This article aims to present the overview of the situation during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic about issues concerning the prevalence of mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, rate of suicide attempts, and long COVID (LC) infections in the general population during COVID-19 pandemic. Analysis of the literature (in English, Polish and Spanish language) on topics related to COVID-19, mental disorders (suicide attempts, depression, anxiety) and LC infection published during the 4 years (2020–2023) was done using Pubmed and PubMed Central search engine. Keywords such as “COVID-19,” “mental disorders,” “long COVID infection,” “depression,” “anxiety,” “suicide attempts” were used during the search. The conduct of this review/comment followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) protocol, which corresponds to a checklist of 27 items designed to facilitate the development and reporting of a robust protocol for systematic reviews or meta-analyses. Overall 35 studies were selected and analyzed in the review on topics: including among others LC (14 studies), suicide attempts (7 studies), mental disorders (depression, anxiety) (14 studies). The main issues raised in the articles were: higher risk of LC symptoms in women, fatigue and brain fog listed as frequently encountered patient’s complaints together with anxiety, depression, loneliness, especially in younger age groups and in women. Issues regarding LC, mental disorders and suicide attempts requires further research as the results vary in different countries.
Populations in large workplaces are particularly susceptible to the risk of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. In the following article, an attempt has been made to identify main problems regarding the biological security in large workplaces outside the healthcare sector, while simultaneously pointing out the possible solutions to these problems. In this article, a literature review was performed with regard to publications that have been published within the last 4 months, concerning the issue of risk factors with regard to SARS-CoV-2 infections in large populations. Experts’ opinions and statements released by institutions working in this field were also taken into consideration. On the basis of the available publications, key procedures to protect workers in large workplaces against COVID-19 were established. One of these key factors is infection prevention. It is commonly known that, due to limited possibilities of identifying infected people that are asymptomatic, physical distance in the whole employee population should be kept; personal protective equipment (PPE) should be used and tele-work should be implemented. The results of recent research have shown that, apart from airborne ways of transmission, there also exists a possibility of getting infected by coming into contact with contaminated surfaces and objects. Therefore, frequent disinfection of rooms and work tools is essential. In the current situation, due to the lack of a vaccine, only going through the COVID-19 disease, either in a symptomatic or asymptomatic form, significantly increases the chances of developing natural immunity. The means of preventing SARS-CoV-2 infections include quickly identifying the infected people on the basis of the symptoms they report, keeping physical distance, using PPE, disinfecting rooms and applying proper ventilation. Limiting the number of workers by implementing a remote work pattern is also recommended.
Background The aim of the work is to present the epidemiological situation in the field of occupational diseases in Poland in 2016. Material and Methods The cases of occupational diseases identified in accordance with the applicable case law system in Poland and reported to the Central Register of Occupational Diseases in 2016 were analyzed. The analysis includes nosologic units, their causative factors as well as gender and age of patients. Absolute numbers and incidence rates per 100 000 employees were presented. Results In 2016, 2119 cases of occupational diseases were recorded in Poland, i.e. 14.3 cases per 100 000 employed persons. The incidence rate was mainly caused by pneumoconioses (28.5%), infectious or parasitic diseases (27.2%), chronic voice disorders (9.7%), chronic diseases of the peripheral nervous system (8.6%) and hearing loss (6.3%). The highest incidence was recorded in the mining and quarrying (329.7 cases), agriculture and forestry (23.8 cases), manufacturing (20 cases) and education (17.9 cases) and healthcare and social work activities (17.7 cases). Conclusions In comparison with 2015, there was an increase in the number of cases of occupational diseases by 1.2%, which was influenced mainly by a larger (by 181 cases) number of pneumoconiosis. The epidemiological situation resulting from occupational diseases in our country, although it covers all identified cases, should be assessed with caution because the suspicion arises underestimation of certain diseases, especially cancer. Med Pr 2018;69(6):643–650
