from the inside (e.g., excessive love for one’s own nation, materialistic approaches, selfishness, but also as threats that arise via injustice, and the absence of social rights and equality). Dignity, honor, love of one’s motherland are values that we should constantly recall and at all times care for and propagate within a national community. In the article, special attention has also been paid to the way the older Polish thinkers presented the close relationships between collective dignity and individual dignity, as well as to the fact that the title notion has undergone a specific evolution in time and space.
The article presents selected aspects of the life of Cecylia Działyńska against the background of her times, with a focus on the historical and cultural context as well as the speci c local conditions, which had a considerable impact on her beliefs and attitude. The analysed source made it possible to reconstruct Cecylia’s convictions concerning her understanding of the nation, patriotism, attitude to the emancipation of women, social roles, faith and the Catholic church, which basically did not di er from the model convictions and behaviours in the public domain which were mandatory in the circles of women from the more enlightened spheres in the Prussian Partition. It was not so with the ful lment of Cecylia’s ideals. Her deep religiousness, inclination to mysticism, unwillingness to marry, as well as an incurable, chronic disease, all le their mark on her life, preventing Cecylia from adopting the traditional role of a wife and a mother preserving the Polish customs and traditions, and maintaining faithfulness to the national and Catholic values in a family. Despite serious differences between the developing women’s movement in the Prussian Partition, and its equivalent in the Austrian and Russian Partitions, the views and the activity of women in the province of Posen, including Cecylia Działyńska (their rich charitable and educational activity as well as the signi cant development of female congregations in the second half of the 19th century), should be considered a more traditional, conservative model of the process of the emancipation of women on the Polish soil.
tom XXX
nr (1/2023)
Cel. Celem artykułu jest poznanie i zaprezentowanie opinii studentów na temat wybranych aspektów rodzicielstwa bliskości. Zagadnienie to jest istotne nie tylko z perspektywy indywidualnych losów, lecz ma także wymiar ogólnospołeczny. Im więcej świadomych, zdrowych zachowań rodzicielskich, tym zdrowsze społeczeństwo. Szczegółowe problemy badawcze postawione w pracy dotyczyły tego, jakie są opinie badanych osób na temat przygotowania do rodzicielstwa, jak respondenci oceniają przytulanie dziecka w relacji rodzic-dziecko, jakie są opinie badanych studentów dotyczące pozytywnej dyscypliny oraz jaka jest wiedza respondentów dotycząca zagrożeń związanych z dotykiem. Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagnostycznego w grupie 124 studentów Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego. Wyniki. Uzyskane wyniki badań wskazują na niski poziom wiedzy respondentów dotyczący znaczenia stymulacji dotykowej dla rozwoju dziecka. Brak potrzeby edukacji w obszarze rodzicielstwa oraz brak chęci i gotowości do przygotowania się do roli ojca wyrażone w opiniach badanych mężczyzn można spostrzegać jako duży problem społeczny. Niepokojący jest także brak akceptacji dla pozytywnej dyscypliny przy jednoczesnej aprobacie kar fizycznych wyrażony przez ponad połowę respondentów płci męskiej.
Aim. This paper aims to learn about the opinions of university students of education on selected aspects of attachment parenting as well as to present those opinions. The problem is not only important from the point of view of the individual histories but it also has a wider, societal dimension. The more rational and healthy parental decisions there are, the better off society gets. The detailed research problems posed in this paper include the opinions of attachment by the respondents regarding the preparation for parenthood; what importance they attribute to hugging the child by the parent; what the opinions of the respondents on positive discipline are, and what their knowledge of the perils related to physical contact is. Materials and methods. The study was conducted using a diagnostic interview with a group of 124 education students at the University of Zielona Gora. Results. The results show that respondents lack knowledge of the importance of physical contact in child development. The reluctance expressed by male respondents to educate themselves as well as prepare for fatherhood may be considered a serious social issue. The fact that, at the same time, they don’t accept positive discipline and approve of corporal punishment, which is expressed by over half of the male respondents, seems especially worrying.
The main subject of consideration in this article is the structure of the Sharia criminal law, its characteristics and influence on Islamic law based on selected countries. Discussed questions concerned on concept Islamic law, sources of law like Koran, Sunna, Kijas and Idżma. Moreover, in the article, it will be shown the characteristic of Muslim penal law, including crimes like “Hadd”, “Kisas” and characteristic an illicit acts “Tazir”. In the article is also described influence Sharia law on different countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Libya. Structure of Sharia penal law concerns showing its as an universal, normative and dogmatic legal religious system, which regulate Muslims behavior in all areas of life. In the conclusion, it is estimated the essence of the religion of Islam and its impact on the functioning of society and the state, as well as its relationship with the legal system of Muslim countries.
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