Wstęp Celem pracy jest przedstawienie sytuacji epidemiologicznej w zakresie chorób zawodowych w Polsce w 2016 r. Materiał i metody Przeanalizowano przypadki chorób zawodowych stwierdzonych zgodnie z obowiązującym w Polsce systemem orzeczniczym i obligatoryjnie zgłaszanych do centralnego Rejestru Chorób Zawodowych w 2016 r. W przeglądzie uwzględniono jednostki chorobowe, ich przyczyny, a także płeć i wiek chorych. Przedstawiono liczby bezwzględne i współczynniki zapadalności na 100 tys. pracujących. Wyniki W 2016 r. stwierdzono w Polsce 2119 przypadków chorób zawodowych, tj. 14,3 przypadków na 100 tys. pracujących. Zachorowalność ogólną kształtowały głównie pylice płuc (28,5%), choroby zakaźne lub pasożytnicze (27,2%), przewlekłe choroby narządu głosu (9,7%), przewlekłe choroby obwodowego układu nerwowego (8,6%) i ubytek słuchu (6,3%). Najwyższą zapadalność na 100 tys. pracujących odnotowano w górnictwie (329,7 przypadków), rolnictwie i leśnictwie (21,9 przypadków), przetwórstwie przemysłowym (20 przypadków), edukacji (17,9 przypadków) oraz opiece zdrowotnej i pomocy społecznej (17,7 przypadków). Wnioski W porównaniu z rokiem 2015 nastąpił wzrost liczby przypadków chorób zawodowych o 1,2%, na co wpłynęła głównie większa – o 181 przypadków – liczba pylic płuc. Sytuacja epidemiologiczna wynikająca z zapadalności na choroby zawodowe w naszym kraju, chociaż obejmuje wszystkie stwierdzone przypadki, powinna być oceniana ostrożnie, gdyż nasuwa podejrzenie niedoszacowania niektórych chorób, szczególnie nowotworów. Med. Pr. 2018;69(6):643–650
Background The aim of the paper is to present statistical data on the occurrence of occupational diseases among healthcare and social workers in Poland in 2009–2016. Material and Methods All cards certifying that a case of occupational disease had been diagnosed in a patient belonging to this occupational group, received by the Central Register of Occupational Diseases, served as the basis of the study. Data is presented in absolute numbers and incidence rates. In the analysis, disease categories, voivodships and occupations were taken into account. Results In 2009–2016, as many as 1462 cases of occupational diseases were diagnosed for healthcare workers. In 2016, the number of cases was 42.6% lower than in 2009. Mean annual incidence rate in these years was 26.3 cases per 100 thousand workers. The most frequent were: infectious and parasitic diseases (64.8% of cases), peripheral nervous system diseases (9.6%), dermal diseases (8.9%), locomotor (8.3%), and chronic vocal organ disorders (3.2%). Among infectious or parasitic diseases, the most cases were viral hepatitis (56%) and tuberculosis (39%). Almost every second case of occupational disease in healthcare workers was detected in the nurses (47.8%). Conclusions The incidence of occupational diseases in total and in the most frequent categories continued to decrease. One of the reasons for the decline is the improvement of working conditions resulting from the application of more modern instruments and apparatus as well as greater knowledge of the risks and the use of appropriate procedures. Med Pr 2018;69(5)
Wstęp Celem pracy jest przedstawienie danych statystycznych dotyczących występowania chorób zawodowych wśród pracowników ochrony zdrowia i pomocy społecznej w latach 2009–2016. Materiał i metody Podstawą opracowania były wszystkie karty stwierdzenia choroby zawodowej dotyczące tej grupy pracowników, które wpłynęły do Centralnego Rejestru Chorób Zawodowych. Dane przedstawiono w liczbach bezwzględnych oraz współczynnikach zapadalności. W analizie uwzględniono stwierdzone u opisywanej grupy jednostki chorobowe, województwa, z których pochodzili pracownicy, i zawody badanych. Wyniki W latach 2009–2016 stwierdzono 1462 chorób u pracowników ochrony zdrowia i pomocy społecznej. W 2016 r. liczba przypadków była o 42,6% mniejsza niż w 2009 roku. Średni roczny współczynnik zapadalności w tych latach wynosił 26,3 przypadków na 100 tys. zatrudnionych. Najczęściej rozpoznawane były choroby zakaźne i pasożytnicze (64,8%), a następnie choroby obwodowego układu nerwowego (9,6%), choroby skóry (8,9%), choroby narządu ruchu (8,3%) i choroby narządu głosu (3,2%). Pozostałe patologie stanowiły łącznie 5,1%. Wśród chorób zakaźnych lub pasożytniczych najczęściej stwierdzano wirusowe zapalenie wątroby (56%) i gruźlicę (39%). Niemal co drugi przypadek choroby zawodowej u pracowników opieki zdrowotnej dotyczył pielęgniarek (47,8%). Wnioski Zapadalność pracowników ochrony zdrowia i opieki społecznej na choroby zawodowe ogółem i na najczęściej występujące grupy chorób maleje. Jedną z przyczyn spadku jest niewątpliwie poprawa warunków pracy, wynikająca ze stosowania nowocześniejszych przyrządów i aparatury, a także większa wiedza na temat zagrożeń i postępowanie zgodne z odpowiednimi procedurami. Med. Pr. 2018;69(5):531–538
Background The aim of the study is to analyze the epidemiological situation regarding the occurrence of occupational diseases in Poland in 2020 and to define possible directions for recommendations regarding preventive actions. Material and Methods The cases of occupational diseases identified in accordance with the Polish judicial system and reported to the Central Register of Occupational Diseases in 2020 were analyzed. The analysis took into account disease entities, causal factors, gender, age of patients, exposure period, NACE section and territorial differentiation. Data are presented in absolute numbers and incidence rates per 100 000 employed and 100 000 employed persons. Results In 2020, 1850 cases of occupational diseases were diagnosed in Poland (11.5 cases per 100 000 employees). The disease entities with the highest incidence were infectious or parasitic diseases, pneumoconiosis, chronic diseases of the voice organ, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, diseases of the locomotor system and hearing loss. Over 90% of the statements concerned people >45 years of age. Most of the identified occupational diseases arose after at least 10 years of work in exposure to a harmful factor, and 73.9% of cases concerned people with over 20 years of work experience in exposure. Conclusions The epidemiological situation in the field of occupational diseases in our country indicates a disturbing phenomenon, which is the persistence of a high level of pneumoconiosis of hard coal miners. The reflection of the effects of the pandemic in the COVID-19 incidence statistics as an occupational disease in 2020 is small. It is expected that the number of these cases will increase sharply in the coming years.
Wstęp Celem pracy jest analiza sytuacji epidemiologicznej w zakresie występowania chorób zawodowych w Polsce w 2020 r. i wskazanie możliwych kierunków rekomendacji dotyczących działań prewencyjnych. Materiał i metody Przeanalizowano przypadki chorób zawodowych stwierdzonych zgodnie z obowiązującym w Polsce systemem orzeczniczym i zgłaszanych do Centralnego Rejestru Chorób Zawodowych w 2020 r. W analizie uwzględniono jednostki chorobowe, czynniki przyczynowe, płeć, wiek chorych, okres narażenia, sekcję Polskiej Klasyfikacji Działalności i zróżnicowanie terytorialne. Dane przedstawiono w liczbach bezwzględnych oraz współczynnikach zapadalności na 100 000 pracujących i 100 000 zatrudnionych. Wyniki W 2020 r. stwierdzono w Polsce 1850 przypadków chorób zawodowych (11,5 przypadków na 100 000 pracujących). Jednostkami chorobowymi o najwyższej zapadalności były choroby zakaźne lub pasożytnicze, pylice płuc, przewlekłe choroby narządu głosu, choroby obwodowego układu nerwowego, choroby układu ruchu i ubytek słuchu. Ponad 90% stwierdzeń dotyczyło osób >45 r.ż. Większość stwierdzonych chorób zawodowych wystąpiła po min. 10-letnim okresie pracy w narażeniu na czynnik szkodliwy, a 73,9% przypadków dotyczyło osób z ponad 20-letnim stażem pracy w narażeniu. Wnioski Sytuacja epidemiologiczna w zakresie chorób zawodowych w Polsce wskazuje na niepokojące zjawisko, jakim jest utrzymywanie się wysokiego poziomu zapadalności na pylicę płuc u górników węgla kamiennego. Odzwierciedlenie skutków pandemii w statystykach zachorowalności na COVID-19 jako choroby zawodowej w 2020 r. jest niewielkie. Należy się jednak spodziewać, że w kolejnych latach liczba tych przypadków gwałtownie wzrośnie.
Since one of the main mode of the COVID-19 transmission is through close contact with the infected person (<1.5 m distance) and body fluids (saliva, blood, aerosol particles), the dentists have become one of the groups being at most risk of being infected. The aim of this article is to present, based on the research search (publications from the last year 2020 and from the beginning of the current year 2021), the general overview of the situation during the COVID-19 pandemic with regard to patients and dentist as well as supporting personal protection. Authors identified 7 questions related to this topic. They address among others such issues as identification of the COVID-19 patients coming to the dental practice; protection of both the dentist and the patient from infection and a need for guidelines on the scope of emergency dental services during the pandemic. Opinions on the subject, expressed by the experts in the field, including general guidelines were also taken into consideration. In general, based on the literature overview, the COVID-19 pandemic has completely transformed the healthcare system, including dentistry. The identification of the COVID-19 patients coming to the dental practice has become a necessity (including taking epidemiological survey, temperature measurement). Currently, since “the group zero” in significant part has completed the full vaccination process, the health personnel (including dentists) might feel safer. The efficacy of the vaccines is high and provides a certain sense of security.
Phthalates are a family of industrial chemicals that have been used for a variety of purposes. As the potential consequences of human exposure to phthalates have raised concerns in the general population, they have been studied in susceptible subjects such as pregnant women, infants and children. This article aims at evaluating the impact of exposure to phthalates on reproductive outcomes and children health by reviewing most recent published literature. Epidemiological studies focusing on exposure to phthalates and pregnancy outcome, genital development, semen quality, precocious puberty, thyroid function, respiratory symptoms and neurodevelopment in children for the last ten years were identified by a search of the PubMed, Medline, Ebsco, Agricola and Toxnet literature bases. The results from the presented studies suggest that there are strong and rather consistent indications that phthalates increase the risk of allergy and asthma and have an adverse impact on children's neurodevelopment reflected by quality of alertness among girls, decreased (less masculine) composite score in boys and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Results of few studies demonstrate negative associations between phthalate levels commonly experienced by the public and impaired sperm quality (concentration, morphology, motility). Phthalates negatively impact also on gestational age and head circumference; however, the results of the studies were not consistent. In all the reviewed studies, exposure to phthalates adversely affected the level of reproductive hormones (luteinizing hormone, free testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin), anogenital distance and thyroid function. The urinary levels of phthalates were significantly higher in the pubertal gynecomastia group, in serum in girls with premature thelarche and in girls with precocious puberty. Epidemiological studies, in spite of their limitations, suggest that phthalates may affect reproductive outcome and children health. Considering the suggested health effects, more epidemiologic data is urgently needed and, in the meantime, precautionary policies must be implemented.
Background: The aim of the project is to identify the risk of osteoporotic fractures in women aged over 50, the evaluation of FRAX® BMD and FRAX® BMI in women with and without osteoporotic fractures and the proposal of therapeutic starting points for treatment of osteoporosis. Material and Methods: A group of 1014 women aged 50-89, living in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie province, was investigated. The analysis was based on the WHO definition of osteoporosis. Calculations of 10-year absolute risk of major osteoporotic fractures (AR-10 MOF Fx) and femoral neck fractures (AR-10 FN Fx) were done using Polish 3.3 version of FRAX® tool. The analysis of fracture risk employed the logistic regression method. Results: A statistically significant relationship was found between the risk of osteoporotic fractures and age, femoral neck BMD, a history of previous osteoporotic fractures, estimated calcaneal BMD and vertebral column BMD. The differences between 10-year absolute risk of major osteoporotic fractures BMD and BMI was small, which means that FRAX® BMI might be a useful tool for GPs and occupational medicine specialists. Conclusions: A high usefulness of the FRAX® BMI tool for evaluating the risk of major osteoporotic fractures provide a new possibility of identifying women at risk of such events. The mean value of 10-year absolute risk of major osteoporotic fractures for FRAX® BMD and BMI was identified as 10% and 12%, respectively and these values were proposed as therapeutic starting points for treatment of osteoporosis in women living in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie province. Med Pr 2013;64(3):327–333
Wstęp: Celem analizy jest wskazanie czynników ryzyka złamań osteoporotycznych u kobiet powyżej 50. roku życia, ocena wskaźników FRAX® BMD i FRAX® BMI u pacjentek z przebytymi złamaniami osteoporotycznymi i bez nich oraz ustalenie progów terapeutycznych leczenia osteoporozy. Materiał i metody: Badaniem objęto 1014 kobiet w wieku 50-89 lat zamieszkałych na terenie województwa kujawsko-pomorskiego. Analizę przeprowadzono w oparciu o definicję osteoporozy WHO, wykonując badanie densytometryczne kręgosłupa L1-L4 i szyjki kości udowej kończyny strony niedominującej oraz dodatkowo badanie ultrasonograficzne kości piętowej strony niedominującej. Do obliczeń 10-letniego prawdopodobieństwa złamania szyjki kości udowej (AR-10 FN Fx) oraz złamań głównych osteoporotycznych (AR-10 MOF Fx) zastosowano polską wersję 3.3 narzędzia FRAX®. Do analizy ryzyka złamań zastosowano model regresji logistycznej. Wyniki: Ryzyko głównych złamań osteoporotycznych w perspektywie 10 lat jest silnie związane z takimi czynnikami, jak wiek, BMD szyjki kości udowej, przebyte złamanie osteoporotyczne, BMD kości piętowej, BMD kręgosłupa L1-L4. Stwierdzono 2- lub nawet 3-krotnie wyższe ryzyko 10-letnie głównych złamań osteoporotycznych i złamań szyjki kości udowej w porównaniu z ryzykiem u kobiet bez złamań. Analiza średnich wartości 10-letniego ryzyka głównych złamań osteoporotycznych FRAX® BMD i BMI pozwala na zastosowanie narzędzia FRAX® BMI w praktyce lekarza rodzinnego i medycyny pracy. Wnioski: Wysoka użyteczność narzędzia FRAX® BMI w określaniu indywidualnego ryzyka głównych złamań osteoporotycznych daje nowe możliwości preselekcji osób zagrożonych tymi złamaniami. Średnie wartości FRAX® BMD i BMI dla głównych złamań osteoporotycznych u pacjentek (odpowiednio: 10% i 12%) mogą stanowić próg terapeutyczny (interwencji farmakologicznej) dla kobiet z woj. kujawsko-pomorskiego. Med. Pr. 2013;64(3):327–333
Objectives: To estimate the burden of disease attributable to second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure in Polish children in terms of the number of deaths and disability adjusted life years (DALYs) due to lower respiratory infections (LRI), otitis media (OM), asthma, low birth weight (LBW) and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Materials and Methods: Estimates of SHS exposure in children and in pregnant women as well as information concerning maternal smoking were derived from a national survey, the Global Youth Tobacco Survey, and the Global Adult Tobacco Survey in Poland. Mortality data (LRI, OM, asthma, and SIDS), the number of cases (LBW), and population data were obtained from national statistics (year 2010), and DALYs came from the WHO (year 2004). The burden of disease due to SHS was calculated by multiplying the total burden of a specific health outcome (deaths or DALYs) by a population attributable fraction. Results: Using two estimates of SHS exposure in children: 48% and 60%, at least 12 and 14 deaths from LRI in children aged up to 2 years were attributed to SHS, for the two exposure scenarios, respectively. The highest burden of DALYs was for asthma in children aged up to 15 years: 2412, and 2970 DALYs, for the two exposure scenarios, respectively. For LRI, 419 and 500 DALYs, and for OM, 61 and 77 DALYs were attributed to SHS, for the two exposure scenarios, respectively. Between 13% and 27% of SIDS cases and between 3% and 16% of the cases of LBW at term were attributed to SHS exposure. Conclusions: This study provides a conservative estimate of the public health impact of SHS exposure on Polish children. Lack of comprehensive, up to date health data concerning children, as well as lack of measures that would best reflect actual SHS exposure are major limitations of the study, likely to underestimate the burden of disease.
Maternal active and passive smoking and low or moderate alcohol drinking during pregnancy, taking into account the level of exposure and developmental or behavioral outcomes, are recognized as a significant issue from both a clinical and a public health perspective. The article aims at evaluating the impact of prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke constituents and low or moderate alcohol drinking during pregnancy on children neurodevelopment by reviewing the most recently published literature. Relevant studies were identified by searching the Pubmed, Medline and Ebsco literature databases. This review is restricted to 29 human studies published in English in peer reviewed journals since 2006. The studies published recently continued to show some relationship between tobacco smoke exposure, from active and passive maternal smoking during pregnancy, and children’s psychomotor development independent of other variables, but this relationship is not straightforward. The association is mostly consistent for measures of academic achievements and behavioral problems which require further attention. The results of the studies on low or moderate exposure to alcohol are not fully conclusive, but some of them suggest that consumption of alcohol during pregnancy may adversely affect children’s intelligence quotient (IQ), mental health, memory and verbal or visual performance. As the reviewed studies indicate, maternal lifestyle during pregnancy like alcohol drinking or smoking may affect children neurodevelopment. All effort should be taken to eliminate such exposure to ensure appropriate children’s development.
Objectives The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of phthalate exposure on pregnancy duration and birth outcomes based on the Polish Mother and Child Cohort (REPRO_PL). Material and Methods Phthalate exposure was determined by measuring 11 phthalate metabolites (mono-ethyl phthalate (MEP), mono-iso-butyl phthalate (MiBP), mono-n-butyl phthalate (MnBP), 3OH-mono-n-butyl phthalate (OH-MnBP), mono-benzyl phthalate (MBzP), mono‑ (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP), mono-(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (MEHHP), mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate (MEOHP), mono-hydroxy-iso-nonyl phthalate (MHiNP), mono-oxo-iso-nonyl phthalate (MOiNP), and mono-n-octyl phthalate (MOP)) in the urine collected from 165 mothers during the third trimester of pregnancy by high performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). The following measures at birth were considered: gestational age, birth weight, length as well as head and chest circumference. Results Pregnancy duration was inversely associated with natural log concentrations (μg/g creatinine) of MEP (standardized regression coefficient (β) = –0.2, p = 0.04) after adjustment for a variety of confounders. Significant impact of MOiNP on head circumference (β = –0.1, p = 0.05) was also observed. Conclusions The study findings add further support to the hypothesis that phthalate exposure may be associated with shorter pregnancy duration and a decreased head circumference, and underscore importance of public health interventions to reduce that exposure.
Non-persistent endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are exogenous, man-made substances present in the environment that may interfere with the natural human hormones and may exert adverse consequences on human organism. Endocrinedisrupting chemicals have been suspected to be associated with altered reproductive function in the case of males and females. Environmental endocrine-disrupting non-persistent chemicals like parabens, phthalates, bisphenol A (BPA), synthetic pyrethroids and organophosphate pesticides are found in various products such as metal food cans, plastic bottles, detergents, personal care products or chemicals used for fighting against insects. The widespread distribution of these chemicals causes that humans are permanently exposed through multiple sources. The aim of this review is to summarize data linking non-persistent endocrine-disrupting chemicals exposure, and human, male reproductive hormones levels. The included studies were selected by searched PubMed, Web of Science and MEDLINE, original papers published from 2006 to 2016 and referring to human data were included to the review. The results of reviewed studies were not consistent, however, majority of the studies indicated that non-persistent EDCs may affect male reproductive hormones levels. Most findings suggest that exposure to environmental EDCs is negatively related to the level of testosterone (except for exposure to BPA which is positively associated). In most of the studies negative association was found between exposure to examined EDCs and free androgen index, too. Considering the suggested health effect of exposure to EDCs, more epidemiological data is needed. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2018;31(5):551–573
Attention-defi cit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in children. Although the mechanisms that lead to the development of ADHD remain unclear, genetic and environmental factors have been implicated. These include heavy metals and chemical exposures, nutritional and lifestyle/psychosocial factors. The aim of this review was to investigate the association between ADHD or ADHD-related symptoms and widespread environmental factors such as phthalates, bisphenol A (BPA), tobacco smoke, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polyfl uoroalkyl chemicals (PFCs) and alcohol. Medline, PubMed and Ebsco search was performed to identify the studies which analyze the association of prenatal and postnatal child exposure to environmental toxicants and lifestyle factors and ADHD or ADHD-related symptoms. The review is restricted to human studies published since 2000 in English in peer reviewed journals. Despite much research has been done on the association between environmental risk factors and ADHD or ADHD symptoms, results are not consistent. Most studies in this fi eld, focused on exposure to tobacco smoke, found an association between that exposure and ADHD and ADHD symptoms. On the other hand, the impact of phthalates, BPA, PFCs, PAHs and alcohol is less frequently investigated and does not allow a fi rm conclusion regarding the association with the outcomes of interest.
Nowadays a special attention is focused on prenatal and childhood exposures to a variety of contaminants in the environment, especially toxicants widely present in the environment and their impact on children's health and neurodevelopment. This article aims at evaluating the impact of exposure to several widespread toxicants including: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phthalates, bisphenol A, brominated flame retardants and gas cooking on children's cognitive development and behavioral problems by reviewing most recent published literature. Epidemiological studies focusing on exposure to widespread toxicants and children's development for the last eleven years were identified by a search of the PubMed, Medline, Ebsco and Toxnet literature bases. The combination of following key words was used: 1) referring to the exposure: pregnancy, prenatal exposure, postnatal exposure, gas cooking, exposure to phthalates, bisphenol A, brominated flame retardants, PAHs and 2) referring to outcome: neurodevelopment, neurobehavior, psychomotor development, behavioral problems, cognitive development, mental health, school achievements, learning abilities. The results from the presented studies suggest that there are strong and rather consistent indications that the developing nervous system is particularly vulnerable to insult from low levels of exposure to widespread environmental contaminants such as: phthalates, bisphenol A, brominated flame retardants, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, gas cooking. Considering the suggested health effects, more epidemiologic data is urgently needed and, in the meantime, precautionary policies must be implemented.
The aim of this review was to investigate the association between attention defi cit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or ADHD- related symptoms and industrial chemicals, such as organophosphates and organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), lead, mercury and manganese. Medline, PubMed and EBSCO searches were performed to identify the studies that analyzed the association of prenatal and postnatal child exposure to such toxicants and ADHD or ADHD-related symptoms. The review is restricted to human studies published in English in peer-reviewed journals since 2000. Most of the presented studies focused on pesticides, PCB and lead. The impact of mercury and manganese was investigated less frequently. The fi ndings indicate that children’s exposure to organophosphate pesticides may cause symptoms consistent with pervasive developmental disorder, ADHD or attention problems. Exposures to organochlorine pesticides and PCBs were associated with ADHD-like behaviors such as alertness, quality of alert response, and cost of attention. The studies provided evidence that blood lead level below 10 μg/dl was associated with ADHD or ADHD-related symptoms. Information on the association between exposure to mercury and neurotoxicity is limited, and requires further confi rmation in future research. Two studies indicated that exposure to manganese is related to ADHD; such exposure and its impact on children neurodevelopment need to be further investigated. Future studies should use a prospective design with multiple biological samples collected over time for better assessment of exposure and its critical windows. Additionally, inclusion of potential confounding factors and co-exposures is crucial.
In this article the authors attempted to analyze the arguments for considering diabetes as a work-related disease. An overview of literature has been done out of articles published in the years 1980–2016, with the use of combination of key words referring to employment, workplace, and diabetes. The PubMed database was the source of data. The authors indicate that the following arguments are in favor of diabetes being recognized as a work-related disease: diabetes is not an occupational disease, it is not directly related to the work environment or the way the work is performed, but there are observed adverse effects of occupational work-related nuisances, such as night shift work, long work hours, job strain or workplace standing time, which influence its development and course. The number of publications on diabetes, including the problem of occupational work is comparable to the number of analogous publications concerning work-related diseases such as hypertension or ischemic heart disease. Moreover, some aspects of professional activity and diabetes were also included in clinical recommendations for the workplace, which is uncommon in the case of other diseases, even those generally recognized as work-related. Data from medical references, indicating the effectiveness of workplace interventions aimed at preventing diabetes development and/or worsening of its course should be considered as an argument for the inclusion of diabetes into the group of work-related diseases. This should also support the need for further research and practical actions aimed at preventing diabetes at the workplace. Med Pr 2017;68(5):667–675
W artykule autorzy podjęli próbę analizy argumentów przemawiających za włączeniem cukrzycy do grupy chorób pośrednio związanych z pracą. Przeprowadzono przegląd literatury spośród artykułów opublikowanych w latach 1980–2016 w języku angielskim, w którym wykorzystano kombinacje słów kluczowych związanych z pracą zawodową i cukrzycą. Źródłem danych była baza PubMed. Autorzy wskazują, że za uznaniem cukrzycy za chorobę pośrednio związaną z pracą przemawia spełnienie warunków jej definicji: cukrzyca nie należy do chorób zawodowych, nie jest bezpośrednio związana ze środowiskiem pracy lub sposobem jej wykonywania, ale obserwowany jest niekorzystny wpływ na jej rozwój lub przebieg określonych uciążliwości zawodowych (w tym przypadku zmianowej pracy nocnej, wydłużonego czasu pracy, stresu zawodowego czy długotrwałej pracy siedzącej). Liczba publikacji poświęconych cukrzycy, w których uwzględniono problem pracy zawodowej, jest porównywalna z liczbą analogicznych publikacji dotyczących chorób uznanych za związane z pracą, jak nadciśnienie tętnicze czy choroba niedokrwienna serca. Aspekty aktywności zawodowej zostały uwzględnione ponadto w zaleceniach klinicznych dotyczących postępowania wobec chorych na cukrzycę, co jest niespotykane w innych tego typu standardach, nawet w przypadku chorób powszechnie uznanych za związane z pracą. Argumentem przemawiającym za włączeniem cukrzycy do grupy chorób pośrednio związanych z pracą, potwierdzającym jednocześnie potrzebę dalszych badań i praktycznych działań ukierunkowanych na prewencję cukrzycy w miejscu pracy, są także dane z piśmiennictwa, które wskazują na skuteczność interwencji w miejscu pracy ukierunkowanej na zapobieganie cukrzycy lub pogorszenia jej przebiegu. Med. Pr. 2017;68(5):667–675
Background: The growing incidence of caries at all ages groups, justifies the need of constant search for effective methods of preventing, also in the context of the assessment of the impact of occupational agent. The research hypothesis assumed that due to the specificity of the profession, students of the gastronomic school have forced, additional contact with food. Thus it might be difficult for them students to maintain proper oral hygiene and, consequently, increase the incidence of tooth decay. Material and Methods: The study group comprised 109 men: 55 students of a gastronomic technical school (GA) and for comparison 54 students of an electrical and IT technical school (E-I), whose vocational education was completely unrelated to food processing. The study was performed at 2 stages (at the beginning and after 3 years of practical vocational training) and comprised of 2 parts: a dental examination and a questionnaire examination (assessment of individual oral hygiene, preferred food products and sources of knowledge about nutrition). Results: After 3 years of observation, a higher, statistically significant, increase in the number of people with caries (P > 0) was observed in the group of students from the E-I school. The analysis of the sources of knowledge on healthy eating and oral hygiene showed that after 3 years of practical vocational training, the main source of knowledge for GA students was school and the Internet, for E-I students the internet and the family. Conclusions: The smaller increase in the incidence of tooth decay in the group of GA might probably be associated with the theoretical and practical teaching of food and nutrition in the school. Therefore, the methods of conducting pro-health education on oral hygiene in vocational schools should be improved and the standards of medical conduct during obligatory preventive examinations in every student starting their practical vocational training should be extended.
Wstęp: Rosnąca częstość występowania próchnicy zębów u osób w każdym wieku uzasadnia potrzebę ciągłego poszukiwania skutecznych metod zapobiegania jej rozwojowi, także w kontekście oceny oddziaływania szkodliwości zawodowych. Hipoteza badawcza niniejszej pracy zakładała, że uczniowie szkoły gastronomicznej z racji specyfiki zawodu mają wymuszony, dodatkowy kontakt z żywnością, co może utrudniać im utrzymanie prawidłowej higieny jamy ustnej i w konsekwencji zwiększać zachorowalność na próchnicę.Materiał i metody: Grupę badaną stanowiło 109 mężczyzn: 55 uczniów technikum gastronomicznego (GA) oraz dla porównania 54 uczniów technikum elektryczno-informatycznego (E-I), całkowicie niezwiązanego z obróbką żywności. Badanie każdego ucznia, przeprowadzane w 2 etapach (na początku edukacji zawodowej w technikum i po 3 latach praktycznej nauki zawodu), składało się z 2 części – badania stomatologicznego oraz badania kwestionariuszowego (ocena indywidualnej higieny jamy ustnej, preferowanych artykułów spożywczych i źródeł wiedzy na temat żywienia). Wyniki: Po 3 latach obserwacji większy wzrost liczby osób z próchnicą (P > 0) zaobserwowano w grupie E-I (różnica istotna statystycznie). W grupie GA wzrost liczby osób z próchnicą był nieistotny statystycznie. Analiza źródeł wiedzy na temat zdrowego odżywiania i higieny jamy ustnej wykazała, że po 3 latach praktycznej nauki zawodu dla uczniów GA głównym źródłem wiedzy stała się szkoła i uzupełniająco internet, a dla uczniów E-I – przede wszystkim internet, a dodatkowo rodzina.Wnioski: Mniejszy przyrost częstości występowania próchnicy w grupie GA należy wiązać z realizowaną w szkole teoretyczną i praktyczną nauką na temat żywności oraz żywienia. Dlatego należy udoskonalać metody prowadzenia edukacji prozdrowotnej dotyczącej higieny jamy ustnej w szkołach zawodowych i poszerzyć standardy postępowania lekarskiego podczas obligatoryjnych badań profilaktycznych u każdego ucznia rozpoczynającego praktyczną naukę zawodu.
Background The unexpected outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has led huge impact on health and safety of employees. Although now the epidemiological situation has improved, but it remains a challenge, especially in light of the emergence of new threats. The aim of the work is to present an epidemiological analysis of data on COVID-19 as an occupational disease in Poland. Material and Methods The analysis covered all cases of occupational diseases sent by state sanitary inspectors to the Central Register of Occupational Diseases. The years 2020–2022 and such available data as: age, gender, activities and territorial differentiation were analyzed. The data were presented as absolute numbers and incidence rates per 100 000 employed persons and for healthcare workers also per 100 000 persons authorized to practice. Results In the period 2020–2022 in Poland 7030 diseases recognized as occupational diseases were recorded, of which almost half were infectious diseases (47%). Among infectious diseases, dominated COVID-19 in number of 2059 cases. In this period 98.6% of all cases of COVID-19 were concentrated in the health care and social activities. According to workplaces, most diseases were caused by working in hospitals – 1825 cases (88.6% of all COVID-19 cases in the healthcare workers). Most cases concerned nurses – 1355 cases (65,8%) and doctors – 212 cases (10,3%). The incidence of COVID-19 in the group of physicians per 10 000 persons entitled to practice ranged from 2.6 in 2020 to 68.3 in 2022, while among nurses and midwives the rates were 7.9 and 194.9, respectively. Conclusions The COVID-19 pandemic changed the picture of occupational diseases in Poland. Therefore, it is very important to understand the key contributions of people working in environments where workers are at increased risk of contracting COVID-19 due to the nature of their work, and to promote the recognition of COVID-19 as an occupational disease.
”Long-COVID” is described as long-term effects of SARS‑ CoV‑2 infection that last >4 weeks after the acutephase of infection. The aim of this narrative reviews to evaluate the frequency of occurrence of 3 symptoms often observed in Long-COVID, i.e., chronic fatigue, shortness of breath and cough, and whether comorbidities such as diabetes and arterial hypertension increase the risk of complications after a history of SARS‑ CoV‑2 infection. The method of narrative review was used in this paper. PubMed (May 31, 2021) search was performed to retrieve articles concerning the occurrence of long COVID-19 chronic fatigue, dyspnoea and chronic cough. Studies in which the observation period was <30 days and the average age of subjects exceeded 60 years, as well as studies with no information on the methodology used, in particular without the method of recruiting people for the study, were excluded. Populations with a high frequency of diabetes were defined as the prevalence >10%, and in the case of arterial hypertension >40%. The average frequency of diabetes <10%, hypertension 40%. It can be concluded that in the period of >30 days after discharge from the hospital, in populations with a high incidence of diabetes and hypertension, the incidence of chronic fatigue and cough was higher than in the other analyzed groups. Symptoms of dyspnea were most frequently reported in populations with high rates of diabetes, but at the same time in the average percentage of people with arterial hypertension. Persistent symptoms specific to “Long-COVID” can significantly reduce the ability to perform work. In this situation, check-ups performed before returning to work after long-term leave tape on a new dimension.
Long-COVID (długo utrzymujący się COVID-19) lub post-COVID syndrome (PCS) to dolegliwości związane z infekcją wirusem SARS‑ CoV‑2 utrzymujące się >4 tygodni od wystąpienia pierwszych objawów. Celem niniejszego przeglądu narracyjnego była odpowiedź na pytanie, jaka jest skala występowania 3 często manifestujących się w long-COVID objawów, tj. przewlekłego zmęczenia, duszności i kaszlu, oraz czy takie choroby współistniejące jak cukrzyca i nadciśnienie tętnicze zwiększają ryzyko powikłań po przebytej infekcji SARS‑ CoV‑2. W pracy zastosowano metodę przeglądu narracyjnego. Artykuły dotyczące występowania objawów long-COVID-19 wyszukano w bazie PubMed (31 maja 2021 r.). Wyłączono badania, w których okres obserwacji był <30 dni oraz średnia wieku badanych przekraczała 60. r.ż., oraz te, w których nie podano informacji o zastosowanej metodologii, a w szczególności o sposobie rekrutacji uczestników. Za wysoką częstość występowania cukrzycy przyjęto wartości >10%, a nadciśnienia tętniczego >40%. Za średnią częstość występowania cukrzycy przyjęto wartości <10%, a nadciśnienia tętniczego <40%. Na podstawie powyższych danych można wnioskować, że w okresie >30 dni od wypisu ze szpitala w populacjach obciążonych wysoką częstością cukrzycy i nadciśnienia tętniczego przewlekłe zmęczenie i kaszel występowały częściej niż w pozostałych analizowanych grupach. Najczęściej występującą duszność stwierdzono w populacjach o wysokiej częstości cukrzycy i średniej częstości nadciśnienia tętniczego. Utrzymujące się objawy charakterystyczne dla long-COVID mogą znacząco ograniczać możliwość wykonywania pracy. W tej sytuacji badania kontrolne wykonywane przed powrotem do pracy po długotrwałym zwolnieniu nabierają nowego wymiaru.
Introduction: It is still uncertain if having at least moderate physical fitness is a necessary and sufficient condition for lowering the risk of death. The aforementioned statement constituted the basis for undertaking the study concerning the effect of particular health-related behaviours on the likelihood of survival in subjects with a moderate and high physical fitness. Materials and Methods: The study sample, i.e. 204 men aged 30-59 years living in Łódź, Poland, was selected within the CINDI WHO Programme and examined over the years 1980-1990 and 2003-2004. In each subject approximate values of one week energy expenditures associated with performing physical exercise of at least moderate intensity (> 1000 kcal/week) were estimated. Physical efficiency in the study group was evaluated basing on the results of the submaximal effort test. Information about selected socio-demographic characteristics, consumption of alcohol, cigarette smoking and diet was gathered. The vital status of the examined sample was checked in 2009. The Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to identify factors which influence the survival of examined population. Results: The probability of death was more than fourfold higher in the case of individuals who eat "beef or pork meat", as compared to those who consumed these products rarely or never. On the other hand, the subjects who declared regular consumption of yellow cheese had nearly fourfold lower death probability. Current smoking was found to be a significant negative risk factor while moderate consumption of beer a protective one. The level of physical fitness ($\text{V}_\text{O2max}$) did not significantly influence mortality. Conclusions: The results of the performed analyses indicate negative effect associated with consumption of beef/pork meat and smoking. Furthermore, the data pertaining to the consumption of yellow cheese as a potent protective factor for men's health requires further verification. The possibility that it is some lifestyle proxy rather than a causal factor can not be excluded.
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